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I never said he was bad...Just saying he is average, and because if he was brilliant he would show it of with more technical material.


I am also not saying you cannot have a simple guitar riff/ solo that isnt magical. For example, Hysteria solo I adore. Yet my brother who is has been playing guitar less than a year can play it to a good standard


But surely your guitar skills should be judged on how good the music you produce with it is?


and at least in my books, speed or technicality aren't things i would judge music on. I can play most Muse stuff to a pretty good standard, but i wouldn't put myself in the ranks with Bellamy. He's far better.

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i agree that he isnt amazing but he influences my guitar playing more than any other.


And plus there are hundreds of technically brilliant guitarists out there whos talents are wasted because they cant write a decent song unlike matt


see again i disagree, you guys might play and like REALLY complicated songs. WHO CARES if a guitar part simple

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He is regarded by many as Far and Away the best guitarist of the Decade, and has even been ranked among the top of all time by some magazines.


I wouldn't judge guitar playing skill by speed or complexity, while these can have an indication of somebodies skill, there are also other factors such as creativity with the guitar, something Bellamy is extremely good at.


I don't think that there is any doubt that Matt is next in the line of 'Influential' Guitarists, those who define the rock music of their era, and inspire a million new guitarists. Matt is that person now.

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He is regarded by many as Far and Away the best guitarist of the Decade, and has even been ranked among the top of all time by some magazines.


I wouldn't judge guitar playing skill by speed or complexity, while these can have an indication of somebodies skill, there are also other factors such as creativity with the guitar, something Bellamy is extremely good at.


I don't think that there is any doubt that Matt is next in the line of 'Influential' Guitarists, those who define the rock music of their era, and inspire a million new guitarists. Matt is that person now.


WOW :eek:... ur personality matches perfectly your username and avatar ( i used to watch jimmy neutron :D) , you are really intelligent! and you are right!, to be a great guitar player is not to play difficut stuff but to express it well!


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i don't care what people said about matt's guitar skill. it just simply listen to muse songs' riffs such as plug in baby, stockholm syndrome, hysteria, smbh, koc, new born, mk ultra, unnatural selection, etc etc. they're all just brilliant. and he play guitar while singing in the live shows. not all singers or guitarists can do it well as matt.

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He is regarded by many as Far and Away the best guitarist of the Decade, and has even been ranked among the top of all time by some magazines.


I wouldn't judge guitar playing skill by speed or complexity, while these can have an indication of somebodies skill, there are also other factors such as creativity with the guitar, something Bellamy is extremely good at.


I don't think that there is any doubt that Matt is next in the line of 'Influential' Guitarists, those who define the rock music of their era, and inspire a million new guitarists. Matt is that person now.


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Oh dear..... this thread is going to sink faster than the Titanic. Lol.


You sir, are an epic fail!


Good music isn't just about complexity.


i don't care what people said about matt's guitar skill. it just simply listen to muse songs' riffs such as plug in baby, stockholm syndrome, hysteria, smbh, koc, new born, mk ultra, unnatural selection, etc etc. they're all just brilliant. and he play guitar while singing in the live shows. not all singers or guitarists can do it well as matt.



+1's for all of these!!! :D

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Guys you totally missed the point. I have repeatedly stated that I think Bellamy if amazingly talented and their music is mesmerising (sp?) I am not saying that fast/technical guitar is better.


ALL I WAS SAY WAS HIS GUITAR PLAYING ALONE (imagine him playing sitting down on his bed at home alone) IS NOT VERY ADVANCED AT ALL!


Not picking him apart, merely making a minor observasion.


It seems people read the title then prejudge me into thinking he's crap!

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Guys you totally missed the point. I have repeatedly stated that I think Bellamy if amazingly talented and their music is mesmerising (sp?) I am not saying that fast/technical guitar is better.


ALL I WAS SAY WAS HIS GUITAR PLAYING ALONE (imagine him playing sitting down on his bed at home alone) IS NOT VERY ADVANCED AT ALL!


Not picking him apart, merely making a minor observasion.


