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I can't believe its been a year. I remember it was just before TR came out that I first started to become obsessive very fond of Muse :thumbsup:



I loved it when I first heard it- especially the drums in it. But it got so overplayed on the radio after it was released that I'm sort of sick of it :( It looks kickass live, though :awesome:



Still love it :thumbsup:


Undisclosed Desires

Another song that succumbed to the evilness of being way too overplayed by the radio/tv. Which is sad, because I adored UD when I first heard it. I can just remember writing down the lyrics to it as I listened to it, and I loved the keytar in it as well


United States of Eurasia

I remember instantly loving this, that very first time I ever heard it :happy: The strings + piano 'Arabian-sounding' bit, in particular :cool: Truly epic. Collateral Damage = <3


Guiding Light

A while after TR came out, I started to feel a bit disloyal to Muse because I hardly ever listened to Guiding Light. It was my least favourite song on the album. After a while on the boards here, it became clear pretty quickly that I wasn't the only one with this opinion :LOL:

I've recently decided that I'll try and listen to it more :thumbsup:


Unnatural Selection

Loved it then, love it now


MK Ultra


Absolutely awesome. Looks like it'd be a great live track, too.


I Belong To You

I used to love this when it came out! I remember listening to it all the time, but for some reason I've found myself not really listening to it much anymore. Weird :wtf: , because I still like it. Mon Coeur Souvre A Ta Voix = WIN.

edit: Oh, and the New Moon remix is absolutely shockingly afwul. Stupid saga ruined a beautiful song. I saw a funny comment on the youtube video of this remix, and someone said something like "its as though they screwed it up on purpose, just because it'll go into a twilight film" :LOL:


Exogenesis: Symphony

Part 1 (Overture)

Adore it. I remember looking up the lyrics a while ago, and just going "ooooh, right! I get it now!" :LOL: But yeah- a fantastic start to a fantastic symphony


Part 2 (Cross-Pollination)

Amazing. Inspiring. Awesome. I could go on.


Part 3 (Redemption)


I tought myself this on piano. Absolutely beautiful :happy:


My overall album placings (not definite) :

1) Black Holes & Revelations

2) Origin of Symmetry

3) Absolution

4) Showbiz or The Resistance can't pick a particular one/dont want to have a specific album last

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Weak track, 5/10



Reasonable but too repetitive, 7/10


Undisclosed Desires

Worst Muse song ever, 2/10


United States of Eurasia

Excellent stuff, out of the box thinking, pity about the Queen refs, 8.5/10


Guiding Light

Not great, but got a great solo and is too strongly mocked IMO, 6.5/10


Unnatural Selection

Nice song, would have been better without the metal-attempt at copying New Born, 7.5/10


MK Ultra

Nice and simple, effective, 8/10


I Belong To You

Sheer genius, totally unexpected, even though the style isn't totally my preference I love the originality, 8.5/10


Exogenesis: Symphony

Part 1 (Overture)

Best part of Exo by miles, a reference to the days Muse were still the best band in the world, one of the best songs they ever made, 9.5/10


Part 2 (Cross-Pollination)

Very interesting bit, close second after Exo 1 for me, 9/10


Part 3 (Redemption)

Boring and repetitive, emotion doesn't come out too well, 7/10


Exo as a whole would be 9/10 for me though, because it works so well. Comparing this with my initial impression, only Unnatural Selection and MK Ultra lost some points, the rest has been stationary since the initial release.


Just to follow on the above post, my overall album placings:

1) Origin of Symmetry

2) Showbiz

3) Absolution/The Resistance

5) Black Holes & Revelations

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Last year, September 14th - The resistance


This year, september 14th - Halo Reach. haha.


It sure hasn't aged well.

I remember hearing uprising for the first, man that was a rush. I do love that song

I have grown to hate Resistance (song)

UD is quite boring but my girlfriend just started to love it only recently

I never liked USoE, not a single day.

Guiding Light is the worst muse song ever

Unnatural selection is really tame (boring) on the album, but great live.

Mk Ultra is still fucking awesome and I hope they do more of this

I belong to you is gross

Exogenesis is obviously perfect.


