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I like Twilight....:$


dont flame me! i just like the books, the movies are like watching a really terrible live band after getting hyped up when listening to the album


The movies are so much better than the books :-\ This should say a lot about the books.


So myooze...

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My controversial opinions:


I was a fan of Muse before I got into Radiohead. But after hearing all of Radiohead's albums, I can easily say that I prefer Radiohead's over Muse's if we were to compare them in reverse chronological order.


In Rainbows>The Resistance

Hail to the Thief>Black Holes and Revelations


Kid A>Origin of Symmetry

Ok Computer>Showbiz

The Bends> n/a

Pablo Honey> n/a


I would also like to add that Amnesiac might be my favorite Radiohead album. Which is surprising, because it was originally my least favorite when I first listened to it. This album seems to have some strange time released factors going for it.(which seems to be the case with most Radiohead albums, they just seem to get better with repeated listens)


In fact, I'll even go as far and say that the the following Amnesiac B-sides are better than anything on The Resistance:


The Amazing Sounds of Orgy -


Worrywort -


Trans-Atlantic Drawl -


Cuttooth -


Kinetic -


Fog -


I have talked to people who "hate kid A" and didn't realize that it is a dance album...


check your ears first...then form an opinion


Musical taste is subjective etc.

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OK Computer is a better album than Kid A.

I agree. And I think Amnesiac is better than Kid A.

I think maybe they are a spent force creatively, they simply have no more song ideas so they are just riding the wave of past glories doing jams in silly time signatures while wailing to critical acclaim.


They have a good scam going on really..

To be honest it's like they aren't even trying anymore, they don't have to, because they can still release any old half baked musical doodle to critical acclaim & if you for once even try to suggest this is what they actually do you are met with a firm chorus of "You just aren't smart enough to understand a work of this genius!"


Maybe they are performing some sort of social experiment on us..

"Pushing it a bit this time aren't we Thom? this record is pretty much just an hour of wailing with clicking noises & glockenspiel"

I strongly disagree. If I recall correctly, the reason they started to experiment around the time of Kid A was because they didn't want to become stale, and wanted to explore new ideas. You're entitled to your own opinion of course, and I can understand that you wouldn't like the songs they've been making, but here are three examples of their songs that show they're not running out of ideas.

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Radiohead is shit. :rolleyes: Though this isn't the thread for an opinion like that.


I don't think Muse are turning into greedy money-grabbers, I think they are just doing whatever just to do it. I honestly don't think Matt buys into all the hype, he just does it to do it. He even explains in an interview of what he thinks about it. People are just too sensitive, which is understandable, but most of the generalizations about the band's current and future plans are a bit farfetched and unwarrented I think.

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Radiohead is shit. :rolleyes: Though this isn't the thread for an opinion like that.


I don't think Muse are turning into greedy money-grabbers, I think they are just doing whatever just to do it. I honestly don't think Matt buys into all the hype, he just does it to do it. He even explains in an interview of what he thinks about it. People are just too sensitive, which is understandable, but most of the generalizations about the band's current and future plans are a bit farfetched and unwarrented I think.


Exactly, we should just wait and see what happens with their next album.

Cause, let's be honest, WE-the fans , cannot do anything about it really, especially with all this moaning and bitching, which brings nothing good to this matter.

Edited by Izzy
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Muse are turning into money-grabbers more than enjoying themselves.

I don't like Amnesiac that much.

Muse could never write an album as good as OK Computer.

Citizen Erased is overrated... :p


Are you in Muse's psyches or something? How on Earth do you know how much they're enjoying themselves?


Yeah it isn't amazing.


And Absolution and OoS are better than OK Computer.


No it isn't.

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Okay, I seriously have to get this off of my chest...


