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The animated is still in transit. It was last scanned in an unknown location yesterday :facepalm: No delivery estimates or anything :$


On another note, I think I need to shield the bass. The noise problem wasn't coming from the power supply, but the lack of shielding itself (I think). Hum goes away when I touch the strings or metal parts - that's a shielding problem, right?

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no more real instruments amps?


Weren't the real amps in another rack? I'll need to watch that video again to check :nerd:


That'll increase the G2 gas even more though :facepalm:


Am I being blind, are there any axe FX in that rack? Someone commented " i can see those Ax-Fx's"


Is he a nob and referring to the Shure wireless receivers or am I being a nob and can't use my eyes?


It's not you, I can't see any either. Plus, the axe-fx sounds nowhere near as good as the mt-2.

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Weren't the real amps in another rack? I'll need to watch that video again to check :nerd:


That'll increase the G2 gas even more though :facepalm:




It's not you, I can't see any either. Plus, the axe-fx sounds nowhere near as good as the mt-2.


You are correct





well I can't link stuff but just imagine a picture showing what you said

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The animated is still in transit. It was last scanned in an unknown location yesterday :facepalm: No delivery estimates or anything :$


On another note, I think I need to shield the bass. The noise problem wasn't coming from the power supply, but the lack of shielding itself (I think). Hum goes away when I touch the strings or metal parts - that's a shielding problem, right?


Unknown location? Sounds #legit


And no, that sounds more like a ground that's come loose. I've got that issue with at least two of mine (both with paint shielded cavities) but it's honestly never bothered me enough to look for the problem.



Am I being blind, are there any axe FX in that rack? Someone commented " i can see those Ax-Fx's"


Is he a nob and referring to the Shure wireless receivers or am I being a nob and can't use my eyes?


They don't look like P9.... Axe FXs. Was he ever said to use these? I know he uses the kemper, but I can't remember about the axe.


Weren't the real amps in another rack? I'll need to watch that video again to check :nerd:


Yes I believe so. Unrelated, but I need to dig out my MT-2. I think I used it once just to see if it could play the stingin' belle intro.


Maybe that will give me motivation to learn a biffy song other than 57.

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Am I being blind, are there any axe FX in that rack? Someone commented " i can see those Ax-Fx's"


Is he a nob and referring to the Shure wireless receivers or am I being a nob and can't use my eyes?


Not you, Kempers, a pedal tray, and Shure UHF-R receivers.

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Yes I believe so. Unrelated, but I need to dig out my MT-2. I think I used it once just to see if it could play the stingin' belle intro.


Maybe that will give me motivation to learn a biffy song other than 57.


Mine's on my board now, but I still haven't managed to dial in the super toan settings properly.


Probably because I don't have a peavey bandit.

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The Musewiki gear page has never quite been the same since T2L tour




I don't understand.


Mine's on my board now, but I still haven't managed to dial in the super toan settings properly.


Probably because I don't have a peavey bandit.


You need to be running it through a super lead with the channels bridged. That has a lot to do with the aggressiveness.


And you don't need one of those. Get that little practice amp like Josh Homme used on no one knows. I forgot the model name (I did bother finding out) but they can be had for less than $50.

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I don't understand.




You need to be running it through a super lead with the channels bridged. That has a lot to do with the aggressiveness.


And you don't need one of those. Get that little practice amp like Josh Homme used on no one knows. I forgot the model name (I did bother finding out) but they can be had for less than $50.


Nice, lots of info

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Got my animated Still need to play around with it a bit more, but I love how clean the pedal is. I need the Voskhod now


James, there's a Nando's 4 blocks from my work. Spicy chicken for lunch? :ninja:


Clean as in the look or sound?


And you should. I'd recommend something, but it's been too long and I can't remember what's on the menu :supersad:

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Tl/dr: no.


Agreed. Too much of a hassle to run through the rig, too much money to rout into the guitar you already have, etc. Can be fun at times (I have one), but not enough consistent payoff in the long run unless you really want to use a lot of KP features.

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Agreed. Too much of a hassle to run through the rig, too much money to rout into the guitar you already have, etc. Can be fun at times (I have one), but not enough consistent payoff in the long run unless you really want to use a lot of KP features.


Alrighty. The band I play in has a keyboardist anyway, I guess he can do the few KP parts. It's not much, just few bits of wonky noises in few songs and a full-on crazy KP solo(totally didn't get the idea from kaoss jam/solo) in one of them.

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Nice, lots of info


I don't get what he's trying to accomplish. Unless they post Line 6 spider settings for every Muse song, then it's not going to be that useful.




What would be useful is if they had #kemper patch downloads for each song...


Agreed. Too much of a hassle to run through the rig, too much money to rout into the guitar you already have, etc. Can be fun at times (I have one), but not enough consistent payoff in the long run unless you really want to use a lot of KP features.


It's certainly more useful than the built in fuzz factory, as you can use it with whammy, cubase or similar, etc.


I did have a mini XY pad installed into an existing guitar a few years back (remember that?) but I can't remember how much it cost. It was already routed for a fuzz factory though, so it might have been more expensive otherwise. I generally wouldn't recommend doing that way though.

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It's certainly more useful than the built in fuzz factory, as you can use it with whammy, cubase or similar, etc.


I wank around with DJ equipment somewhat regularly, so the XY pad is fun on the guitar, but don't expect to win any tone awards or anything. I've gotten it so the distortion from the KP is minimal, but it'll still require some fiddling with. I certainly am not going to take it out of my guitar, but I'm not going to rig the MIDI cable into the guitar for a stage setup unless I have good reason. But agreed, it is more useful than the fuzz.

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