More or less what Tunavi said


I was pretty disappointed when I first heard it and that has not changed much. Evrryone else seemed to be raving about it and I was just thinking :confused:


Uprising - kind of fun and a blast to sing along to live, but not exactly a work of genius

Resistance - - verses OK, bridge irritates me ('could be wrong' bit) and not so keen on the chorus. I like elements of the music but only average overall.

UD - meh OK I suppose, but hardly 'Muse' for me.

USoE - cannot sum up how much I dislike this. The first couple of times I tried to listen to it I had to switch it off half way through because I just couldn't bear it. Pompous ott Queen parody.

Guiding Light - awful tedious dirge - way too much cheese.

Unnatural Selection - I like the throwback guitar riff, but the bridge gets on my nerves (something to do with the lyrics rhyming ocean and commotion). Still one of the better tracks for me.

Mk Ultra - quite like it - loved it live at Birmingham NIA last November

IBTY - not keen - extra extra cheesy.

Exogenesis - part 1 is far and away my favourite track on the entire album. I also like parts 2 and 3 and if it wasn't for Exogenesis as a whole I would think the album a bit of a stinker.


So, definitely my least favourite Muse album. Even the tracks I like don't come up to the standard of earlier songs - in my view of course. This is all so subjective.


I have never felt the need to skip tracks when listening to Muse albums before. Never. But I do with TR - I really wish I could like it more :(

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Ah Guiding Light is good now. I know how to enjoy it. My favourite album no doubt. I have loved Muse since New Born first came on Kerrang! TV and if the next album is anything like TR I'll love them for years to come yet.


I'm very thankful to be in the position of being able to contribute in a minor way by helping out the the boards and website and such, it is a joy when I am happy about the quality of music the band keep putting out.

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Ah Guiding Light is good now. I know how to enjoy it. My favourite album no doubt. I have loved Muse since New Born first came on Kerrang! TV and if the next album is anything like TR I'll love them for years to come yet.


I'm very thankful to be in the position of being able to contribute in a minor way by helping out the the boards and website and such, it is a joy when I am happy about the quality of music the band keep putting out.



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Ok, this album has definately grown on me over the year. I wasnt a massive fan of it when it came out, probably had my hopes too high for a return to Absolution/Origin of Symmetry style. But after a while, when i started to appreciate it for what it was, its become a really strong album in my opinion. Obviously it has its low points (Guiding Light and Undisclosed Desries spring to mind...) but it does have some real highlights. Uprising is a really powerful and catchy opening to the album. Resistance is really suited to the arena/stadium environment the band are playing these days without sounding too forced. USoE and IBTY are both returns to form on the piano, although completely different style, its nice to hear the more fun side of Muse on IBTY, something they havent done much before. US and MK Ultra are just brilliant, powerful riffs, catchy lyrics and (particularly MK Ultra) remind me why i liked Muse so much in the first place, something really different to what i normally hear from bands these days. Then of course...Exogenesis. The first part is just stunning, incredible musicianship, beautiful singing from Matt and an epic guitar solo! a real highlight to me, although the other 2 parts seem to lack something in my opinion. It just seems to lose its epic, almost futuristic style of Overture and settle more in to typical Muse ground. Not dissapointing by any means but not what i was hoping for after part 1.


This album really has a lot of high points and rivals the likes of OoS/Absolution in my opinion, so in my opinion one year on this album has lost nothing, and gained a lot!


secondly, the album/cover artwork on this album and in the lyrics book is brilliant. Definately my favourite of any Muse album so far and i really think this adds to my overall enjoyment of the album in general :)

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For me it's certainly not a favourite but it was my first time live, so that might affect it but here goes:


Uprising - 7/10 fun and empowering in some way. A good one when you're in a crowd because you know they'll know it.

Resistance - 8/10 It was my fave off the album at first, I think I've grown out of it a bit now, and it is a bit boring live, but it's beautiful and the "ruuuuun" bit at the end gives me shivers still.

Undisclosed Desires - 6/10 Loved it so much when I first heard it. Then it got realised. Enough said.

USoE - 4/10 was fun live, but apart from that....meh its alright.

Guiding Light - Lol.

Unnatural Selection - 7/10 Fun to sing along and rock out too, could do with being just a bit heavier though but thats what the next one is for...

Mk Ultra - 7/10 I really like it, but I don't love it as much as everyone else does, even though it is quite good - there's just something missing from it for me...

