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The one time I saw Muse (2013) I was in a weird spot. I knew:




Origin Singles

Starlight & KoC


I probably recognized half of the songs.


I had a blast through what I later learned were Hysteria, TIRO and Agitated and hearing Sunburn was the highlight of the show. I know both what it's like to go crazy over a deep cut and just jump around at songs I'd never heard. Bring Assassin on. Dead Star. TSP. It'd be a ton of fun for hardcores and I know the casuals are pretty much already expecting that if you only know a few songs


Edit: I was also really expecting PiB and was sad we got no origin songs

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The stage show itself is pretty elaborate for a rock act, but nothing compared to big pop productions. Pink, Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, Katy Perry and the likes get suspended and fly around amid confetti and fireworks all the time. With actors, dancers and props heavily present throughout the highly choreographed sets. Each of these artists are great musicians, whose audience sizes have outgrown the option of just singing their songs and relying on that talent alone.


With their production and song choices, it seems that Muse are trying to get a slice of that industry, at least in the US. From that perspective, the show is hardly an elaborate or over the top production at all. Just a hastily put together, small to medium sized pop production. Perhaps too ambitious for their level of mainstream fame.


The feedback I've been getting from non- and casual fans is about how great their musicianship and stage performance is. If Muse are trying to attract mainstream Americans, I think they can do it by focusing on their music more, saving money on broken props and logistics and pleasing fans with longer energetic sets. Everybody wins. They're just too small to pull off American pop stardom, and they shouldn't aspire it.

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Sure i've done that too but those gigs are relatively cheap... Muse tickets are pretty expensive.


Exactly. Been to a few gigs where i've known a few songs, for about £10 though.


Muse are £75 for standing though, surely you'd need to know quite a few songs to justify that

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The feedback I've been getting from non- and casual fans is about how great their musicianship and stage performance is. If Muse are trying to attract mainstream Americans, I think they can do it by focusing on their music more, saving money on broken props and logistics and pleasing fans with longer energetic sets. Everybody wins. They're just too small to pull off American pop stardom, and they shouldn't aspire it.


I'm just confused by the disconnect between the live shows and their album releases.


I mean, this is the Drones tour, the album about a heartbroken soldier as the protagonist that ends up blowing the planet up after being given the nuclear codes, and then we see them and it's Apocalypse Please into Prelude+Starlight, like what? I don't get it. Undisclosed Desires in the same set as The Globalist? It's just weird.

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I don't think they'll follow through with that, not when they're pretty much obliged to play songs that don't really fit with the theme of Drones.






Undisclosed Desires







That's already 10 out of a maximum 20 songs, and a lot of them don't fit with the theme of drones.

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I don't think they'll follow through with that, not when they're pretty much obliged to play songs that don't really fit with the theme of Drones.






Undisclosed Desires







That's already 10 out of a maximum 20 songs, and a lot of them don't fit with the theme of drones.


To be fair, Uprising, Resistance and Knights could kinda fit into the Drones theme. And you mentioned the last one twice. :p

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If people going to their shows don't know album material, then maybe you're playing to the wrong fucking audience.


It was only like seven years ago where the entire crowd was a mosh pit, knowing every world to every song going fucking mental over Sing For Absolution, then one particular album released and the focus shifted. This isn't a coincidence and I wish they'd recognize this.


Also look at that video, 10 of you know it, so let's go to the corners that are completely dead for the cool vocals and guitar riffs. What the fuck.

Edited by Alexander DeLarge
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Aren't the mic selections pre-scripted?


I don't know how it's chosen, two mics on stand at any given time on the circle? But it's nonsensical. Look at how the only sides going nuts gets neglected throughout that entire video. I suppose I can understand how only ten people know it if you're looking to the VIPs the entire time lol

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I don't really get it. Some people complain that the crowd was completely dead and presumably full of "casual fans", then others complain about what Matt said before CE, which in others words is "we are going to play this song for the few hardcore fans here". How is that slighting? That's a step in the good direction, isn't it? I mean, we have had countless accounts of people going crazy over the singles and not reacting much to the heavier material, so it's hard to argue with Matt's point.

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The point people are making is that Muse put themselves in this situation by releasing singles that don't represent them as a band, which means that when the band are annoyed with the fans for not reacting well, they only have themselves to blame.

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If people going to their shows don't know album material, then maybe you're playing to the wrong fucking audience.


It was only like seven years ago where the entire crowd was a mosh pit, knowing every world to every song going fucking mental over Sing For Absolution, then one particular album released and the focus shifted. This isn't a coincidence and I wish they'd recognize this.


Also look at that video, 10 of you know it, so let's go to the corners that are completely dead for the cool vocals and guitar riffs. What the fuck.


I still fail to see who would pay astonishing amounts of money to see a band you know very little about. Unless its daytripper, 'get me a selfie and a video to put on facebook' kind of deal. Can't wait to watch Madness on someone else's ipad screen...

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As a previous casual, would you have rather have heard just the hits, or just any high energy song?


I do go to a lot of shows not knowing the music, but they tend to be in the cheaper range. I save the arena shows for bands that I'm a big fan of.

I go to a fair few arena gigs and only really know a handful of songs. I often find I like the acts more after seeing them live than I do on record, and like the live takes more so would rather experience it in that setting. Florence & The Machine was a recent one like that, for example - I liked a few things on record, but live it was something else. And she didn't do one of the few I did know as well. :chuckle:


I'm ok doing it to the lower end of the arena level. Spending £70+ and not knowing more than singles is not really something I can wrap my head around.





"We're going to play an old song now, which I think 10 of you probably know really well, the others just bear with us".


Safe to say we're all well and truly sick of this attitude Muse.

That's one way to introduce it. :chuckle::facepalm:


Still, least we know they remember it.

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