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fairly good set tonight - CE, US and Bliss all in the same set


opening with PiB and opening the encore with Starlight (although they did that back on the BH&R sometimes) are both weird though


no MK or MotP is a shame though

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They're never going to play Showbiz ever again, not even at Wembley. I call it :LOL:


Unfortunately, I agree with this. Makes me wonder why I'm even going to gigs knowing that the one song I desperately want to see live is never going to be played ever again.

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No New Born, what has happened to Muse, that's their most played gig song... :eek: If a setlist like this makes it to Wembley, I will be quite happy.


An encore of New Born (not unborn) into Starlight (they were gonna play it anyway) into KoC would have made this gig amaaaaazing by recent standards. but oh well, they got a good set list anyway. I would gladly take that set list. Hope they play one similar at the fest i see them at

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Unfortunately, I agree with this. Makes me wonder why I'm even going to gigs knowing that the one song I desperately want to see live is never going to be played ever again.

Hopefully you like more than one song...

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