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I was going to make a new thread but thought it'd probably get merged. I want all opinions etc on these two songs. A few of you already gave me feedback on one song "harbinger" (ta sam, the man and jon)


I reckon i'm almost there. These have been mixed AND mastered now, but by no means set in stone so I would greatly appreciate help. If anyone thinks they can do me a better master (the_man?) then I can upload the un-mastered files for you.




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I was going to make a new thread but thought it'd probably get merged. I want all opinions etc on these two songs. A few of you already gave me feedback on one song "harbinger" (ta sam, the man and jon)


I reckon i'm almost there. These have been mixed AND mastered now, but by no means set in stone so I would greatly appreciate help. If anyone thinks they can do me a better master (the_man?) then I can upload the un-mastered files for you.




Awesome Tom I've been waiting for Harbinger for ages too download. :) I'll give em a listen tonight!

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I was going to make a new thread but thought it'd probably get merged. I want all opinions etc on these two songs. A few of you already gave me feedback on one song "harbinger" (ta sam, the man and jon)


I reckon i'm almost there. These have been mixed AND mastered now, but by no means set in stone so I would greatly appreciate help. If anyone thinks they can do me a better master (the_man?) then I can upload the un-mastered files for you.





i like the songs :D think the lead vocal needs more balls on somnambulist its pretty loud, but lacking in mids i think.. kinda harsh, and of course you're going for that :p


infact i think the whole lot in general could do with more roundness on somnambulist. nice guitar solo though!


harbringer seems to have had the first second lopped off heh. the mix is better here, backing vocals and bass is more rounded.


id have a go at some mastering if you do post them mixed files

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roundness = roll off top end?


I'll post the the files tonight but it might have to be stashbox links because i'll be at home.


The vocals on somnambulist are obviously supposed to be harsh, but I still want them to have some power. I'll try boosting some mids - a quick remix before I upload.


Hopefully the harbinger mix will sound better un-mastered. I still have a lot to learn when it comes to mastering. My method is - create 6 duplicated tracks - have one dry, one with the default multi-band comp, one low, low mid, hi mid, high, all individually compressed while I listen, and then mix them all on the mixer. Then I take the exports and compare them to some good sounding CDs.

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snowblind have a few shows coming up at some splendid venues in manchester:


THE ROADHOUSE: 23rd october with lou broderick and me. doors 8.00pm, £5/£4 with a flyer


THE RUBY LOUNGE: 27th november with fatman, time for china and cafe assassin. doors 7.30pm, £5 entry


we like both venues a lot. there's some good bands playing as well as us, so it should be a pleasant evening all round. message or email us if you're thinking of coming down, or if you're short of flyers. thanks.

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oh hai



Disregard the second thing on there... :LOL:

Just pay attention to the current "Maps" cover that's on there, I'm so proud.


And no, we don't have a drummer... just GarageBand loops. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

I'm responsible for keyboardy sounds/girly harmonies in the chorus/editing this bitch up.


Prepared for being chewed apart in 3... 2... 1....

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And no, we don't have a drummer... just GarageBand loops. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:


At least you didn't play live to a backing track of Garageband drum loops... I hope...


Trust me, it's not good.


My band did this last week and in the songs with the garageband loops, we fucked up miserably; they were too bassy to hear them...


The drum tracks generated by the Zoom drum machine on my recording studio were fine! Just the Garageband ones...


So yeah... word of warning there, I guess... If everyone hadn't been drunk, I think we would have had bottles thrown at us.


Your music isn't too bad... although not really my thing, to be honest.

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My band



is gonna be playing with Incase of Fire. in the carling academy in liverpool on the 10th of november.




these guys are brilliant, in my opinion. if you live anywhere nearby and wanna see them play and give us a bit of support then come on down :p



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Hi guys, we're playing the Gamlingay Records (http://www.gamlingayrecords.org.uk) battle of the bands on the 8th November.




The live lineup is now complete, so the old side-project (Karmafish) will be kept for solo stuff, with - Nyx - performing live from this date!


The gig is in Gamlingay (think Sandy/Bedford/Huntingdon/Cambridge area). Tickets are only £3 advance for a full days giggage.


If any of you can come, it'll be a great day!

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anyone wants to go to a battle of teh bands-type of thing?

it is gonna take plase at the Knitting Factory in NY, so it should be fuckin awesome.

tix are 15$ but there are more than 20 bands doing their stuff. November 15th


PM me if you are interested. it should be great

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oh hai



Disregard the second thing on there... :LOL:

Just pay attention to the current "Maps" cover that's on there, I'm so proud.


And no, we don't have a drummer... just GarageBand loops. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

I'm responsible for keyboardy sounds/girly harmonies in the chorus/editing this bitch up.


Prepared for being chewed apart in 3... 2... 1....


Great vocals and and the rest for that matter :) I love that song.

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could anyone please tell me is this worth listening to


band linky-signature. down there


1- crappy recordings

2-punk vocals(my thing) but i can hit all the belamys notes)) its just that my timbre(or tone... im not much of a musician) sucks so i dont do much muse stuff.


3-these are the older versions, and new ones, recorded just now are gonna be uploaded soon

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Creo - www.myspace.com/creosound


heavily influenced by muse and all sorts of electric sounds :)


songs are on the myspace page, tell me if you like/dislike them :p



They're all pretty good songs, but tbh the first one the drums sound like there is too much high end coming through on them. The first and second songs sound a bit samey though otherwise pretty good stuff!

Edited by Samcoma
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thanks very much for taking the time :)


yeah, i think the drums come out a little too much high end too, but i found out that it sounds way better in reason (the application i used to mix), a little worse as .mp3 and very poor on myspace.


and yup, ill try to make them sound a little more different, im just making my first experiences :)

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thanks very much for taking the time :)


yeah, i think the drums come out a little too much high end too, but i found out that it sounds way better in reason (the application i used to mix), a little worse as .mp3 and very poor on myspace.


and yup, ill try to make them sound a little more different, im just making my first experiences :)


a little tip: if you're mixing in reason, you will almost certainly find that if you use rewire to send your tracks out from reason to a rewire host like cubase, they will actually sound a fair bit better. i dont know why, but something about the way the code is written for reason's summing mixer makes it sound worse than better coded summing mixers like cubase's.


the fact they sound worse as mp3 and worse on myspace is obviously going to happen, its getting pretty compressed when exporting to mp3, and then getting totally smashed when it hits myspace, but i guess you knew that.

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Hi, this is probably the wrong thread, but here it goes:

I'm looking for a good cover band to play at my party, in March '09; I'd love of course a few Muse covers, but not all of them. Crucially, it must be a band in the Leeds area..... and also I can't pay very much!! (please be kind, don't insult me :p).

Can you suggest anyone?


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