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I had a dream they played at my school and we all had to go. Everyone was bored because no one knew who they were except the twilighters who were super excited for SMBH, but it turned out that one of my friends was a massive fan like me so we were screaming and going mad:happy:

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i remember i had a dream a while ago involving Matt. and uh, he was a spy or police man or something like that :awesome: well, there was a fire and Matt was yelling at people "WHO DID THIS?" trying to find out who started the fire :D

and i also had a dream that i was in their concert and during the song (can't remember which one it was) Matt fainted :( this was like a nightmare, because the meaning of it wasn't about Matt, it was about my friend who was sick, just in my dream showing up as Matt.

my dreams usually make no sense and i always forget them, so there probably were a lot more times when i dreamed Muse. :D

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Sunday morning I dreamt that I was able to watch Muse at two different points in time. The 'screen' was split and the left side was the past while the right side was the future. I was trying to figure out which one I wanted to see instead of just watching both at one time.


That's what I get for going to bed late after watching them at SNL and then watching Doctor Who. :LOL:

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A couple nights ago I had a dream that Matt and Dom were getting married (too much time on the lolz :rolleyes:) Dom was the bride and I was his bride's maid. I was helping him pick out his dress. We were standing in this pink room with a 360 mirror thing and Dom was standing there in a pink spedo :eek::LOL:! He then grabbed a bright pink dress off the wall and asked me "Isn't it just to die for!" It had pink kinda poofy thick straps, it cinched at the waist and poofeed out on the bottom. he was so excited about it :facepalm:

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Well.... my MUSE dreams are usually erotic, and involve a certain Mr B ..... lol. But, had a funny one the other night. Dreamt I was receiving text from the guys and I was so proud I was showing my messages to everyone I could. :LOL:


>>>>>>Hoping my daughter doesn't come into this forum now. Lol.

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A couple of nights ago I had a relatively weird one... I was dating Dom but he was barely in it. I spent most of the time snuggling platonically with Matt. Chris had a cameo - he walked by at one point bitching about how PCT isn't nearly as busy as PMT and PDT these days and was threatening to make up a user to change that. :LOL:

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I had such a long Muse dream last night! ..and it sort of made sense! :awesome:


Started out with me and mum in a hotel. at the building next door there just happened to be a tv studio where Muse where apparently performing. so I convinced my mum to let me go and see this TV show, whatever it was. I went in and stood at the side of the audience waiting for it to start. then Dom shows up in his yellow skinnies beside me and said "Can I... have your number?" so I said ":eek: ...YEAH. can I... also have your number? ..and a pic?!" and he said sure :cool:, but he had to go backstage because the show was about to start so he said he would come back during the adverts. watched the show (which at one point had Chris doing circus type stunts on the stage? :LOL:) and like he said, he came back during the adverts. We exchanged numbers but we didn't have time to take the picture yet. so then the show continued. it ended (Muse didn't even perform :LOL:) and then I was in some kitchen place after wards and Dom showed up again. he was wearing the pink skinnies this time, and we hung out for a bit. I remember asking him "Do those pink pants come up a different colour on camera?!" .. :wtf:. and he said "No, they just blind people."

then I finally got to take a picture with him, and then he randomly kissed me on the cheek. (:awesome:)

then the dream changes to where I'm in a queue at a McDonald's drive-in, and when I was about to take my order I realized the person serving me was Matt! :LOL: Even though I didn't meet him at the show thing he said "Hey!.. it's you!" and he asked my for my number :chuckle: suddenly I remembered that Dom didn't have my number (even though he did :wtf:) and I told Matt that he better give that number to Dom. I ordered my Cheeseburger, and when I paid I took a papparazi style photo of him in his McDonald's outfit and drove off :LOL:

When I got back to the hotel (which was for some reason a hospital now) I realized I forgot my phone at the tv studio (even though I had it at the drive-in) and somehow without my phone I could tell that I had missed calls from Dom. So I went into the bathroom and started cursing and got weird looks from the people in there, and then I woke up.

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Guest Sarah-x

random dream, at a gig that wasnt muse, end up backstage meet matt who is really nervous about going on stage, i have to calm him down and he asks me to stay around. go to hotel with muse get very drunk get chatted up by a creapy guy and try and pretend im going out with matt, who then picks me up starts spinning me round as accoriding to him thats what couple do and then dom runs out to throw up cos hes drunk to much and chris has to go find him. then i end up in a street trying to get taxi but cant because they dont allow people dressed as fruit in the taxis! :stunned: very werid dream!

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I've been having half-lucid Muse dreams lately and yesterday was one of the longest ones :happy: Can't remember all of it, but I'll write down what I can recall.


