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Again, I've never met any who do. Quite frankly, metal concerts are wonderful experiences. Everyone understands what happens in a mosh pit (for example) and generally follows the ethics of them.


Because I think that nowadays, mentalities are changing a bit. You and I would never think that throwing bottles for example is a coll behaviour, but the selfcalled " true hardcore fans" might be okay with it, I dunno.

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Yeah I believe they did say Download was an "excuse" for older heavier tracks, so I really do have high expectations. Playing between Slipknot and Kiss too they should know what sort of crowd will be attending :LOL:


Praying for Showbiz. Not expecting it, but I can pray...


I'm thinking Assassin, CE and potentially Hyper Music and Dead Star depending on how many rarities they're planning on doing.

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I actually dated a guy who was into a lot of metal that was a bit, too far, for me - for about six months.

His circle of friends and the places he hung out drove us apart. So, I mean, I'm basing it on more than just Download festival. And throwing bottles.

It certainly wasn't everyone, but I met with a lot of glorified violence and sexism that was either encouraged, or ignored, and it made me sad that a vocal minority ruined it for a lot of others.


You can pull up videos of different acts at Download for instance, it's not just a couple of isolated people doing it.

Humans have such a mob mentality sometimes. :noey:

You try finding a nice venue to play where everyone assumes you throw piss everywhere.


I've first hand seen people thrown out of venues for harassing women and being overly aggressive in pits. I was once headbutted by a guy in a pit (turned out it was his first gig), some guts helped me up, made sure I was ok (even checking my eyes with a light), took the guy out of the pit and explained that he went too far. I met him afterwards and he apologised.


I can bring up videos showing that this isn't isolated people being nice metal shows.

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Because I think that nowadays, mentalities are changing a bit. You and I would never think that throwing bottles for example is a coll behaviour, but the selfcalled " true hardcore fans" might be okay with it, I dunno.


Those aren't true hardcore fans. Those are guys with a fetish and dial-up internet.

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I sort of think it would be a dick move to play a heavy setlist, which would also be incidentally a fan-servicey setlist, just for this festival, and nowhere else...


Precisely, they're playing festivals bigger than Download throughout Europe. Download's not going to be a "special" show. Why would it be? It's going to be the same set* as they're doing at all the other festivals


*I assume there'll be a few songs in rotation from night to night

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Download's not going to be a "special" show. Why would it be?


Because Chris outright said they were gonna use it as an opportunity to play different, heavier songs?


That, and when fans asked the band to play Citizen Erased and Assassin on the Psycho Tour, they said they'd play them at Download.

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