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If you are tiny and won't be able to see over people (yes, the 6'4" guys want to be down front too), get seats.


So... I got GA, and I'm 5 feet even. I've been in the pit at concerts before, do you think I'll have a rough time? And how early should we get there to be at the front (specifically in America)?

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Pretty much every venue here if you're under 16 it's advised you have an adult with you, I think it only applies if you obviously look very young and are on your own


idk that may only apply to Europe thats not usually like that in America..i checked websites and everything and from past concert experiences Ive been allowed in the pit with friends...but if that rule applies im 14 and my friend will almost be 16 but thats complete bull if they dont let me to get my spot at the barrier ive been waiting 2 1/2 years for.

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thanks you guys! i'm so ready for this! i even have a countdown written on my board at school (i teach) all the kids are like is that till your birthday? and i have to say no it's for muse and then they just look at me with a blank stare! hah! anyways though, i think i'll be able to handle the pit fine..i'm about 5'2", but i've been in a couple of pits before that were a little crazy...one was 311 and the other was at the vans warped tour..i would love to be in front of matt if at all possible..oh and my parking situation is undecided...i'm trying to see who lives near me to see if we could start some sort of carpool..and i always thought houston metro would be an option..and then just get a ride home? i dunno lol we shall see...:D

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So... I got GA, and I'm 5 feet even. I've been in the pit at concerts before, do you think I'll have a rough time? And how early should we get there to be at the front (specifically in America)?


Wow, I was worried about me (5'4", 115 lbs) but you sound smaller! I am worried about not being able to see and being smushed. It's worth it...but I am definitely nervous

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Wow, I was worried about me (5'4", 115 lbs) but you sound smaller! I am worried about not being able to see and being smushed. It's worth it...but I am definitely nervous


Well... I mean I'm obviously not that big but I'm pretty strong so... I mean if you're strong you should be in good shape. I've never been to a Muse concert before, but I'm sure it's like any other pit, to see I usually just stand on tiptoes, jump up and down, etc :LOL:

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I was on the barrier in front of Matt on the Friday at the O2, and the girl on the barrier next to me was probably no more than 5ft/5ft1, and she was absolutely fine. . .having the time of her life, in fact :LOL: Dealing with the crowds in the pit. . .it really depends on the individual tbh. I know shorter people who can handle it fine, and taller people who find it uncomfortable.


So yeah, not the most helpful of posts :LOL::$

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I was on the barrier in front of Matt on the Friday at the O2, and the girl on the barrier next to me was probably no more than 5ft/5ft1, and she was absolutely fine. . .having the time of her life, in fact :LOL: Dealing with the crowds in the pit. . .it really depends on the individual tbh. I know shorter people who can handle it fine, and taller people who find it uncomfortable.


So yeah, not the most helpful of posts :LOL: $


And the girl next to you on the Thursday at the O2 at the barrier in front of Matt was 5ft2 and she held her own too :D

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So... I got GA, and I'm 5 feet even. I've been in the pit at concerts before, do you think I'll have a rough time? And how early should we get there to be at the front (specifically in America)?


You prob need to get there in the morning -- usually by 9 or so there is already a small group of barrier-minded Musers! If you're on the barrier you will see fine, just hope you're fit enough to fight off the crush. A friend from here had a rib broken at BDO in Auckland this week -- you want to be fit enough to be able to push back off the barrier when the surge comes forward. And it will.


thanks you guys! i'm so ready for this! i even have a countdown written on my board at school (i teach) all the kids are like is that till your birthday? and i have to say no it's for muse and then they just look at me with a blank stare! hah! anyways though, i think i'll be able to handle the pit fine..i'm about 5'2", but i've been in a couple of pits before that were a little crazy...one was 311 and the other was at the vans warped tour..i would love to be in front of matt if at all possible..oh and my parking situation is undecided...i'm trying to see who lives near me to see if we could start some sort of carpool..and i always thought houston metro would be an option..and then just get a ride home? i dunno lol we shall see...:D


Warped was probably a good indicator of the type of pit you can expect. The crazies and moshing adolescents seem to congregate in front of Matthew; it's almost always calmer over on Chris' side, with a great view of Matthew without his microphone in the way in all your pix!


What grade do you teach? I'm guessing little ones, who don't know Muse?


Wow, I was worried about me (5'4", 115 lbs) but you sound smaller! I am worried about not being able to see and being smushed. It's worth it...but I am definitely nervous

I am a small 16-year-old girl :(

I don't care, I am determined to be in the pit! Maybe I'll bring a tall friend to protect me if I ever get the chance :LOL:


Actually that's not a bad idea. In Vegas we had a pact with the people around us to keep us safe (about 6 gals, 2 guys). The bigger guys are great for when people try to push into your space. And they will.

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Actually that's not a bad idea. In Vegas we had a pact with the people around us to keep us safe (about 6 gals, 2 guys). The bigger guys are great for when people try to push into your space. And they will.

I think I just might do this. I'm planning on being at the barrier, and a friend coming says she will protect me, but I would love to have more than one person. :LOL: Although I am a dancer, and I do strength training and bicycling, so I should be strong enough to push any wankers away. :phu:

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Why not? I'm 56! But I'm fit enough to stay safe; you need upper body strength to be on the barrier!


Now I'm getting a bit concerned. I'm fairly fit I guess, but seriously, do you have to be able to bench press a certain amount or something? :LOL: I've been hitting the gym 3x a week for the last couple of years, so hopefully that will do.

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Now I'm getting a bit concerned. I'm fairly fit I guess, but seriously, do you have to be able to bench press a certain amount or something? :LOL: I've been hitting the gym 3x a week for the last couple of years, so hopefully that will do.