(WARNING: long post ahead :chuckle:)


There was some kind of a youth event and almost an entire hotel (a little and rather cheap one) had been booked for it. I was there with my friends, but on our free day they went somewhere on their own, leaving me behind, because they thought I was wasting my life with all the Muse gigs I'll be going to next year and they were too pissed off at me to talk, so they just went out without me.


I was feeling a bit sad and went downstairs to the lounge to check my mail on the computer. But in the lounge, I recognized someone sitting on the sofa. It was a guitarist and I really admired his skill. (Nope, not Matt, from some rather obscure band that nobody else there knew.) I went up to him, said hi and we talked a bit (after I had finished telling him how cool he is and how I wish I could someday play as good as him :LOL:). He then asked if I wanted to meet some other musicians who happen to be in the hotel. "Yeah, of course," I nodded. So he took me to another lounge thingie and there were Matt and Dom.


I was smiling like a happy loon and went to them. That guitarist I was talking to earlier introduced me to them. "She was ditched by her friends, so maybe you can chat with her a bit and cheer her up," he said, winking his eye. Dom chuckled. "Yeah, no problem, we'll keep her company." I was somehow sitting on the sofa next to him and he put his arm around my shoulders like a buddy. The guitarist left.


We chatted for a while about random things and Dom tried to teach me some drumming patterns - he had his drumsticks with him, of course. He showed me a simple pattern, drumming on his knees, and handed the drumsticks to me. I tried to do the same, but gave up, laughing. He showed me again, but I couldn't do it, so he chuckled and mentioned I fail. "I know, it's kinda hard to drum when you have bad coordination," I agreed.


While we were messing around with the drumsticks (he still tried to teach me, but with no results), Matt was quietly fiddling around with an acoustic guitar, playing Lady GaGa's Bad Romance. He sometimes hummed along a bit.


Then there were some things that I don't remember, and a hazy part where my friends got back and nobody believed I had seen Dom and Matt. They said I had just gone nuts with everything Muse and that they will basically ignore me from now on. Thanks, friends. :indiff:


We were going to see the Phantom of the Opera with everyone at the youth event on the next evening. My friends were still ignoring me and I was starting to think I had made everything up. At the theatre, most people went to sit somewhere towards the middle or the back, but I went to the third row and sat there alone. "Is this seat taken?" someone asked. I looked up and there were Dom and Matt! Chris was sitting with all his kids somewhere nearby and I waved to him. He smiled and waved back, the smallest kid sitting on his lap and tugging at his beard :happy:


Matt and Dom sat next to me, leaving me in the middle. My friends were giving me strange glances from the back, thinking I was "bonding with random strangers". The musical started. Dom was drumming along to everything on the seat in front of him, Matt sometimes sang along a bit, especially the female lead's parts :chuckle: He started doing really dramatic expressions and operatic movements on his seat while Dom and I were choking with laughter. Then we kinda started acting out the entire thing on our seats with Matt as Christine, me as Raoul and Dom as the Phantom. We were kinda fighting with Dom to get Christine, while Matt was pretending to sing and fluff his hair :LOL:


We got thrown out of the threatre for that. Somewhere around that part I started to realize I was in a dream, so I knew I could do random stuff. Dom was suddenly wearing the Phantom's costume, cape and everything. We were in London before, but then we were walking in Paris and ended up on a roof of an old building. I knew it was a dream, so I just stood on the edge, spread my arms and jumped in the air, gliding to the next building. (I do a lot of dream-flying.) Matt followed, wearing his chicken-like gig suit that was flapping around him as he flew :LOL: Dom was swishing with his cape in the air, looking like an overgrown bat (but a very elegant one).


The rest of the dream is kinda hazy. I remember there was some cloudwalking, chilling out in a sunny park... and we ended up looking at funny Finnish videos from Youtube and I had to explaing to them what "perkele" meant :wtf: And then my dad woke me up, asking if I should go to work. Thanks, dad.

