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1. Dead Inside

2. [Drill Sergeant]

3. Psycho

4. Mercy

5. Reapers

6. The Handler

7. [JFK]

8. Defector

9. Revolt

10. Aftermath

11. The Globalist

12. Drones}




I bet the bracketed songs are interludes or song intros. Drill Sergeant into Psycho sounds to me like Intro and Apocalypse Please.

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10 songs seems a bit...eh? Hopefully they're all good at least.


I mean on the brightside a shorter tracklist probably means the album has been sifted out pretty well keeping only whats relevant, which is better for awards and stuff like that (Real Muse fans don't care about awards!!! I know.) But I'm betting we will have some cool B-Sides and shite, I don't think they only recorded 10 songs

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