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The official The Resistance love-thread! :)

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Ah look it all makes perfect sense: "The meaning of "She attacks me like a Leo, when my heart is split like Rio" acording to Matt in a tweet is: "Rio is pretty divided, 5 Star hotels and favelas close together. Leo star sign." "




Well, yes. :LOL:


....I still blame the shrooms. Lolz.

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What you hear as a "clinical" sound I think sounds totally symphonic and blissful. The overall soundscape of this album is something I love much more than any of the individual songs.


To me it feels like there's no punch in any of the instruments and that makes it seem devoid of any life, just listen to US. I don't think any of the songs are jaw-droppingly shit (apart from GL but then Revolt, Aftermath and Drones came along), but none of them make me feel anything.

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To me it feels like there's no punch in any of the instruments and that makes it seem devoid of any life, just listen to US. I don't think any of the songs are jaw-droppingly shit (apart from GL but then Revolt, Aftermath and Drones came along), but none of them make me feel anything.


I agree there's not a ton of punch (this being a lot of the reason US has worn off on me a bit), but to me that's not the point of the album like it was on OoS or like it is on Drones. This album is much more about crystaline, positively digital/symphonic soundscape, if that makes any sense. It's much less a rock album and much more a classical album written and performed by a rock band. And to be honest, I've never thought Absolution had a great deal of punch or life in its instrumentation, aside from Hysteria.

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Ah look it all makes perfect sense: "The meaning of "She attacks me like a Leo, when my heart is split like Rio" acording to Matt in a tweet is: "Rio is pretty divided, 5 Star hotels and favelas close together. Leo star sign." "




Well, yes. :LOL:


That's not even the worst thing, which tells you about how much I dislike it!


It's the stupid trumpet solo thing, get it AWAYYYYY!

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I loved it at first, then for a while it was my least favourite album. Now I'd probably rank it 5th out of the 7th albums.


My problem with it is USoE. In my opinion, it kills all the momentum of the album. Also it lacks the 'epic' track in the middle of the album that most of the other albums have (Unnatural Selection is fine, but hardly a classic).


For the record, I actually like GL and IBTY :D

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Count me in!


I love the song Resistance, and US! Exogenesis of course is a masterpiece! I like USOA, even Ibty is somehow great, the atmosphere of this song is so wow .. Altough Matt's French is oh my :rolleyes: why didn't they check how to say it?!


I don't like Guiding light, sorry...


I don't get the hate for this album and I don't understand the love for BH&R. I like some songs off it, but as a whole..no thanks!

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It's not as bad as people make it out to be but when you put it beside Absolution, Black Holes, Origin of Symmetry - even Drones, it just pales in comparison completely.


for me it just feels like a nearly album - so much potential for great tunes but they missed the mark on a few

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It's not as bad as people make it out to be but when you put it beside Absolution, Black Holes, Origin of Symmetry - even Drones, it just pales in comparison completely.


for me it just feels like a nearly album - so much potential for great tunes but they missed the mark on a few



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Uprising - meh

Resistance - good (but horrific live)

Undisclosed Desires - surprisingly I hated it for years but now I like it...

USoE - good

Guiding Light - More like Guiding Shite, amirite?

Unnatural Selection - Good song other than that 2 minute shitty solo

Mk Ultra - Fantastic song, one of Muse's best

I Belong To You - Gash

All 3 parts of Exogenesis - meh


It's better than The 2nd Law, I'm not sure about Drones though. Worse than everything else by a country mile

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For me, The Resistance was the album where I discovered Muse. Without the success of Uprising and how it managed to break through the sound barrier on my awful radio station, I probably wouldn't have known about them until much later. So, when people say they hate the album because it's commercialized, I am kind of grateful for that.


It's third in my list of albums, just behind Black Holes and Drones. I love the classical elements and how different it is. Plus, Redemption is the most awesome thing to hear first thing in the morning. No other song can make me want to wake up like that one can.

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Uprising was the first song that I listened from Muse (being aware) because it appeared in a TV ad (from House M.D). I liked it and I wanted to listen to more songs from Muse so I went to youtube and I searched the Muse videos with more views. I ended up listening to Resistance and Undisclosed Desires. That led me to listen to the older songs


So yeah, maybe now I prefer their older stuff but I wouldn't have discovered it without the comercial success of some tracks from The Resistance so I guess I have to love that album :LOL:

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So I've surmised that my favorite thing about The Resistance is the overall soundscape. Everything is so symphonic and spacey and dreamy, it's awesome. A good example of the soundscape would be the atmospheric synths at the start and end of Resistance. Basically anything in the music of the album that creates a similar sort of sonic setting as those synths somehow dexterously and beautifully blends everything together into an incredibly spacey, consistent, and epic whole. I love TR so much!

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  • 6 months later...

Gave this another listen recently. I fluctuate from it being awesome to it being just kinda good but right now it's awesome! I've actually really grown to like the production as well. Better than Abso or BH&R anyway.

I think I love Guiding Light now, and I'm in love with the solo. US is pretty awesome but I wish they'd kept the original guitar part after the intro because it's fucking amazing.

Great album. Wish more people liked it but I guess I do know so many don't

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US is pretty awesome but I wish they'd kept the original guitar part after the intro because it's fucking amazing.


I love US to bits but I've always thought that part sounds atrocious tbh. Takes the Queen aping to a silly level and sounds really out of place. Not 100% sure why it wasn't in the final cut but I'm really glad it's not.

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