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So, here goes nothing!!


Short Story Competition #1


Yes, so, we are finally starting!


Your topic/prompt/spark word/theme is...




I CAN be Muse related if you wish, but it DOES NOT have to be. No limitations in creativity! All material is fair game! But, please keep all material PG-13, because this is an open, all-ages board. Nothing too graphic. :)


Word limit: I say we shall cap it off at 1,500 words with 250 word wiggle room, just in case you go over. And nothing less than 500 words.


ENTRIES will be anonymous. You can PM them to me, and when they're all in I will post them here, then we shall have a vote, then?




Does this sound good? If there are any suggestions/objections, don't hesitate to tell me!! Message me with any questions/concerns



I'm pumped, I've got about 3/4 page of story already, let's do this thingie!

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So, here goes nothing!!


Short Story Competition #1


Yes, so, we are finally starting!


Your topic/prompt/spark word/theme is...




I CAN be Muse related if you wish, but it DOES NOT have to be. No limitations in creativity! All material is fair game! But, please keep all material PG-13, because this is an open, all-ages board. Nothing too graphic. :)


Word limit: I say we shall cap it off at 1,500 words with 250 word wiggle room, just in case you go over. And nothing less than 500 words.


ENTRIES will be anonymous. You can PM them to me, and when they're all in I will post them here, then we shall have a vote, then?




Does this sound good? If there are any suggestions/objections, don't hesitate to tell me!! Message me with any questions/concerns


I thought the theme was "hope?"


Oh well, it probably makes my story fit in better anyway :happy:

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I suppose, but if anyone happened to go over 1750 words, they'd go asking for another bit of wiggle room, y'know? It's just an easier way.


Well no, you can also just set a hard limit and disqualify anyone who goes over the limit by just one word.


1500 words ARE your wiggle room :D

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Oh shit it seems I've been a bit of a scatterbrain and missed this thread in the midst of a pretty fertile writing period for myself.


Hope another competition follows.


EDIT: Fuck it, just realised I have 6 days. I may give this a crack.

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Well no, you can also just set a hard limit and disqualify anyone who goes over the limit by just one word.


1500 words ARE your wiggle room :D


But I like to be a little more... gentle about it. :LOL: Disqualifying someone for having 1,501 words would just be plain cruel.

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Nooo, my story has ended up at over 2000 words. :( And I don't know how I'm going to cut it down to the point where I'm still happy with it.


Message me about it. ;)

This is the first competition, so if people think the word limit should be raised to, say, 2,500 words, we could figure it out.

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Mine is not freaky enough. I like horror ness. Mine is just to kind and nice. And mine has 909 words...

I need inspiration and I have not enought time, maybe I have though, only I am very very busy with school

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