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God forbid someone used some sarcasm to convey a point on the internet! I apologize, I promise I'll never use sarcasm again and will present my opinions in a clearer/more light-hearted way, for the board is dark and full of terrors.


Only problem was, your sarcastic comment in no way conveyed your point.


Alright, I think you guys have heard enough from me and I am guilty of bringing this thread away from its intended discussion too. I apologise for that, though I stand by what I have said.


Nice GoT reference by the way. And as someone mentioned, at the end of the day we are all fans and just want to hear new material soon. I hope we do get something substantial soon! :)

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Only problem was, your sarcastic comment in no way conveyed your point.


Alright, I think you guys have heard enough from me and I am guilty of bringing this thread away from its intended discussion too. I apologise for that, though I stand by what I have said.


Nice GoT reference by the way. And as someone mentioned, at the end of the day we are all fans and just want to hear new material soon. I hope we do get something substantial soon! :)


Hey, you have a right - if this board let that dude got away with his non-sense, off topic, yeah, right "sarcasm", trolling, board policing as if, "right the good guy in the board", whatever for so long - we have a right to troll once in a while so that prick will go away (take a break) - and not the really nice and reasonable Muse fans.


A game-changer board fight ...

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Hey, you have a right - if this board let that dude got away with his non-sense, off topic, yeah, right "sarcasm", trolling, board policing as if, "right the good guy in the board", whatever for so long - we have a right to troll once in a while so that prick will go away (take a break) - and not the really nice and reasonable Muse fans.


A game-changer board fight ...

You seem upset.

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poe's law getting a serious workout at the moment


Or maybe it's just similar to some GY!BE strings.


my first suspicions are that this is it - it's tonally/structurally similar to classical ideas, but there isn't any specific piece it's quoting

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Can't believe it's been a week since Tom tweeted 'It's on. What's coming is on.' Assuming this was Muse-related, where exactly is whatever it was 'on'? Because I certainly haven't seen it, and neither has anyone else by all accounts. This has really annoyed me, because the tweet implied that something was ready and we could expect it soon.

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Can't believe it's been a week since Tom tweeted 'It's on. What's coming is on.' Assuming this was Muse-related, where exactly is whatever it was 'on'? Because I certainly haven't seen it, and neither has anyone else by all accounts. This has really annoyed me, because the tweet implied that something was ready and we could expect it soon.


It's Tom, I wouldn't except anything so soon :LOL:

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On topic: Anyone know what that thing matt has in his fret board in the new video?


Looked like it was just something wrapped under the string to stop it from making a sound. It's a common method of avoiding any unwanted sound from other strings when recording.

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Lol at pretending that this place doesn't have a deserved reputation for belittling other people's opinions. Because if someone is not knowledgeable of all things music or posts something in an overly excited manner, they must be stupid. :LOL:


I don't get the point you're trying to make.

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Guys guys, I feel like my original comment is being talked about waaay too much.


I don't care, you shouldn't care, let's talk about Muse :D


Seems like the guys are releasing Instagram posts that are easy to loop, I reckon they want to see what crazy stuff people make online so they can all laugh heartily, even though some of the efforts have been fantastic I feel.

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Someone should try to mix ALL the instagram teasers they posted into one coherent track. I would if I knew how to.


There was that weird fan-made trailer thing but that wasn't really very cohesive, although with all the different sounding riffs i'm sure that would be hard to achieve.


Some dude on the last video commented that it could be Matt teasing and he's just doing a standard guitar scale for practice. Any musicians care to dismiss this?

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