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paper tiger

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Everything posted by paper tiger

  1. ^ Yeah I briefly left the room and heard he was going to sing 'starlight' so I ran back. Ugh it was bad...I'm assuming they all never heard the original bc the cover was just horrendous and it was just sad. I was shocked that the judges said they liked it. Why did he think that song would suit his style...so not his niche and he admitted he was struggling with it during rehearsal.
  2. About line jumping or people meeting up w friends 5 minutes before doors open... It happens and 9/10 times no one says anything bc it's awkward and no one really wants to start shit while waiting in line in fear of being kicked out for starting something. It happened at one of the gigs I went to. All the people who were within the first 50 people had been waiting for 7+ hours, the 2 people ahead of me were there waiting for hours, and then 5 of his friends show up moments before doors open. Trust me it's annoying, and frustrating especially when you waited over 7 hours outside. No one said anything, but the couple in front of me weren't too pleased. If you are going to be expecting some people moments before doors open at the very least let those around you know so you can seem less of a douche. I don't care at all if it's one,,,maybe two that show up but when it's more that pop up out of nowhere it's really annoying.
  3. :dance:woohoo!

  4. Seth!! They are going to be in ATL on the 6th of April! A free festival!!

  5. Yay that's good!

  6. Hell yeah! Hope your cat is doing well btw.

  7. lol Matt was about to tell someone in an interview. Even if he did blurt something out I wouldn't trust his word, bc during the TR tour he told some people that they were gong to have a Tampa show and they never did. In fact they skipped over FL entirely so it's better he didn't say anything. Also why are we assuming not Atlanta show? They toured for quite some time during the TR era. Don;t see why they;d cut this tour so short.
  8. I was at two gigs and Matt stopped short of me both times during his hand shaking rounds he was like 2 inches away from me! -shakes fist- oh well, the gig was still epic, and I will say he is quite handsome in person.
  9. holy shit. I went to both, tampa and Orlando gig. Insane. Seriously if they have an Atlanta gig in the Fall we need to go!

  10. Aww bummer well I'll rock out twice as hard on your behalf. Hope your kitten will be okay and has a safe recovery.

  11. Hey Seth just letting you know I'm going to the Orlando show. I sold my tampa ticket last year and then this year I was regretting it and then tried to by a Tampa ticket again but they're sold out! So Orlando it is. Guess ill see you there. I'm so pissed at myself though! I've never been to the Orlando arena but I have been to shows in Orlando (at HOB)before and have never liked Orlando crowds but oh well. Muser crowds should hopefully be the exception.

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