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Glasgow Jam for the fucking win :D.


That was epic. MK was awesome too, despite the bass being a tad quiet and the drums being a bit too loud. Top-notch nonetheless.

I agree. I was so looking forward to a proshot MK but the Glasgow Jam was really the best part. So. Much. Fucking. Win.

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OHGODDDDDDDDDD hahaha, i played the album version of MK Ultra, and this live version, At the same time just to see if they are at the same (which they are) but i obviously forgot about the fact that live they played it half a step down and oh my lord :LOL:



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Kinda wish we just had the jam without the pipes haha


whiuh, thought i was the only one thinking that :chuckle:


Me too, I'm not too keen on the bag pipes :LOL:


And, personally, I think that the Helsinki Jam WITH the pipes was better than the MK Ultra proshot we got :erm:

Then again, I don't like MK Ultra, so, go figure :p


The bagpipe playing actually sent shivers down my spine, that hasn't happened for a long time :eek:

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