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I had a dream that Muse were releasing a new EP


There were five tracks, the first being a cover/remix of Lady Gaga's Bad Romance... simply renamed 'Bad'.

The first verse was a random lady signing... second part was Matt singing... and the final part was Matt singing in Italian :wtf:

The next three were new original b-sides :awesome: and the final song was a cover of 'Hollywood' (by the small Aussie band Art vs Science)


I was so psyched at the the prospect of this new EP :D (despite the lady gaga cover) and then I woke up and was disappointed :rolleyes:

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I had a dream the night before I went to see them at Sheffield (I was tres excited cos it was my first time seeing them live). I got there and the gig was in like this tiny little hall thing which looked like the lecture theatre at my school, and I was sat on one side of the stage and all my friends (who don't even like them) were at the other, so they all started yelling at me to come sit with them but I was like 'noooo my ticket says I have to sit here!' and they were like 'but there's no-one else here so you can sit where you like!' Meanwhile Muse have been playing randomly in the background, so then I walked down to the standing bit and Matt was like singing to me, but I can't remember which song it was. :( Then I somehow ended up on stage with him, and all my friends and loads of other random people from my school were jealous. :p


Yeah, cos that's what really happened at Sheffield.. obviously..

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Oh my god!! I dreamt of chris tonight! I was at school, we had english. Chris sat in front of me. Then the teacher turned on "time is running out" and i said to chris:"wow, that's a cool bass line, isn't it?" He agreed. :D Can't remember anything else...except that he was very good looking. :D




Of course he was good looking, he's Chris :rolleyes:


I had a dream about Chris once. We were on a hotel bed, watching Animal Planet till he fell asleep :LOL: He snores, btw :stunned:

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Oh my god!! I dreamt of chris tonight! I was at school, we had english. Chris sat in front of me. Then the teacher turned on "time is running out" and i said to chris:"wow, that's a cool bass line, isn't it?" He agreed. :D Can't remember anything else...except that he was very good looking. :D


Ha, I had a dream that was similar!

Dreamt I was at my old school, in one of the R.E rooms, and I went in and sat down beside my friend. I noticed that Matt was sitting at the back of the classroom looking lonely and i said to my friend "awwwwwwwh. better go say hi" so I went over, and said hi. but he just gave me a look of pure hatred and glared at me as if to say "WTF GTFO NOW KTHNX" so I slowly backed away back to my seat. :LOL:


I've had that dream a few times though, but with different people giving me the look of death. some sort of weird recurring thing.. :erm:

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This morning I dreamt that I went to England for four days and was staying in Teignmouth with Matt's mum. She had a barn full of all these different types of dogs, cats, and chickens and said her son brought them all home to her so she wouldn't be lonely.


Then I was in the Cavern Club and it was as if back when they were first touring the area around Exeter and this girl tries to go up to Matt and he just stands there, feeling sick and he had to go away from her because her talking to him made him nervous to perform on stage.


Then I woke up.

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This morning I dreamt that I went to England for four days and was staying in Teignmouth with Matt's mum. She had a barn full of all these different types of dogs, cats, and chickens and said her son brought them all home to her so she wouldn't be lonely.


Then I was in the Cavern Club and it was as if back when they were first touring the area around Exeter and this girl tries to go up to Matt and he just stands there, feeling sick and he had to go away from her because her talking to him made him nervous to perform on stage.


Then I woke up.


:awesome:---------->*sees username*

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I can never remember my dreams properly anymore. :(

I know there was a bit last night where Muse were on stage, and after they played i walked on stage to say hi, and for some reason Dom had earphones wrapped around his forehead :wtf: and i reeeally wanted to ask him why but I didn't want to sound rude. :LOL:

Then we were all walking somewhere. then I can't remember. Dammit brain! :indiff:

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I had a dream that I won a competition to meet Muse, but the dream started when I was already with them and I was talking to Matt. We had a very long, sparkling conversation (I was far wittier than normal), then I spoke to Dom, but it was fairly briefly (even though in my head I wanted a full conversation with all of them), and with Chris it was even worse, because nothing came out right and I just couldn't talk to him (you know how it is in dreams when everything goes wrong?).

