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So, the deadline for the short stories is officially TOMORROW night at midnight, wherever in the world you may be. BUT, I am going on vacation for the long weekend and I will be back monday, late afternoon. So, I suppose that any short stories that make it into my inbox by then will also be accepted. ;) I only have 3 so far, so keep on writing and sending them in!!


Write on! :LOL: [/cheese]

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I'm so bad at deadlines at the moment, waaaaaaaaaaayyy too much on my mind. Plus my mum's being a bitch :fear:


It'll be done by the time you get back on Monday ;)


:facepalm: Sorryyyyyyyy

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So. We've got 4 entries thus far.

I have a question for you all- not to embarass the person that this question is about. ;)


One of the entries is in German. Now, I have no problem with this if a lot of you know how to read German. But, I can't, and I don't know if you all can, so I was wondering what we should do? Should I post it as is, or go looking for a translation? :D Any opinions are appreciated.


After this is sorted out, they will be put up for voting. :)

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Yeah, I'm going to make the voting ten days, at the least. maybe 2 weeks. I'm making a new thread for the voting right now. Shall I keep the voting in PM form? If we want a poll instead, we can do that for the second round. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nobody with any ideas? It's been a few days and we still have squat, less than squat even. We have what flakes of squat's scalp after a few days without washing.


If it has to be Muse song titles as themes, then why not just pick one from 'Sober', 'Hysteria' 'Blackout', 'Assassin'?

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Anyone like any of these?



1: You're ordering food at your favorite fast food drive-thru. When you're finished ordering, you're waiting for the person on the other end to read back your order. But, instead of hearing your order being read back to you, you hear a disturbing conversation, not meant for your ears.


2: You wake up to the smell of sizzling French toast. You have to have some, but it's coming from your neighbor's house and the two of you aren't on speaking terms. How do you get the French toast?


3: You're standing outside a restaurant next to a phone booth when, suddenly, it rings. Your gut tells you not to answer it, but with each ring you can't resist. Finally you pick up the phone—and end up having the most amazing/terrifying/terrible/happiest (pick one) night of your life.


4: A man buys a parrot, and is horrified when he discovers the only thing it can say is, “If you ever tell anyone what you saw, I’ll kill you.”


5: Your best friend has been arrested for illegally downloading music. While in jail, he asks you to go to his house and clear everything off his computer. As you start deleting files, you notice a folder called "Top Secret." Out of curiosity, you open it—and are shocked by what you find.



(Taken from Writer's Digest)

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