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ok good, just the word culling reminds me of dead seals..


I think he'd be one of those people you like in small doses.. or they're a bit of a twat but good at being sociable..

god, why am i speculating about strangers :LOL:


have they said anything about when the song's coming out?


Nothing. Hence what we're on about now. :LOL::p

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well.. more the fact there'd be thousands of copies of the same three people...

and then there's the fact these people aren't that useful to the world :LOL:



Well the originals are very useful to me! And I would think, very useful to lots of of other people too. Pretty special in fact! :D


Not sure about millions of clones though. I think I prefer to keep the uniqueness of the originals even if that makes them ultimately unobtainable.:LOL: If it happened though I'm sure we'd cope! No culling, that's really inhumane!

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The rest of the Twatlight soundtrack is being released tomorrow if anyone is interested/cares




From the comments at the bottom of that article:


abby Thom Yorke dont you think? He’s been like Muse on these soundtracks…

rocknmovies If only Robert Pattinson could have a song on it, but I doubt it.

Chris This! So much. I’d be on that CD like nothing if Rob would put a song on it. Why can’t they insist that he does this. New Moon’s CD was kinda bad. I hope Eclipse is as good as Twilight.


:facepalm: Why, why did Muse ever get involved with this monstrous franchise? The fans want their darling Rpattz on the soundtrack, not The Myooze. :rolleyes:

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I hope we get another preview of the song before the 17th...I REALLY hope it's good. They are really hyping it with the countdown on the main page and all. I don't think it's going to leak, even though I'm hoping it does.


The lady on my radio station said, "There's no leaks yet, but if you hear one, tell me about it" :awesome:

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Maybe they didn't put out a real preview because it's weird to judge an entire song based on a small portion, and there would be way too many preconceptions about the song before it comes out, especially considering it probably has two main 'parts' (Neutron Star and the - other one -) :$


I'd like to listen to the whole song the first time, though a preview would be sweet it's probably just the 'givememoremusenow' kicking in :D

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I am not expecting this song to be good. I'm sorry, it's just everything about it. The title and the fact that it was made for Twilight just concerns me. I'm predicting it will have the cheesy-ness of IBTY with the mainstream sound of Starlight or SMBH.


For the billionth time, it wasn't made FOR twilight. It was a song already written, and recorded that fitted somehow with Eclipse.


I am hoping for something a little like Queen's The Millionaire Waltz.


I expect it will be very cheesy

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For the billionth time, it wasn't made FOR twilight. It was a song already written, and recorded that fitted somehow with Eclipse.


I am hoping for something a little like Queen's The Millionaire Waltz.


I expect it will be very cheesy


Maybe the song wasn't, but the title sure as shit was.

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May have been, who knows. NSC is pure Muse though!


I can see the whole thing going like this:


Muse, "Awesome, we have this totally cool song that needs an epic name."


Matt, "How about Neutron Star Collision, it's totally us!"


Everyone, "That title is made of :awesome:"


Now in comes the Twilight franchise people with a signed contract... the plot thickens.


Lawyers, "We need a song for this shite movie coming out, it's in your contract. We heard you just wrote a good one. Give it to us now."


Muse, "Not Neutron Star Collision! That song is too much awesome for that shite movie!"


Lawyers, "Either NSC or you must write a song for Twilight."


Muse, "Oh NOES!! We can't willingly write a song for this crap, I guess we must sacrifice our amazingly awesome new song. But we can't leave it as just NSC, it needs something that sounds like a shitty teeny bopper, sparkly vampire love story."


Matt, "I know! Let's just throw on 'Love is Forever' and be done with this nonsense."

And that, my friends, is what really happened.

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I can see the whole thing going like this:


Muse, "Awesome, we have this totally cool song that needs an epic name."


Matt, "How about Neutron Star Collision, it's totally us!"


Everyone, "That title is made of :awesome:"


Now in comes the Twilight franchise people with a signed contract... the plot thickens.


Lawyers, "We need a song for this shite movie coming out, it's in your contract. We heard you just wrote a good one. Give it to us now."


Muse, "Not Neutron Star Collision! That song is too much awesome for that shite movie!"


Lawyers, "Either NSC or you must write a song for Twilight."


Muse, "Oh NOES!! We can't willingly write a song for this crap, I guess we must sacrifice our amazingly awesome new song. But we can't leave it as just NSC, it needs something that sounds like a shitty teeny bopper, sparkly vampire love story."


Matt, "I know! Let's just throw on 'Love is Forever' and be done with this nonsense."

And that, my friends, is what really happened.


I have zero doubt that this is what happened. :LOL:

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If the chorus is 'love is foreeeeever' then it'll be terrible.


And that's why it is bracketed, because people are idiots and wont recognise the song from it's title if Matt doesn't sing the title in the song.

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I can see the whole thing going like this:


Muse, "Awesome, we have this totally cool song that needs an epic name."


Matt, "How about Neutron Star Collision, it's totally us!"


Everyone, "That title is made of :awesome:"


Now in comes the Twilight franchise people with a signed contract... the plot thickens.


Lawyers, "We need a song for this shite movie coming out, it's in your contract. We heard you just wrote a good one. Give it to us now."


Muse, "Not Neutron Star Collision! That song is too much awesome for that shite movie!"


Lawyers, "Either NSC or you must write a song for Twilight."


Muse, "Oh NOES!! We can't willingly write a song for this crap, I guess we must sacrifice our amazingly awesome new song. But we can't leave it as just NSC, it needs something that sounds like a shitty teeny bopper, sparkly vampire love story."


Matt, "I know! Let's just throw on 'Love is Forever' and be done with this nonsense."

And that, my friends, is what really happened.


No, it really isn't.


It went more like this.


Matt reads some article talking about gamma ray bursts and forms some weird analogy about neutron stars collisions in the back of his mind.


Muse write a song in 2009/2010 and aim to record it. The lyrics seem to fit the idea of neutron stars colliding.


They are approached for the Eclipse soundtrack.


They, their management, and their record label think "Yeah, this song will be good on it, plus we can make a lot of money and popularity from all the promotion that this song could never generate on its own".


They have some sort of disagreement about how that will all happen.


The disagreement is resolved, the song and the video are recorded and everything goes ahead as planned.


The band have never said a word against Twilight. They like Meyer and they see the series for the success it is, and are obviously happy to contribute to it, regardless of what some loud, irrational fans say against the series on their message board.

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