It seems people read the title then prejudge me into thinking he's crap!




and im using caps just because you did so! :LOL:

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see, music doesnt always have to be complicated. simple music is really good. im not saying that matt is a god. for i am an atheist ;). but i think youre wrong, for those reasons. he is a good guitarist, maybe you have played complicated songs on the guitar and you feel good about yourself. now youre comparing yourself to otherswho don't play AS complicated music than you. seriously, i think you need to just listen to music for the way its put together and how the notes come together in the song. like first listen to the vocals, the the guitar, then the bass, then the drums. BUT DON'T JUDGE HOW COMPLICATED THE SONG IS!!! simplicity is the key... period.


Fuck sake This is exactly what I mean when I say people have missed the point.


I never said simple was bad...and never said complex was good.

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well if matt isnt that great a guitarist then why were a few guitar making companies willing to create the guitars that matt desired???


And if anything most of the sounds he makes on the red guitar comes from the white box what ever its called its like a feed back that is a new invention which he was the fore front for and also he plays a 7stringed guitar those are complicated and also the sounds that he makes is unique and his you cant say it belongs to anyone else and for the jumping around on the stage is his way of showing the individualistic qualities we like, and lets not forget the stage set up come on give the guy more credit.


If i am wrong with anything there do not hesistate to correct me but these are the information i have read off other websites in the years i have been a muse fan


another quip i will add how many bands can you tell me that has the ability to take your soul and mind to another place leaving your body behind that is what they do to me

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well if matt isnt that great a guitarist then why were a few guitar making companies willing to create the guitars that matt desired???


And if anything most of the sounds he makes on the red guitar comes from the white box what ever its called its like a feed back that is a new invention which he was the fore front for and also he plays a 7stringed guitar those are complicated and also the sounds that he makes is unique and his you cant say it belongs to anyone else and for the jumping around on the stage is his way of showing the individualistic qualities we like, and lets not forget the stage set up come on give the guy more credit.


If i am wrong with anything there do not hesistate to correct me but these are the information i have read off other websites in the years i have been a muse fan


another quip i will add how many bands can you tell me that has the ability to take your soul and mind to another place leaving your body behind that is what they do to me


It has that effect on me too... when you close your eyes while hearing their music its like you are flying in space....:happy:

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It has that effect on me too... when you close your eyes while hearing their music its like you are flying in space....:happy:


yes that is me and also i am a painter among my other artistic talents and some of my paintings is like wtf where did that come from you can guarantee that it would be prolly i was listening to muse.. I have some posters i've done using muse's band name, one being a flying saucer its quite cool i would like to put it on here but i'd be worried about some of the fans getting peeved off with me.

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Personally, before I was a Muse fan and had never listened to Muse before, I didn't expect Matt to be as good as people were saying he was. I listened to Muse and he seemed pretty good, but it wasn't until I watched them live that I was blown away. Completely blown away.


To me, he is a pretty technically proficient guitar player. What really strikes me about his playing is how creative he is. The attention he puts into how the guitar sounds in each song is something that a lot of guitarists lack these days.


Also, he has a unique sound. The best guitarists (in my opinion) have their own unique sound. You can pick them out just from hearing a riff, even if you don't know who is playing. Some of my favorite guitar players aren't very technically advanced (ie: Angus Young....live, Angus plays far more than he does on AC/DC albums....people credit Angus for being a great guitar player, but most AC/DC songs are based on simple blues chords....yet, regardless of the simplicity, it brings depth to AC/DC music....it adds to it and is the backbone). It's one thing to be able to play really fast riffs that are completely lacking of emotion and another to be able to infuse depth into a song. This is what I think Matt is able to do.


Maybe I didn't exactly answer the question about Matt's technical ability :LOL:....but I think everyone on here is pretty much going to argue that Matt is superb, being as it is a Muse messageboard ;). I'm actually not too familiar with the technical aspects of guitar playing....so to be fair, I can't acuratley answer that. I just know what I like, and I like Matt's playing a lot :).

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yes that is me and also i am a painter among my other artistic talents and some of my paintings is like wtf where did that come from you can guarantee that it would be prolly i was listening to muse.. I have some posters i've done using muse's band name, one being a flying saucer its quite cool i would like to put it on here but i'd be worried about some of the fans getting peeved off with me.


i paint too (besides other artistic things) and like you... sometimes when i hear muse i paint stuff i wouldnt draw normally... like the other day, i was hearing SFA and i ended up painting the beach , mostly ocean, by night with saturn and 3 of its moons in the sky with 2 yellow flowers in a cliff...


:LOL: super off-topic but good to know :D

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