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Ah I had a cool but weird dream just before waking this morning. I was sat in a pub by a jukebox with a friend....and Matt Bellamy. He was staring at the jukebox but I felt it necessary to make conversation. "I can't wait to come see you at Wembley next September" I said. "You probably don't care though, but ya know..." but he looked up smiling and genuinely happy at this fact and said "Of course I do! I love it when the fans come to the stadiums. It's like when they all came to the Dolphin! (in the dream this is a stadium in America, in real life it's my local pub :p)" Anywho, we then found ourselves moving tables and I was introduced to the rest of the band. I turned to Dom and Chris and said " I was just saying to Matt I can't wait to come see you...and it's my first time, which is really bad considering I'm 18" - to that, Dom's face went something like >>:stongue:(so apparently he has a thing for 18 year olds :LOL:) and I carried on talking to him, but for some reason Matt wanted my attention again and took hold of my hands (he had very soft ones :LOL:) and started admiring them saying something along the lines of "Qu'es ce vous? Qu'es ce vous?" at my hands, which makes no sense, even in French. Then the phone rang in real life just as he really started flirting with me. And it was the wrong number :indiff:

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[insert long dream here]


:LOL: Phantom of the Opera singing Matt. <3


I get that thing where I know I'm dreaming sometimes as well, and then I can decide what happens :chuckle:it's awesome.


..I dreamt Dom was singing again. :stunned:

I was at some weird school and apparently Dom was in some sort of accident (:() and since he had healed he was doing this big comeback show or something outside the building. So we went outside and there was a random ski - resort there. and Dom was at the top of a huge hill singing Christmas songs. :LOL: (not very well either:chuckle:) there was crowds going the whole way up the hill, and I was at the bottom. Even though Dom couldn't sing everyone was still waving their arms whilst singing along to Winter Wonderland with him, was cute. :happy:

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When I got back to the hotel (which was for some reason a hospital now) I realized I forgot my phone at the tv studio (even though I had it at the drive-in) and somehow without my phone I could tell that I had missed calls from Dom. So I went into the bathroom and started cursing and got weird looks from the people in there, and then I woke up.


This in particular made me :LOL:


I dreamt I snogged Dom a few nights ago :facepalm: but I thought I was a bad kisser because I haven't done it in a while so I stopped... :$

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Ahh! I had an amazing muse dream just last night! I stayed in bed till 12 cause I didn't want to let it go...:erm:


So there was this town on the side of a canadian lake, and on the edge of the lake there was a little cabin, and I knew muse was in there so I knocked on the door, and matt answers the door! (in a red collared shirt)! So he invites me inside and we just start hanging out and it seems like a while passes, and were complete bff'ers (aside from other things) just hanging out in this lakeside cabin. And then my dream took a weird turn, and matt and i were like.. some sort of "chosen ones", and we had to fight, with swords, in the air, but in the end neither of us could beat eachother so we were just collapsed on the ground vowing to never fight again. And Dom and Chris were standing around looking really worried. Then it turned out we were in...rice fields in China. But we headed back to the cabin anyways. :D

Edited by Justine
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Oh, I love this thread :LOL: Here's a spoiler on dreams I thought was especially funny, epic or weird. :p



I had a horrible dream last night! :eek:


A couple of friends and I were all at this house party. I can’t remember all that much but the band were there and I was talking to Chris. I then went into a room and saw my friend was sitting next to Matt who was lying, eyes closed, on a bed. I asked if he was alright but my friend didn’t know.

I put hands on his chest over his heart .... and I couldn’t feel it beating.:stunned:

I freaked and tried to pump his chest like they did in movies, but I didn’t know how to do CPR properly so my friend took over. I left the room and called to my other friend telling her to call medics.

I stood there just praying he’d be okay. My friend came back and told me no medics could come because they were all in exams (:wtf:) I got angry and demanded she call an ambulance.

She said she had but they told her there was ‘no point in coming, if his heart wasn’t beating there wasn’t anything they could do’.

‘So he’s dead?’ I asked in disbelief, my friend nodded. I distinctly remembered hoping it was a dream but knowing in my heart that it was real and crying :supersad:.

I went back into the bedroom and began to sing (:wtf:) Overture and Blackout in memory of Matt. Then, weirdly the whole room begun to sing KoC and during the breakdown, I swear I saw Matt open his eyes…

Then I woke up….:chuckle: the awesome KoC riff brought matty back to life!


ah, had a silly one :chuckle:

dreamt that Matt was trying to make breakfast, and I kept demanding that he make me some boiled eggs. but everytime he tried to cook one, when he opened it it was still uncooked so he had to keep restarting. I got impatient and told him to hurry the fuck up and he got angry and threw a spoon at me and it wacked me on the forehead. then he climbed out my kitchen window. :LOL:.


i dreamt once that i was in a hall waiting for muse to play live.. they come on.. but with no instruments they start dancing round in a circle holding hands and then dom starts playing the bagpipes...:LOL:


Another muse dream.

