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Anyone been watching FILTHY RICH and homeless on Channel 4 on Tuesday evenings (SW UK)?


I think someone likes Muse on that programme..... Last week they played snippets of three of their tracks .... and last night two:DThey ended the prog. on the credits playing out to MOP:)

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Get this.... MICRO CUTS IN TESCO! Twas v strange


made my shopping enjoyable :happy:


Is that true? Haha, awesome :D


I can so imagine deciding over which cabbage I'm going to take while listening to Microoo waveeeeeeeeeeeees me insaaaaaaane

A blaine cuts in your braiiiiiiiiin

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I bought a new TV in Comet in Guildford at the weekend and one of the shop assistants was showing a sound system to a customer, he turned it up really loud and it happened to have Sing for Absolution playing at the time which was wicked. I had to restrain myself from joining in.

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Anyone been watching FILTHY RICH and homeless on Channel 4 on Tuesday evenings (SW UK)?


I think someone likes Muse on that programme..... Last week they played snippets of three of their tracks .... and last night two:DThey ended the prog. on the credits playing out to MOP:)


I've been watching that :D

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SMBH was on Big Brother (UK) last night when they introduced Emily into the house...:)



I was just waking up this morning, and I heard the newscasters (On FOXNEWS) say that a sign had been held up at "a rock concert by a band called Muse" that Emily's Father was dead. I guess more of the BB-stuff. I love my quote ^^^^.


The newscaster looked confused as she was saying it.:LOL::LOL::LOL:


Edit: Not to say that the whole death thing is funny. It's not. But the newscaster on American televison was funny.:$

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