IBTY - 6/10 I like the piano bit, hate the french bit but another fun one for singing.

Exogenesis - 7/10 In a nutshell, its a good try, part 2 is my favourite, but again it just didn't do as much for me as it did for other muse fans. Has certainly grown on me over the year though!!

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A fantastic album in my opinion.


Uprising - Superb a real dance track in my opinion, catchy and memorable - 8/10


Resistance - One of my favourites off the album, very Queen-esque and this song features my favourite lyric - sounds amazing live as well with the intro played on guitar 9/10


Undisclosed Desires - I like it this so much because it's so different, nothing Muse have done before, brilliant rhythm and catchy. Also I'm a lover of slap bass so it does it for me - 9/10


United States of Eurasia - A really strong track, another Queen-esque song, and one that's brilliant live - 8/10


Guiding Light - Can't understand why people don't like it, but each to their own, but another of my favourites without a doubt, fantastic drum beat and bass, and Matt's vocals are certainly on form on this song- a live favourite of mine as well - 9/10


Unnatural Selection - Oddly enough a song I just can't get into, listened to it many a time but just doesn't do for me, I find it boring. 6/10


MK Ultra - Catchy, love the 'spidery' guitar, lyrics and fantastic another favourite on the album, shame I didn't get to hear it live :( - 9/10


I Belong to You - slightly better than Unnatural Selection but after 2:11 or so I turn it off, just don't like the French bit, hate to say it but the Twilight mix is better - 7/10


Exogenesis - Works of Art - perfection, showcases the talent these guys have. Overture is brilliant live with the string section on guitar, who needs an orchestra?! What's more, the three songs tell a story, which is what I love about Muse's songs - Cross Polination my favourite out of the three. 10/10



Overall Judgement - 8/10, brilliant album, yes it lacks guitar solos, but it's a different direction taken by the band and it works!

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Uprising - Great opener. Love the dark rhythms and dancey, electronic feel.


Resistance - Not my favorite track, still very strong. I like the eerie synths and the piano. The chorus strikes me as being kind of sad and hopeless.


Undisclosed Desires - A great change of pace after the slow, epic outro of Resistance. Definitely in my top 5 Muse songs, great lyrics and direction


United States of Eurasia - Probably my least favorite song on the album, still a great song though. Their madness really shows on this song. Collateral Damage is haunting and beautiful.


Guiding Light - Highly underrated song. Sure it may not stand out much on its own but it serves its purpose well on the album, a great transition from the first half of the album to the second. Has a very hopeless, tragic feel to it. Some of Matt's best vocals.


Unnatural Selection - Great heavy rock track, love the message and theme.


MK Ultra - Probably my favorite Muse song of all time. This song captures all my favorite aspects of their sound. The synths are incredible. The "woooooooahhhhhhhh" gives me chills every time


I Belong to You - Another one of my favorite Muse songs. Simply genius, makes me wonder if Matt has gone off the deep end. This one is crazy.


Exogenesis - Deep, eerie, spacey, heavy, sad, uplifting. Truly a masterpiece



The Resistance is still my favorite Muse album by a mile, even after a year. Nothing they've done before really measures up.

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"I will ship just about anywhere. For UK it'll be £17" £17!! that's allot :LOL: Forget about the auction for now, how much would you sell it for?


Haha, I might change that actually:LOL: I just remember buying a Muse boxset from England last summer and they charged me £20 for shipping the BH&R box (she even tried to make £30 not even kidding)! But if you know better what it would cost let me know lol.


As for selling it, I don't know what would be too much and what would be too little since I've never seen one sell before. What do you think?;)


EDIT: on my listing I made it £15 for ship and if it ends up costing less than that I can refund the remainder to a Paypal account, I'm not the kind of person who's trying to profit from shipping, I promise.

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Uprising - I probably listen to it the most, and it hasnt aged badly at all for me. Up with the best Muse songs in my opinion.


Resistance - awesome prechorus and intro that I still love. Plus I like the 1984 references. Think it needs to be dropped live in the future.


Undisclosed Desires - loved it at first, and still love it when I hear it. Never really get motivated to listen to it though.


United States of Eurasia - definitely a grower, once you get over the originally cringe at the Queen part this becomes an excellent tune and its even better live. Definitely keep in it for future tours


Guiding Light - its grown on me slightly but Invincible is better.