Can't remember much of the rest of it, apart from Matt wearing a green sparkling leotard which had a hood and was missing a sleeve... He started doing that "alien" thing, where you put your arm under your top to make it look like the alien was bursting out of your stomach...


A whole mess of WTF? :LOL:

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I had a dream that I won a competition to meet Muse, but the dream started when I was already with them and I was talking to Matt. We had a very long, sparkling conversation (I was far wittier than normal), then I spoke to Dom, but it was fairly briefly (even though in my head I wanted a full conversation with all of them), and with Chris it was even worse, because nothing came out right and I just couldn't talk to him (you know how it is in dreams when everything goes wrong?).

Can't remember much of the rest of it, apart from Matt wearing a green sparkling leotard which had a hood and was missing a sleeve... He started doing that "alien" thing, where you put your arm under your top to make it look like the alien was bursting out of your stomach...


A whole mess of WTF? :LOL:

lol :LOL:

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I had a dream that I won a competition to meet Muse, but the dream started when I was already with them and I was talking to Matt. We had a very long, sparkling conversation (I was far wittier than normal), then I spoke to Dom, but it was fairly briefly (even though in my head I wanted a full conversation with all of them), and with Chris it was even worse, because nothing came out right and I just couldn't talk to him (you know how it is in dreams when everything goes wrong?).

Can't remember much of the rest of it, apart from Matt wearing a green sparkling leotard which had a hood and was missing a sleeve... He started doing that "alien" thing, where you put your arm under your top to make it look like the alien was bursting out of your stomach...


A whole mess of WTF? :LOL:



I had a weird dream last night, but it was a good one! IT HAD CHRIS IN IT! :dance:


So I was visiting family in Poland (already :wtf::p) and I was driving with my uncle who was Matt (one of my uncles looks like an old Chinese man version of Matt so I guess it wasn't that much of a stretch in my dream state) and a friend of mine named Matt (who looks nothing like Matt Bellamy) to visit my grandparents.


And it was in this huge gigantic forest thing with mist that kinda looked like the state of Vermont, only 102938x bigger with aerial view shots reminiscent of the movie Avatar, except it was in Poland.


Anyway, there were these dinosaur things that looked like Canada Geese, only they were like 4 feet tall walking around that we could get a glimpse of through the trees as we were driving. So after a quick cut to a few hours later we arrived at the parking lot of a diner in Quebec, where the geese came out and they were cool and we got to play with them.


Anyway, Chris happened to be eating at the diner we were at! :dance:

And it turned out his occupation was one of those guys that paint the lines in the road and I got to sit with him. More driving through the crazy awesome forest with giant Canada Geese with Chris!


And at that point a ladybug in real life fell on my head and woke me up. :stunned: Damn ladybugs.

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I had this dream that was about me having a dream... :wtf:

In the dream a vision of Matt looking like a biblical angel or something came to me and said something like "You have wondered why God has set you in the front you are on for far too long... But soon you shall see..." and then he left.


It was one of those WTF dreams. :facepalm:

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I had a dream the other night that I was pregnant and was trying to cross a stream in some woods, but there was nothing I could lay across it to walk over. Matt came from behind me and took my hand and we walked over the water!! There was a couch on the other side and we sat down on it. He took my hand and I asked him is this real and he wouldn't answer me. I need a new psychologist :LOL:

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He looked so cute in his little McD's outfit. :happy:

He didn't appreciate me taking photos of him in it though



I've been trying to remember what Matt said about showers in the interview thing I dreamt the other night- ... I remember him saying "You won't get caught if its someone elses shower though." :wtf::LOL:


That's what she said! :awesome:

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That's what she said! :awesome:


:LOL: <3


k. 2 weird dreams last night.

You know when you get those short dreams where you fall or something and it causes you to wake up and jump? (..just me? :shifty:) anyway, i fell asleep watching a horror film with my friends and dreamt Dom pushed me down this hill on a skateboard and I fell down it so I woke up and jumped, and I scared the crap out of my friends who were concentrating on the horror film. :LOL:


Then when I slept properly, my dream started with me and 2 friends on bikes cycling up a road, and there was a car crash on the road. we somehow get blamed for this crash even though we didn't have anything to do with it, so we get dis-owned by the city or whatever- and I had to live the rest of my life in a crappy caravan. Matt shows up in the caravan and starts rumaging through stuff in the bathroom. I'm like wtf and then he starts talking about how he found a page that had Muse written on it and told me that he likes Muse. so obviously I got confused and then he started telling me about how much he likes himself.