The concert experience for any band is just something awesome. There are many factors which can transform the crowd into a sea of raw energy. Certainly if you are surrounded by a bunch of bulky or large people it could be rough, but don't let that get you down you need to wonder why it gets so rowdy in the first place.


Mostly there is this huge wave of adrenaline that rushes over everyone so whether your strong or not if the adrenaline takes you over and you don't have issues with personal space you may find that even the smallest fans become more energized and peppy, suddenly the smallest fans start holding their own. I mean it helps if you are in shape, but I would say loosing yourself to the music and adrenaline is also a majour factor for why it gets rough and how you can deal with it. I mean science has shown athletes who are an an adrenaline high can play sports on broken legs and barely feel it same with dogs, and same with hardcore Muse fans lol... not that anything like that will happen though.

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The concert experience for any band is just something awesome. There are many factors which can transform the crowd into a sea of raw energy. Certainly if you are surrounded by a bunch of bulky or large people it could be rough, but don't let that get you down you need to wonder why it gets so rowdy in the first place.


Mostly there is this huge wave of adrenaline that rushes over everyone so whether your strong or not if the adrenaline takes you over and you don't have issues with personal space you may find that even the smallest fans become more energized and peppy, suddenly the smallest fans start holding their own. I mean it helps if you are in shape, but I would say loosing yourself to the music and adrenaline is also a majour factor for why it gets rough and how you can deal with it. I mean science has shown athletes who are an an adrenaline high can play sports on broken legs and barely feel it same with dogs, and same with hardcore Muse fans lol... not that anything like that will happen though.


For a moment there you really scared me :stunned:

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Now I'm getting a bit concerned. I'm fairly fit I guess, but seriously, do you have to be able to bench press a certain amount or something? :LOL: I've been hitting the gym 3x a week for the last couple of years, so hopefully that will do.


Srsly there is no need to be concerned. Muse is not the roughest crowd I have experienced, from the moment you avoid the middle about 4/5 rows in from the barrier (most intense area) you will be fine.


As usual if you are really worried just head from Chris' side as it's more mellow but still great atmosphere.

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I was on the barrier in front of Matt on the Friday at the O2, and the girl on the barrier next to me was probably no more than 5ft/5ft1, and she was absolutely fine. . .having the time of her life, in fact :LOL: Dealing with the crowds in the pit. . .it really depends on the individual tbh. I know shorter people who can handle it fine, and taller people who find it uncomfortable.


So yeah, not the most helpful of posts :LOL::$


Actually, I suppose that is helpful, I mean I've never been to a Muse concert before but if other sort people can survive, I can definitely survive :LOL:


You prob need to get there in the morning -- usually by 9 or so there is already a small group of barrier-minded Musers! If you're on the barrier you will see fine, just hope you're fit enough to fight off the crush. A friend from here had a rib broken at BDO in Auckland this week -- you want to be fit enough to be able to push back off the barrier when the surge comes forward. And it will.


Yeah, I lift weights a lot, I should be in good shape to not get crushed. :D

Wait.... just... the concert's at 7 PM, should I seriously get there nearly 10 hours early??? I have no idea how crazy it'll be here in America...

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I'm grateful for this thread, as its been getting me to think practically about a problem I've got with my upcoming Muse gig.


I'm going with three other people. I'm going to be fine - I imagine any pit would be equal in intensity to Oasis, a tad higher than Foo Fighters, both of which I've been alright with (though I never want to go through the Country House/Song 2/Parklife experience ever again!) One of my friends is also an experienced gigger, and another is a very well-built person and will be able to deal with anything.


However, my third friend is a tiny, not-particularly-strong person, and whilst she would love to be the front would be overwhelmed, scared and would probably faint. I've been worrying about this, and I've considered things like having her on my shoulders, but that'll block someone else's view and I'll have to be more careful with my own movement.


Ultimately I think we'll probably have to use the lower tier seating, but I'm curious how deep into the crowd we'll be able to go safely.

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Now I'm getting a bit concerned. I'm fairly fit I guess, but seriously, do you have to be able to bench press a certain amount or something? :LOL: I've been hitting the gym 3x a week for the last couple of years, so hopefully that will do.


You will be fine -- you just need enough upper body strength to keep your body off the barrier by bracing your arms, or risk a broken rib...


Yeah, I'm pretty much counting on once the music starts not really even being aware of any bodily discomfort I might be experiencing. I'll probably feel like crap the next day, though! :p


Like Jen who broke a rib on the barrier at BDO/Auckland!


Funny, the reasons listed in the OP are the reason I decided to get a seat.


Since my concert will be my first time seeing Muse (and it's a B-day present to myself) I want to have a good time.


I should note, I got front row of the seats, so I will be by the pit. Just not in it. :D


GREAT spot for pix and vids! Unobstructed view!


...Wait.... just... the concert's at 7 PM, should I seriously get there nearly 10 hours early??? I have no idea how crazy it'll be here in America...


If you want barrier, probably -- based on past experience. Varies from gig to gig, but people line up early!


I'm grateful for this thread, as its been getting me to think practically about a problem I've got with my upcoming Muse gig.


However, my third friend is a tiny, not-particularly-strong person, and whilst she would love to be the front would be overwhelmed, scared and would probably faint. I've been worrying about this, and I've considered things like having her on my shoulders, but that'll block someone else's view and I'll have to be more careful with my own movement.


Ultimately I think we'll probably have to use the lower tier seating, but I'm curious how deep into the crowd we'll be able to go safely.


What does your petite friend think? If she's tiny, she won't see much unless you are up on the front barrier, which actually would be great, you stronger types can keep the rabble from crushing her. Or go first row of seats if you can get it.

But DON'T put her on your shoulders, that's incredibly rude to everyone behind you.


The tags for this thread :facepalm::LOL:


So what's wrong with "listen to your muse mom"????:LOL::LOL:

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