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First...The first was Stockholm Syndrome...

I wanted to play another song and my internet redirectioned me to this song..

So...in my bedroom:LOL:

A started to listen to Muse by an error...happy error!:D


Cool story bro :D

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First...The first was Stockholm Syndrome...

I wanted to play another song and my internet redirectioned me to this song..

So...in my bedroom:LOL:

A started to listen to Muse by an error...happy error!:D


I'm trying to work out what this means

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Not heard but read in a Yahoo Music article about cancelled summer tours.


Major acts such as The Eagles, Christina Aguilera, Rihanna and the Lilith Fair have canceled or curtailed tours, but Pollstar editor in chief Gary Bongiovanni said others — including Lady GaGa, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber and Muse — aren't having problems moving tickets.


Just thought it was funny seeing Muse grouped in there with the others.

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Yesterday my college orientation leader had a playlist of songs to "Put you in the mood for orientation!" and one of them was Uprising. My friends and I were humming along, but nobody ever looks as pumped as they want at those things, it seems like. Not even when they played that new Katy Perry song.

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