Then next thing he was teaching me how to sing SMBH and I was really crap at the high notes..then I woke up. Damn alarm! :indiff:

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I don't remember much from it, but I had a dream that I was at a Muse show in a small night club. I was sitting very close to the stage, off to the right at a small cocktail table.


Just as the lights started dimming, Matt, Chris and Dom whipped out flutes and started playing jazz. I picked up my martini and raised the glass to them.




why must my muse dreams be on crack?

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I had this dream where i would wake up and find i would have the same talent as Matt and could do everything. The dream ends that Matt isnt well enough 2 do a gig and i fill in 4 him and nail it. I even selected the songs to play!!!

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I had a dream a while ago that I thought was real because I was half dead that morning.

Muse was in my family room, they performed part of resistance, but Matt left out about 2/3 of it, and he was just singing. He didn't have a guitar just a mic.:wtf: , but once he was done he made this cute little yawn and licking sound. I went :happy: and my mom was like :wtf: /:phu: , but the whole time chris was like standing in a desk. Like he could phase through things :erm:

Well Matt ran off down the hall all crazy with arms flailing and Chris hid in the desk, while Dom let me have a go on his drums. He taught me some stuff and Matt randomley runs in in pajamas and yells "come on woohh!" execution commentary style.:LOL: I just laughed and Dom :facepalm:ed. Then my cousin popped in and had a present for Dom, new drumsticks. I opened it and said "Dom give me your drumstick." He did and I yelled at my cousin that they were to light weight, that dom liked the heavier ones, and i was all :fear: at her.

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Chris and I save the world on a regular basis. Except it's kind of coincidental every time. And we really just need to find Dom all the time.


I have also dreamed that I went to a gig with my friends and to me, everything was muted, but subtexted, with closed captions! It was hellish.


Last night was another dream about a gig again and we had traveled for it, and it was a beautiful, sunny place that probably doesn't exist outside of my mind. Anyway, we had general admission-tickets, and when the doors to the venue opened, we just neatly filed in and stood in the crowd. Then these guards approached us and told us we couldn't stand there, and we thought it was strange, but agreed. We wanted to go stand somewhere else, but the guards told us we couldn't stay. So that was more hell. I think I may be a bit stressed about Wembley. *sigh*

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Chris and I save the world on a regular basis. Except it's kind of coincidental every time. And we really just need to find Dom all the time.


I have also dreamed that I went to a gig with my friends and to me, everything was muted, but subtexted, with closed captions! It was hellish.


Last night was another dream about a gig again and we had traveled for it, and it was a beautiful, sunny place that probably doesn't exist outside of my mind. Anyway, we had general admission-tickets, and when the doors to the venue opened, we just neatly filed in and stood in the crowd. Then these guards approached us and told us we couldn't stand there, and we thought it was strange, but agreed. We wanted to go stand somewhere else, but the guards told us we couldn't stay. So that was more hell. I think I may be a bit stressed about Wembley. *sigh*


I would really like to have your dreams! :eek:

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Yay I had my second Muse dream last night! :) Basically me and my 2 friends (who are going to Manchester with me next year) were like outside their tourbus banging on the door because we wanted to meet them, and then Matt opened the door and was like 'Hi??' So we all went inside the tourbus which then magically transformed into a hotel room. I basically grabbed Matt and demanded that my friend take a picture of me with him, but she couldn't find my camera so was going to take it on my phone, but I demanded she used the camera. Dom then randomly popped up with the camera and gave it to her, then skipped off. So my friend took 3 pics and showed me them, and I was like :D (I was quite depressed to find they weren't actually there in the morning :( ) So then somehow me, Matt, Chris and Dom ended up in like this department store thing, and Chris and Dom started racing on those little toy car things for kids, whilst Matt started buying a load of Barbie dolls. I was like :stunned: . Then we ended up in some sort of camper van thing having a singalong to Map of your Head. Then I woke up.


Twas odd.

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