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How would you rate Absolution?  

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  1. 1. How would you rate Absolution?

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Best album so that's a 5 stars for me even if I don't like all songs


Best song: Sing For Absolution but in live version SFA and SS are equal, just amazingly orgasmic! :D

Worst song: Endlessly just because I find it tasteless!

Best moments:

- the moment when intro ends and AP just screams out with its furiously loud and rhythmical piano followed by Matt's full voice, I remember it when I listened to it the first time that was like a rainstorm fallen on me, the one you are waiting for hours during summer heat, I was wet in 1 second but so happy! :D

- in SFA: the ascent of the guitar play at 3:30 and the word "absolution" in Matt's mouth sounds like a word of God, mystical, makes me cry and want to be a better person to earn it in this life!

- the blue color of the CD (my favourite color) with shadow guys, everytime I load it I have the feeling that I spread blue in the air and let my spirit drift in it.

- the beginning of TOADA, I love the energy that shrines from it!

- the apparent sweetness and slowness of Blackout and Ruled By Secrecy that just makes those songs ends more powerful!

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4.5 a great album one of their best, I'm torn between this and OoS.


Good moment: Hysterias bassline, AP's synthesizer bits and piano, SS's riff.

Bad moment: Probably the pre-chorus of TIRO it just doesn't fit a bit weak and whiny

Best Songs: Hysteria, SS, AP, TIRO

Worst Songs: Blackout, thats about it even though the last three tracks do feel out of place

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5 stars, i love this album.


Good things- the emotion, a slightly darker edge, piano eeeverywhere!, heavy riffs, basslines, drums...i could go on forever. also has the best b-sides

Bad things- not a lot of falsetto comparatively, fury being left out (my all time favorite song) and like others have said TOADA and TSP, just not nearly as good as everything else

Best track - either hysteria or SS

Worst track - thoughts of a dying atheist

Favourite moment - the best: matt screaming the very last line in SS and everything after, the rest: butterflies and hurricanes piano solo, ending of interlude/beginning of hysteria, that part in RBS


yay ok list, this seriously pains me to chose between SS and Hysteria, but for right now:



1. Stockholm Syndrome it is..

2. Interlude+Hysteria

3. Ruled By Secrecy

(Eternally Missed)

4. Apocalypse Please

5. Sing for Absolution

6. Butterflies and Hurricanes

(The Groove)

7. Endlessly

8. Falling Away With You

9. Time is Running Out

10. Blackout

11. The Small Print

12. Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

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At the moment:


Time is Running Out


Stockholm Syndrome

Butterflies and Hurricanes

Ruled by Secrecy

Sing for Absolution


(Eternally Missed)

Apocalypse Please

Falling Away With You


(The Groove)


Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

The Small Print (I still quite like these two tracks)

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Favourite Track: Butterflies & Hurricanes

Least: Too hard to say! They're all good.


Favourite moment: Matt's piano solo halfway through Butterflies & Hurricanes. Awesome, epic, beautiful, genius!!!


Overall: Probably one of my favourites, along with Origin Of Symmetry. Love how some is really classical based, but then it rips into stuff like Stockholm Syndrome or Hysteria!!



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Best track:- Hysteria

Worst track: Endlessly

Worst moment: "hoooplesslyyyy"

Favourite moments: "the last "i wish i could!" in Stockholm Syndrome, "I WANT IT NOOOOW" in Hysteria, Ruled by Secrecy when the drums kick-in and the dramatic piano, "siiiiing foorr absoooluuuuuuuuution" in Sing for Abolution, first "beeeeeeeest, you've got to be the best" after piano section in Butterflies and Hurricanes



1. Hysteria

2. Ruled by Secrecy

3. Stockholm Syndrome

4. Sing for Absolution

5. Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

6. Butterflies and Hurricanes

7. Apocalypse Please

8. Blackout

9. The Small print

10. Time is Running Out

11. Falling Away With You

12. Endlessly

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Good things about the album: Pretty much everything. Muse figured out where they belonged on this album. It's a well-executed piece of musical genius. It's Muse at their best.

Bad things about the album: Thoughts of a Dying Atheist. And that's not saying much, because it's still good. :) Fury should've been in its place.

Best track: Stockholm Syndrome, Blackout

Worst track: Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

Favourite moment: When the guitar comes in on Blackout, piano intro in Apocalypse Please, "I feel my LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE!" in FAWY, biiiig big chorus in S4A (it feels like exhaling a huge breath of relief. seriously) so many more..

