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Wow, I haven't heard it yet (I'm at work), but since I'm not a fan of Madness or Dead Inside I don't think I'll be getting my hopes up. I'm guessing it's pretty dire. Luckily I'm a pro at keeping low expectations where Muse is concerned. :yesey:

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I was hoping for something a lot sillier but it's just a splice of Madness and Dead Inside. I liked Madness but I don't want a rehash of it. Spends two minutes meandering with really bad air-grab lyrics before kicking off in a distinctly okay way.

Don't want an album of this.

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It's such a bad song. Along the lines of what I expected given the promo material in the build up, but I didn't expect it to be *that* terrible. It's probably worse than anything on The 2nd Law, and that was Muse's previous low point for me (along with Neutron Star Collision, obviously).


The "they're trying something new" line doesn't wash this time because it's similar to the last seven or eight years only not as good as Madness or Dead Inside, ironically two song titles that reflect my mood after listening to it!

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The noise I made was not human.


Please explain? :LOL:


Try to think it without the silly synth sounds. Like, I can't explain it clearly, but if I imagine the same tracks layered on different instruments, it just kinda made me feel that :D


I know I'm silly at times.

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Absolution I thought was pretty tonally consistent.

Actually, Drones was a step in the right direction in that regard I think.


Abso varies a decent amount between stuff like Endlessly, TOADA, TSP, AP and Blackout.


Drones is one of their most consistent records but even that ranges between hard rock, pop rock, orchestral, glam and choral a capella.

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I thought Abso was a very paranoid record and all those above tracks are quite paranoid.


Drones stuck to its concept pretty well in the same regard and it actually produced from good songs from it. Some really rubbish ones too but the intent is good.


No. Abso was just the guys trying to do too much. It could still be their greatest album, but it stumbles on it's own attempts of pushing the epicness too hard. BHAR is amazing because they managed to keep it together and not push it to the limit. With Abso they pushed it, but ended up pushing it off a (small) cliff.

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No. Abso was just the guys trying to do too much. It could still be their greatest album, but it stumbles on it's own attempts of pushing the epicness too hard. BHAR is amazing because they managed to keep it together and not push it to the limit. With Abso they pushed it, but ended up pushing it off a (small) cliff.


Each to their own lol - it's totally the other way round in my opinion. BH&R gets all silly when you get to Exo-Politics and (especially) City of Delusion, with its huge choruses and film-score strings (and silly lyrics and a repetitive melody). And how is Knights of Cydonia - which is great - not right at the 'limit' of epicness?

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