Just because a song is on Twilight, it doesn't change whether the song is good or bad! It's just the annoying twatlight fans that might call themselves 'fans' from NSC or SMBH. But really, we can always just drive them away with a bit of Execution Commentary. They won't turn down an opportunity to write a song for one of the most well known (and horrible, but that's just my opinion) movie sagas of the present day. That means more airplay, more fans, more money, etc. I don't think they care if they're little annoying Twatlight fans, I don't think they're really that picky with what fans should and shouldn't be like anyway. I think they just like what they do. IMO. And for all those people complaining that they're loosing faith on Muse because they're changing, seriously. One of the best things about Muse is that they change in every album. They can't always be the OoS band some people love them for. Theres a massive gap in years between OoS and The Resistance, there's new inspirations around for Muse now. A new album would be different to The Resistance, etc. I think some people need to accept that Muse are changing with the times, and it's up to you if you think it's for the better or worse. They're not going to go back to OoS just because some of us don't approve of what they've become.



Just sayin'. *holds up flame shield*

And yes, I probably contradicted myself quite a bit there, but still.

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Okay, I seriously have to get this off of my chest...


Just because a song is on Twilight, it doesn't change whether the song is good or bad! It's just the annoying twatlight fans that might call themselves 'fans' from NSC or SMBH. But really, we can always just drive them away with a bit of Execution Commentary. They won't turn down an opportunity to write a song for one of the most well known (and horrible, but that's just my opinion) movie sagas of the present day. That means more airplay, more fans, more money, etc. I don't think they care if they're little annoying Twatlight fans, I don't think they're really that picky with what fans should and shouldn't be like anyway. I think they just like what they do. IMO. And for all those people complaining that they're loosing faith on Muse because they're changing, seriously. One of the best things about Muse is that they change in every album. They can't always be the OoS band some people love them for. Theres a massive gap in years between OoS and The Resistance, there's new inspirations around for Muse now. A new album would be different to The Resistance, etc. I think some people need to accept that Muse are changing with the times, and it's up to you if you think it's for the better or worse. They're not going to go back to OoS just because some of us don't approve of what they've become.



Just sayin'. *holds up flame shield*

And yes, I probably contradicted myself quite a bit there, but still.


I agree. Although it's just more common sense than controversial opinion.

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I'm not worried about the next album, but I'm still a little annoyed with the song. I don't mind it as a track hidden away on some album, but as a big lead single, it really doesn't come near Muse's best work.

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Are you in Muse's psyches or something? How on Earth do you know how much they're enjoying themselves?


Yeah it isn't amazing.


And Absolution and OoS are better than OK Computer.


No it isn't.


Well I'm guessing playing the same songs, doing the same movements on a restricting stage must get boring.


The other ones are all about personal music taste so im not going to bother arguing :chuckle:

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Guest xoxoxo
Muse are turning into money-grabbers more than enjoying themselves.

I don't like Amnesiac that much.

Muse could never write an album as good as OK Computer.

Citizen Erased is overrated... :p

I agree ;)

Radiohead are shit though David :LOL:

Radiohead is shit. :rolleyes: Though this isn't the thread for an opinion like that.


I don't think Muse are turning into greedy money-grabbers, I think they are just doing whatever just to do it. I honestly don't think Matt buys into all the hype, he just does it to do it. He even explains in an interview of what he thinks about it. People are just too sensitive, which is understandable, but most of the generalizations about the band's current and future plans are a bit farfetched and unwarrented I think.


Of course Matt is buying into the hype. His band is a business, and they are trying to make as much money as possible, hence expensive gig tickets, making songs for films, etc...

And he won't tell the truth about it in an interview, will he?! Who wants to look like a money-grabbing sold out "rock star"?


I haven't even heard NSC, I don't even want to. I'm happy with my old Muse thank you.

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Muse are turning into money-grabbers more than enjoying themselves.

I don't like Amnesiac that much.

Muse could never write an album as good as OK Computer.

Citizen Erased is overrated... :p


Pretty spot on(aside from the Amnesiac comment which I disagree with)


Ok Computer is one of the best albums ever made and I doubt Muse will ever top it. It's one of those classics that gets placed next to legendary albums like Revolver or Dark Side of the Moon. And truthfully, I don't even think Muse has made anything as good as The Bends either..and that's something that needs to be surpassed before even attempting to upstage Ok Computer.

