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Muse in Rock & Folk Magazine in France (June 2010) - English Translation


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Thank you very much Natalia for the scans and especially Valerie for the translation!


Maybe my voice has frequencies that some people cannot stand (laughter). It all depends on ears size (more laughter).

:LOL: Indeed.... the vocals are usually the main complaint I hear from people that aren't into Muse.


Our fans are hardcore, they have all the albums, singles, bootlegs, buy t-shirts and go to many gigs during the tour. Sometimes I go onto the forums and they keep talking about us, night and day.

Go us. :LOL:


Every time I think to myself that we’ll never be able to split the band.



(pulling a face) For me prog rock is very much linked to the 70s, Pink Floyd, Genensis. I do not like this rock-fusion and I don’t think we’re coming from this. This term “progressive” is not a pejorative one. We do complex arrangements; we like to let our songs get lost in many meanders. But it’s just a terminology applying to songs that are outside of the usual squared 3 minutes ones.

I'm surprised Dom seems to find prog rock distasteful! I mean, I never equated Muse with prog rock either since my perception of it is also similar to Dom's, but I rather like it personally...


I have written songs but I do not think it’s good to make a new Muse album that soon, we need a break.

New songs? :awesome: Can't wait to hear them. :happy:

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Reading a Muse article is like watching films by Truffaut or Kubrick.




:( (inevitable)


MB: Yes I think we would be happy to come back to something simpler. But we’re doing it to test our limits, to see how far and wide we can go. It’s experimentation. But we would be happy to go back to smaller venues.


:dance: (yet again)






end those bs stadium shows already ... bring on the intimate, strip down shows already :)


Ummm... the bit you quoted was them explaining why they loved stadium shows?

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I don't really care to quote anything, but the whole interview made me very happy. I've been kind of confused by them lately and this was somewhat reassuring to me. Chris seems to be more talkative than ever :) Nothing :rolleyes: from Matt either.


I liked what they had to say about playing small gigs and that it still appeals to them. I think they do like the massive ones much better though.

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I don't really care to quote anything, but the whole interview made me very happy. I've been kind of confused by them lately and this was somewhat reassuring to me. Chris seems to be more talkative than ever :) Nothing :rolleyes: from Matt either.


I liked what they had to say about playing small gigs and that it still appeals to them. I think they do like the massive ones much better though.


With gigs like San Siro, why wouldn't they?




I'm not sure how well the synthesised Exo would go though. The strings make the piece, but having said that it would be most risky on Pt 1 and they've done that fine for months now.

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Really nice interview, thanks for posting and the translation.


I liked the bit where Matt talked about the responsibility they feel to fans, that made me feel a bit teary and the bit where Chris said that they'd rather do music for a few who love it than many who think it's okay. Also the part where Matt talks about his distrust of the establishment and established norms as I can relate to that, and the fact that his favourite song on OoS is Space Dementia. I love Space Dementia, I think it's probably my favourite from OoS too. Play it more then!!! :LOL:


As for the venue size, it may seem obvious to say, but as long as the demand for them continues I can't see them doing many smaller concerts. They work hard enough as it is to perform to as many people as possible and smaller venues means more disappointed, ticketless, fans. I get the impression that they mean they are trying this, but they are not banking on it, so if doesn't work out and their popularity reduces, they won't mind playing in smaller venues as smaller venues also have their advantages, and that's a healthy way to approach it I think.


Anyway quite a few bits in there. The interview has made me feel a bit emotional. Love them.


And Matt, don't go and be a junky. It's probably one of those life experiences that it's better to give a miss! :LOL: Just in case he's had a change of heart and is thinking of trying it! :p

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end those bs u2ish/queenish stadium shows already ... bring back those muse intimate, strip down shows ... i miss you, muse :)

Doesn't intimate also mean small venues? That means only about 1/4 of those who wants to go to the gig gets ticket:(.

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Thanks for posting and the translation, nice read:kiss:.


Matt's favourite song off OOS is Space Dementia, why don't they play it then:(, I want to hear it NOW:'(. It my favourite Muse song.

Oh, I missed that.


What can I say? The man has good taste :p


Wonder why they don't play it. Have they rehearsed it? It's not the kinda song you can pick up very quickly as it's kinda technical.

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Thanks for posting Natalia and Valerie for the translation :D Really nice interview :happy:


Every time I think to myself that we’ll never be able to split the band. It brings a kind of responsibility. There is a strong link with our fans and that’s why we’ll never split up after a fight, a bad mood or because one of us would become a junky, because the link is too strong and we have to keep it up. This responsibility is something that keeps us sane, that protects us as well.

The entire interview is great but I really loved this part :happy::happy:

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Lovely interview, thanks Natalia :happy:


quote: Every time I think to myself that we’ll never be able to split the band. It brings a kind of responsibility. There is a strong link with our fans and that’s why we’ll never split up after a fight, a bad mood or because one of us would become a junky, because the link is too strong and we have to keep it up. This responsibility is something that keeps us sane, that protects us as well.


The entire interview is great but I really loved this part :happy::happy:

Love that part too :happy: Some people on this board should read this and stop saying that awful things about Matt :(

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Lovely interview, thanks Natalia :happy:



Love that part too :happy: Some people on this board should read this and stop saying that awful things about Matt :(


That is also one of the things that touches me about Matt. He does very much respect fan support and he does need to be repaid the compliment.

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