Unnatural Selection - sounds like Muse trying to do a Muse inspired song? However, the breakdown bit is immense, especially live when its one of the highlights. Rotate with Newborn please.


MK Ultra - awesome tune, and being a rarity has only made it go up in the fans esteem I think. Should be a regular on the next tour though.


I Belong To You - its odd, and I loved it at first. Its age badly for me though.


Exogenesis - when I listen to this its just as well crafted as it was when I first heard it. It'll be a shame if its never played in full. Part 1 on its own seems unnecessary.


Live- Ive liked the tours, and the stages that have been used. Seeing the towers for the first time was probably better than the pyramid! The arena run was letdown by predictable sets (Ruled By Secrecy, Sunburn, Butterflies aside) and the stadium was letdown by the same rarities being played. We all love Citizen Erased and Bliss but they sort of lost the title of rarity.


Final Leg - Regular- Uprising, Resistance, MK Ultra, Starlight, Supermassive Black Hole, Knights, Time is Running Out, Hysteria, Plug in Baby


Leaves about 8 songs to be rotated and played with. I actually feel pretty confident they will, as they did in the SA and final UK gigs in 2008.

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My review of a great album!


Uprising - This was the first track I found myself humming along to after the album came out. A year later and I still love fist pumping along with it when it comes on the radio.


Resistance - Never really enjoyed it altogether, but the piano bits in the beginning make it bearable.


Undisclosed Desires - Forgettable, unfortunately. Love the keytar though!


United States of Eurasia - Love love love it. So much fun to sing along to with a couple of friends. And the ending is so amazingly done.


Guiding Light - Skipskipskip....


Unnatural Selection - Took me a while to get into this song, but now it's one of my favorites. The bit near the end where everything breaks down is just WIN.


MK Ultra - One of the best songs on the album, reminds me of their old stuff with a kick.


I Belong To You - It's alright. The french bits are cool. Not really my kind of song.


Overture - One of my favorite Muse songs. Absolutely stunning. Blast it at night when I'm driving home and just feel completely moved. LOVED it live.


Cross-Pollination - I have beef with this song since Matt is such a pansy and won't play it live. But it still rocks.


Redemption - Ridiculously beautiful. Piano is soooo amazing. *tear* xD


I would say I liked it better than BH&R and Showbiz, but OoS and Absolution still PWN...by a lot. And I probably like SMBH better than any song off of TR, but liked TR better as a whole.

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Actually punched Bellamy in the face for being so rubbish.


that is all haha


Actually nah.


Uprising - Yeh alright... better live.


Resistance - Sweet intro. thats about it... the rest is cheese :(


Undisclosed Desires - wtf muse


United States of Eurasia - Okay... thought the outro was going to be heavy though... woulda been sweeeet


Guiding Light - lol skip. Cheese


Unnatural Selection - Pretty cool, riff is too similar to New Born for my liking, and I tend to skip because of it.


MK ULTRA - Awesome song, the Muse I like.


I Belong to You - ehh not a fan.


Overture - Amazing, non cheesy emotion :D


Cross-Pollination - Least favourite part out of exogenesis. Nevertheless pretty good.


Redemption - One of my favourite Muse songs. Again amazing... thanks to the raw non cheesy emotion.



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Hmm its an okay album, not their best work of course and felt it could be better. Favourite songs on the album are MK Ultra and UD.



I do wish they had given us more songs because although the Exogenesis symphony is brilliant, it is a symphony and not a track (if that makes sense) it feels like the album isn't complete :$

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Hmm its an okay album, not their best work of course and felt it could be better. Favourite songs on the album are MK Ultra and UD.



I do wish they had given us more songs because although the Exogenesis symphony is brilliant, it is a symphony and not a track (if that makes sense) it feels like the album isn't complete :$


I agree, it didn't feel that complete to me either. And the lack of guitar used was a disappointment to me since it was Muse that inspired me to learn guitar in the first place

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I do wish they had given us more songs because although the Exogenesis symphony is brilliant, it is a symphony and not a track (if that makes sense) it feels like the album isn't complete :$


I thought I was alone in that opinion. Exogenesis seems like something they threw on the end to make it a true "album". Not saying it's bad, it's one of my favourites, but I'd rather they released Exo as an EP and waited until they had more actual songs for the album.

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