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It's definitely the most flowing album, imo. It also is the only album which I can say all the songs are pretty good.


Best track: Stockholm Syndrome

Worst track: Ruled by Secrecy

Favourite moment: Intro to AP


1. Stockholm Syndrome

2. Apocalypse Please

3. Butterflies and Hurricanes

4. Hysteria

5. Sing for Absolution

6. Time is Running Out

7. The Small Print

8. Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

9. Blackout

10. Endlessly

11. Falling Away with You

12. Ruled by Secrecy

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5 stars. Awesome.


Best song: Hysteria

Worst song: Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist

Best part: 'And I want it now!' in Hysteria


1. Hysteria

2. Butterflies & Hurricanes

3. Time is Running Out

4. Ruled By Secrecy

5. Blackout

6. Stockholm Syndrome

7. Apocalypse Please

8. Endlessly

9. Falling Away With You

10. Sing for Absolution

11. The Small Print

12. Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist


The first couple of bars of Endlessly make me feel so confident. I don't know why, I think it's that rhythm.

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5 stars. Best Muse album in my opinion.


Best song: That's a hard one, I can't choose. Stockholm Syndrome, Ruled By Secrecy, Butterflies and Hurricanes, etc. :facepalm:

Worst song: None. If I'd have to choose, I'd say Endlessly. But I still love it.

Favourite moment: When the heavy piano kicks in by Ruled By Secrecy. Or the last 'I wish I could!' in Stockholm Syndrome.



- Apocalypse Please 9/10

- Time Is Running Out 8/10

- Sing for Absolution 8/10

- Stockholm Syndrome 10/10

- Falling Away with You 9/10

- Hysteria 9/10

- Blackout 9/10

- Butterflies and Hurricanes 10/10

- The Small Print 8/10

- Endlessly 7/10

- Thoughts of a Dying Atheist 9/10

- Ruled by Secrecy 10/10

- Fury 10/10 (or even 11/10 :p )


I honestly wish Fury was on the album. It's so brilliant.

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5 stars


Most favourite and best album from Muse for me

Good things about the album: the brave end-of-the-world theme, the rich diversity of music, the musical genius, the energy --> simply Muse at their best

Bad things about the album: TSP instead of Fury, the order of the track (the flow of the album)

Best track: Butterflies and Hurricanes, Stockholm Syndrome

Worst track: None. But least favourite track: TSP

Favourite moment: Intro before Apocalypse Please and the piano interlude in RBS

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5 Stars. My favourite Muse album, I can't find one fault with it. Flawless from Intro right through to Ruled By Secrecy.

Best track: Ruled By Secrecy, Stockholm Syndrome, The Small Print or Hysteria.

Worst track: TOADA, would've preferred Fury.

Favourite moment: I don't know which moment to choose...I love the piano throughout RBS and the slight changes in Interlude.

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5*. Best Muse album, managed to balance their artistry and hard rock kick-assness perfectly while making it accessible to the average music listener. Though they could've moved around the tracks so that they didn't put all the singles at the front.


Best track: Stockholm Syndrome

Worst track: The Small Print

Favourite moment: "This...is...the last time I'll abaaaaaaaaandon youuuuuu..."

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Apocalypse Please 8/10

Time Is Running Out 7/10

Sing for Absolution 8/10

Stockholm Syndrome 9/10

Falling Away with You 6/10

Hysteria 10/10

Blackout 8/10

Butterflies and Hurricanes 8/10

The Small Print 7/10

Endlessly 6/10

Thoughts of a Dying Atheist 9/10

Ruled by Secrecy 9/10

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If we're rating them as well...


Blackout 10/10

Sing For Absolution 10/10

Hysteria 10/10

Endlessly 9/10

Ruled by Secrecy 9/10

Butterflies & Hurricanes 9/10

Stockholm Syndrome 9/10

Apocalypse Please 9/10

Time Is Running Out 8/10

Falling Away With You 8/10


Thoughts of a Dying Atheist 5/10

The Small Print 4/10

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let's go for a rating :


Intro + AP = 9/10

TIRO = 8/10

SFA = 4/10

SS = 8/10

FAWY = 8/10

Hysteria = 7/10 (8/10 for the live version)

Blackout = 6/10

B&H = 10/10

TSP = 9/10

Endlessly = 4.5/10

TOADA = 5/10

RBS = 8/10


And i give a 9/10 for Fury and The Groove and 9.5/10 for Eternally Missed :happy:

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