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Of course Matt is buying into the hype. His band is a business, and they are trying to make as much money as possible, hence expensive gig tickets, making songs for films, etc...

And he won't tell the truth about it in an interview, will he?! Who wants to look like a money-grabbing sold out "rock star"?

I haven't even heard NSC, I don't even want to. I'm happy with my old Muse thank you.


to be fair though what he actually said in the interview was that he'd written the song about 8 months ago when he broke up with his girlfriend and it was about "what its like when you first fall in love with someone and you think its going to last forever" or something, and seeing as he DID break up with his girlfriend a while ago, then that probably is the real reason he wrote it.



i love shine acoustic but the watery sound effects are really annoying

i like neutron star collsion (but am ashamed of this)

citizen erased is quite boring

butteflies and hurricanes is also quite boring

at times bliss is also quite boring

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Guest xoxoxo
to be fair though what he actually said in the interview was that he'd written the song about 8 months ago when he broke up with his girlfriend and it was about "what its like when you first fall in love with someone and you think its going to last forever" or something, and seeing as he DID break up with his girlfriend a while ago, then that probably is the real reason he wrote it.



i love shine acoustic but the watery sound effects are really annoying

i like neutron star collsion (but am ashamed of this)

citizen erased is quite boring

butteflies and hurricanes is also quite boring

at times bliss is also quite boring


I'm on about Muse in general, not just all of this awful new twilight stuff :) You can't argue with the fact that Muse WANT to make as much money as possible.

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I'm on about Muse in general, not just all of this awful new twilight stuff :) You can't argue with the fact that Muse WANT to make as much money as possible.


probably, but im not sure that theyre to blame, as Warner are more likely to be the ones who want them to be making more money. they might be better if they found a more low-key record label, or even started their own.

Edited by Chocolate E. Clare
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Time for my criticism and thoughts =D


I would like to congratulate Dom and Chrisseh for their amazing parts in the new song.

Second, I want to say how difficult it is on trying NOT to sound like previous songs, for example Green Day [no offense to the fans] but some of their stuff sounds like their other stuff, some bands don't like that, they want to sound different to their other songs, I think this MAY have been why they've changed from new to old as it was hard but probably not since we have seen many weird stories on Bellamy's *fantastic* theories


But yes, what I'm trying to say is, if they made a whole bunch of songs that sounded exactly like PIB it's going to be quite boring just listening to them sound the same, it kind of spoils the effect.


But of course I may be wrong.

And of course someone has already said this...


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Guest xoxoxo
probably, but im not sure that theyre to blame, as Warner are more likely to be the ones who want them to be making more money. they might be better if they found a more low-key record label, or even started their own.

Yeah I agree, it is more to do with Warner, but it doesn't look like Muse are shying away from the glitz and glamour of teen pop. I'm not discrediting them, but they're not my thing anymore, and I'm tired of defending everything they do :(

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Since when did this become a thread for Radiohead discussions?:erm:

I thought the controversial opinion thread in the Other Bands section was for that?


NSC has quickly become boring for me,seems like Resistance to me mixed with Guiding Light.

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Yeah I agree, it is more to do with Warner, but it doesn't look like Muse are shying away from the glitz and glamour of teen pop. I'm not discrediting them, but they're not my thing anymore, and I'm tired of defending everything they do :(


Sadly this, but I'm hopeful for the future when they're able to quit Warner. But they'll be older then. :(

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Guest xoxoxo
Since when did this become a thread for Radiohead discussions?:erm:

I thought the controversial opinion thread in the Other Bands section was for that?


NSC has quickly become boring for me,seems like Resistance to me mixed with Guiding Light.

Radiohead, lol.

Sadly this, but I'm hopeful for the future when they're able to quit Warner. But they'll be older then. :(


I don't even care anymore if I'm honest. I don't think Muse can regain the energy and excitement they had back where they were making music just for fun. I love old Muse, but I know that they can't go back to what they were as they have developed as a band since then, but I wish they made something that I actually like :LOL:

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