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Hahahaha Fabri finally outed as a douche.




I liked it earlier when the thread was silly and fun... offtopic and pointless yes but fun, now I'm tired and the thread has delved into the twilight zone. Maybe when I wake up in oooh 12 hours, The Handler will be within our grasp. Who knows.

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Ok so I just woke up and there's 200 new pages.... wtf happened?


I swear this question gets asked like once per page.


I mean, I know a lot of shit gets posted in this thread but usually going back like 1, maybe 2 pages should give you an answer.

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Every album cycle I develop such a hatred for the muse fandom that, once it leaks, I stick around to make a few posts about what I think of the album, then I slink off for 2 and a half years again.


It's gonna happen again, I can feel it in my drones

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People were just shitposting because JJ wanted to make a new thread.


Completely legit when people ask if anything happened when there is literally 100 pages posted in half a day.

Not as legit when people ask when there are 10.


And I think people might be surprised if we compiled all of Fabri's posts that were " :) " "wat" or "no" - especially if compared to the number of any with Muse related content.

If you care that much, go find him bitching on reddit or FB and stop adding more pages of bs. :phu:

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I'm all for it, but don't get fussy when people ask for recaps and don't want to read it all. :phu:




To be fair I didn't post about that, I was upset for Dominic shitposting about Fabri when he's irrelevant to anything pertaining to this album release

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Completely legit when people ask if anything happened when there is literally 100 pages posted in half a day.

Not as legit when people ask when there are 10.


Yeah, but sometimes there'll be an answer on the very same page. I understand a lot of irrelevant bollocks gets posted here but that question is usually asked and answered pretty frequently so it'd just help relieve some of the clog/repeating posts if people read back a page or two before asking.

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The thing that sucks is that The Handler is going to be released before a leak/stream, and I'm dead set about not listening to any more of the album prior to release so that I can listen to it all at once.....might have to disappear from here for a few days.

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I got a message during Game of Thrones but if you were watching, you'd understand why I didn't pause. Turns out the package only includes Fury Road and that new San Andreas movie from Warner. I think Entourage is in there too but hasn't confirmed.


Tuesday it is then.



doesnt mean other stores wont get it and that it might get leaked by someone else

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