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paper tiger

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Everything posted by paper tiger

  1. well since this thread is here. a week ago? or maybe it was just a few days ago? either way my dream: i was in some library and matt was stalking me as i picked out books.
  2. yeah why would anyone sit at a concert? i remember back in 99 or '00 when i was in middle school i went to a bsb concert w/ my friends. the lady behind us said "could you guys not stand during the show, my daughter won't be able to see too well" seriously we just ignored her and enjoyed the show. ..the nerve of people to assume we should sit on our asses when we pay over $40 for a ticket to ENJOY the show.
  3. ugh that is irritating. whenever you're at the side where the lead singer is people just freak the fuck out! I ended up in the center 2nd row at the mcr/muse gig. I regretted that very quickly forgetting that is exactly the spot where gerard performs on stage. I was elbowed, kicked, kneed and pushed throughout most of the show.
  4. i didn't care to check if this has been said before, so if it's repeat stuff...sorry. Don't encourage pushing. Pushing hurts the people up front and some people who aren't ready for it could fall and falling in a crowd is not fun. Pushing will happen, I know, but don't egg it on... If someone falls help them up. Do NOT crowd surf b/c you think it's trust me it is not it's annoying to everyone. Only do it if it's your only way to get out of the pit. If you see a crowd surfer's shoe apporaching someone's head don't be afraid to protect and cushion that persons head or at least forewarn them in some way. It's okay to look out for one another. The person at first may be like but once they realize why you did they will be all and that you saved them from getting a shoe to their head. Do not wear heels/pumps in GA. It would suck if you're jumping and the spike of your heel stabs someone's foot. yeah and do not wear flip-flops either. p.s. get there at a decent time if you want a good spot in GA. don't expect to get there 30 minutes before the show starts and think it's okay to push your way to the front. and last but not least...have fun! and look out for one another. they'll stay on your head, I promise! unless you get involved in moshing then there will be a huge chance they'll fly off.
  5. I can imagine! yay! Ah and then that moment when you get to HOLD the ticket! -sigh-

    omg moooooooose come to FL... lol

  6. I know you got your GA ticket(s). I can sense it!

  7. LOL no I made the mistake I seriously thought your tix sales were @ 1PM EST. :LOL:

  8. okay that last message. look @ it when it's 1:00PM in your time zone (lol).


  9. zomg! i'm rooting for you right now! get those GA tickets girrrrl! :dance:

  10. omg. I was being nosy and looked at your Albums in your Profile. I love the pic w/ you and Chris. Too sweet! P.S. I am totally jealous!

  11. yeah! It's awesome lol. Violets80 made it and I had to have it in my sig!

  12. [ URL=http://www.link.com]Text[/ URL ]

    use that but replace "link.com w/ the link you want to use and then add whatever text you want. Also don't forget to close the spaces where the brackets are so that the link will function properly. :happy:

  13. I see your point. Yeah I guess some people are more strict w/ it. I like having a ticket as well b/c it's a nice souvenir I also do like the idea that paperless tickets stops scalpers from playing their dirty game completely. Ah I'm sure in a few years they'll figure out how to make it more convenient and safer for fans.
  14. I edited my last post, I guess you didn't see it in time But yeah..same last name and same address it's fine. The Miley Cyrus concert did paperless tickets and everything went fine. The only problem was people who were not prepared and that was their fault for not bringing their CC.
  15. actually it's quicker and more organized to get people in. All you need in your hand is your CC and ID. They scan it and let you in. That's all. If you have a seat ticket the will print out a little slip that prints from the CC scanner and the slip has all the seat info. Well I guess it's no longer then when they have to see your ticket and tear or scan your ticket. The part that does take long is the purse search and the waving of that weak wand to detect weapons..lol P.S. If you used someone else's CC? If you have the same last name and same address it's no problem.
  16. No you couldn't. Unless you show up w/ the person who you sold your "ticket" to and make the Credit Card scanner person scan your card.
  17. that totally does suck! Paperless tickets for the win. Seriously bands need to start doing this NOW! It ensures the actual fans will get tickets and scalpers absolutely cannot do shit like that.
  18. aha! i found a pic. go to my user profile and you'll see my new user pic. is it fitting? maybe a bit too gentle, eh?

  19. haha but lady gaga is fierce enough.


    hmm, maybe i should put a cute kitten instead.

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