I was coming back home and opened my bedroom door and matt was there lying on my bed like one of those depressed teenage boys in movies.. I wasnt surprised and sat down at my desk and was doing my homework or something, then matt started to sing 'Don't Stop Me Now' by Queen while accompanying the song with like whistles and clicks in between. I got really irritated and asked him to stop and he just kept on giggling and singing and then i got really angry and chucked a pencil at him. But then he caught it and started tapping it on the window sill. Then he stopped and said, 'take a chill pill, dudette, take a chill pill'. Then Dom appeared and gave Matt this scarf saying he left it at school.




I recently dreamed that I was on a roadtrip with Chris. I don't know what, but we had something really important to do (like save-the-world-proportion kind of thing) and we didn't know where we were going. It was confusing as heck.


The guys always randomly show up in my dreams :LOL: can't remember too much from last night apart from being punched in the face, then a very serious looking Matt was asking me questions in this huge interrigation room as to who punched me, but I couldn't remember, all this other stuff happened and I remember doms hair for some reason. damn, i am making it my mission to remember these dreams better. :chuckle:


At the moment, I'm currently in a lot of rehearsals for a 4th year Director's play at Uni. Recently, I've been getting a bit fed up with it for various reasons, and last night it showed in my dream. In the dream I went mental, screaming at the other actors, hysterically running around stage and crying (for the record, when I say I'm fed up - I'm not THAT fed up, but that's dream for you :p) Anywho, I'm doing this for a while getting out of control when the director finally comes up to me, grabs hold at me and goes "CLAIRE! CALM THE HELL DOWN!!! GO AND SEE MATT BELLAMY!!! NOW!!!!!" So I storm off in a sulk, next the scene changes and I'm outside walking cautiously round a garden shed until I find him, stood there staring into space, with some sort of Buddha like air about him. I calmly talk to him, tell him what's bothering me, he turns silently, blesses my forehead and disappears, leaving me to go back to rehearsals totally calm and apologising for my behaviour. Spirit Matt is awesome :LOL:



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Part 2 :p




I had a dream last night that I went to a muse gig and the whole thing was just Matt and Dom having a dance off :LOL:

People were walking out in disgust :chuckle:


Dreamt I was at my sisters house, and we were sitting on her bed. I had earphones in and Dead Star was playing, then she started randomly singing along so I was like :eek: YOU KNOW THIS SONG?! :awesome: so she was like 'hell yeah!' and we sang along to it. then i was showing her funny muse interviews etc. on her laptop, and the interview we were watching suddenly turned into an msn conversation with Matt :LOL: he was typing really random things like "I like potatoes. big ones!" and me and my sister laughed our asses off at him. even though we didn't have a webcam on or anything, somehow he knew we were laughing at him hysterically and he got pissed off and block me. noooooooooo:LOL:


had a dream about Dom dressed up as a ballerina in a bright hot pink tutu and singing&dancing to TIRO on stage. :awesome:


My god, my dreams are :wtf:

dreamt that me and 2 friends where in some big place with white corridors trying to hide from some evil germ monster. we get caught and some random witch takes us to the top of a balcony.. then out of the middle of nowhere Dom shows up, and he has the ability to fly :LOL: and he flew up to the balcony. by doing so he somehow managed to kill the germ monster and save us. everyone was like 'WOAW:eek:' and he walked away looking all smug :LOL:

..trippy. :stunned:




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Yeah, I can tell you guys about a dream that I wrote down a long time ago, apparently the 16/8-09. It's quite hilarious. :LOL:




I dreamt that Matt asked me if anyone could tattoo notes on his arm, the notes to a song that was a mix between Exo Politics and Hoodoo. I was like "I CAN! :awesome:" though I'd no clue how to tattoo, come on I'd get to touch Matt's skin. :eyebrows:

And he said yes and I got to be with them. :awesome:


The scene switched to a store where I, Matt and Chris went to too buy food. Dom stayed in the car, he was like a stubborn child. :LOL:


We were on tour apparently and I asked them where we were and they said that we were in Helsinki.


Then we went to their hotelroom and there it was a freezer, with glassdoors. Then I had a conversation with Matt :p


Matt: "What's that?"

Me: "A freezer. "

Matt: "With what? :stunned:"

Me (getting annoyed, because you could see what it was in the freezer, it was ketchup and other stuff): "What do you think? Religious beavers? :wtf:" (I have NO idea where I got that from :LOL:)

Matt: "I don't know... *confused* :erm:"

Me: ":facepalm:"


Then were Matt and Chris going to bed and I and a mysterious girl who suddenly popped up gave them each some kind of a frozen blanket. Chris was too tall, so he got a pair of socks as well. :p Then came Dom up in the bed and he were going to sleep there as well, so he kicked me down from the bed and everyone laughed.


