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Knights is one of their best live songs and the best closer they never had, they just need to change the harmonica intro for other thing.

I don't think that's controversial at all... I only disagree with it being their best closer, I would die if I ever see SS close the gig for once. And sure many people have other songs that they prefer. For me the ideal would be rotate various songs as the closer.

The harmonica intro NEEDS to fuck off, and Muse should assume that Knights works way better as a closer, even as an opener, that having it in the middle of the seet like in stadiums :noey:

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Knights is one of their best live songs and the best closer they never had, they just need to change the harmonica intro for other thing.

I love MWAH. I just think it really goes with the space cowboy business. KoC is still fabulous without it though. Really kinda hated it as a closer, though. Opener, yes, middle, doable, closer, eh. :noey:


Take a Bow would like a word with you.

Basically. I'm not dying until I see TaB live as a closer.

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I love MWAH. I just think it really goes with the space cowboy business. KoC is still fabulous without it though.


It definitely fits the song and flows into it nicely, it's just been done so many times by this point that it's boring as fuck.


As for Knights itself, I doubt I'd put it in my top 10 songs that I've seen live. There's quite a lot of other songs that I haven't seen that I'd put above it as well, but I guess that's a slightly less fair comparison. My top 10 probably looks something like this:



Hyper Music

Dead Star

Stockholm Syndrome

Dark Shines

Take A Bow

New Born (Leeds/Reading 2011 version, none of that slowed down, no piano bollocks)

Butterflies & Hurricanes

Unnatural Selection

Plug In Baby

Space Dementia


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