It switched to another scene again where Chris said:

"I need some chicken, I'm getting so depressed without my wife. Let's go down to the lobby and get some! :supersad:"

Dom and Matt got ready to go down to the lobby, but Chris stayed with me and then the scene switched AGAIN and suddenly we were in my room and Chris helped me move a heavy bin. Then he find a corner in my room where I had alot of Musestuff and he said it was pretty. :happy: Then Matt popped up and said that he thought it was boring and that he wanted to go down to the lobby NOW.


Matt was pretty childish and impatient the whole dream, but he was apparently hot (reading my notes :LOL:) Dom didn't say anything and Chris was sad and depressed but very kind.


Then I dreamed that I woke up and that I found out that everything was just a dream. The mysterious girl was in a bed next to me and she had dreamed the same thing and we thought of it together.


Then I woke up for real and I laughed, thinking about the "religious beavers" :LOL:



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Yesterday morning, I dreamed that my brother, a friend of his who doesn't exist, David Tennant and I were walking through a beer garden in Matt's backyard when we decided to start walking in lines to music. Then all of a sudden, Unnatural Selection started playing and we started running around each other in circles air drumming to the song. Then I saw a sign that mentioned the 19th of August 2010 so it was a couple of months away (half of my dreams take place in the future) and had something to do with David Tennant's TV roles.

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Yeah, I can tell you guys about a dream that I wrote down a long time ago, apparently the 16/8-09. It's quite hilarious. :LOL:




I dreamt that Matt asked me if anyone could tattoo notes on his arm, the notes to a song that was a mix between Exo Politics and Hoodoo. I was like "I CAN! :awesome:" though I'd no clue how to tattoo, come on I'd get to touch Matt's skin. :eyebrows:

And he said yes and I got to be with them. :awesome:


The scene switched to a store where I, Matt and Chris went to too buy food. Dom stayed in the car, he was like a stubborn child. :LOL:


We were on tour apparently and I asked them where we were and they said that we were in Helsinki.


Then we went to their hotelroom and there it was a freezer, with glassdoors. Then I had a conversation with Matt :p


Matt: "What's that?"

Me: "A freezer. "

Matt: "With what? :stunned:"

Me (getting annoyed, because you could see what it was in the freezer, it was ketchup and other stuff): "What do you think? Religious beavers? :wtf:" (I have NO idea where I got that from :LOL:)

Matt: "I don't know... *confused* :erm:"

Me: ":facepalm:"


Then were Matt and Chris going to bed and I and a mysterious girl who suddenly popped up gave them each some kind of a frozen blanket. Chris was too tall, so he got a pair of socks as well. :p Then came Dom up in the bed and he were going to sleep there as well, so he kicked me down from the bed and everyone laughed.


It switched to another scene again where Chris said:

"I need some chicken, I'm getting so depressed without my wife. Let's go down to the lobby and get some! :supersad:"

Dom and Matt got ready to go down to the lobby, but Chris stayed with me and then the scene switched AGAIN and suddenly we were in my room and Chris helped me move a heavy bin. Then he find a corner in my room where I had alot of Musestuff and he said it was pretty. :happy: Then Matt popped up and said that he thought it was boring and that he wanted to go down to the lobby NOW.


Matt was pretty childish and impatient the whole dream, but he was apparently hot (reading my notes :LOL:) Dom didn't say anything and Chris was sad and depressed but very kind.


Then I dreamed that I woke up and that I found out that everything was just a dream. The mysterious girl was in a bed next to me and she had dreamed the same thing and we thought of it together.


Then I woke up for real and I laughed, thinking about the "religious beavers" :LOL:



religious beaver (i cant put any smileys in my reply, and i LOVE smileys so ill just say that here goes awesome and here goes :LOL: ) and here goes awesome<....i love awesome, and here goes awesome


and here goes :LOL:

i could go on on this smileys thing forever laughing and awesoming at my obssession with them... and here goes awesome and here goes :LOL:


:LOL::lol::LOL::lol::LOL::lol: awesome awesome aweome <-----and here goes :LOL:

and here goes :LOL:


ok! im done with it!.... and here goes :LOL:and here goes awesome...

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Had a dream that Matt offered me a writing job for the band, said the offer would be coming in on Monday, had to crawl over a field of snow to get to him. Later in the dream he was playing a concert, and little kids started flooding past the barriers, so Matt grabs one throws him over the barrier, hops the barrier and begins a battle royale of beating all the small children...it was a beautiful sight to behold

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I've only ever had one Muse related dream and I don't really remember most of it, only that Dom was singing to me with Matt's voice:wtf: and I was wondering why on earth everyone is saying that Dom can't sing:rolleyes: I was like- "His voice is beautiful!" That's it.

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