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POLL: What 10 songs would you most like to appear on Muse's 20th anniversary tour?


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It got Simon's approval, so I guess I should post it.




Dear Matt, Chris and Dom,


We hope that you and your families are well.


As we're sure you can imagine, there has been much speculation and discussion regarding the 20th anniversary tour you've mentioned on numerous occasions. Much of it was related to what songs are likely to make a return to setlists for the tour. A poll was created by us in early March, asking fans what 10 songs they would most like to see played. The poll was shared on Facebook, Twitter and the offical Muse messageboard, as well as other non-offical fan sites. In the interest of keeping it fair it was impossible to vote more than once from the same device. In less than 24 hours almost 12,000 votes had been made.


Fans from the following countries, organised roughly by continent, took part in the poll;

Ireland, United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Russia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Iceland, Algeria, South Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States, Mexico, Peru, Chilie, Argentina, Uruguay, Columbia and Brazil.


As you can see, not including Antartica, we managed to hit every continent on the planet. This goes to show that the results of the poll are universally agreed upon. Not just a small minority of people want to hear these songs live, tens of thousands do. While we know that you will make excellent song choices for your 20th anniversary tour (if it happens, we're all hopeful!) and future album tours, we would gratefully appreciate it if you tried to include the poll winners in your setlists on a regular basis. No one is asking for crazy b-sides from 1999 to be played at every gig. We are aware that there are fans with many different tastes and varying knowledge of your repertoire of songs attending your concerts.


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Please do not be put off by the absence of songs from The 2nd Law and The Resistance in the poll winners. This is purely because they have been toured so recently and all of the songs are still fresh in our heads. Both of these albums are loved and contain many of our favourite Muse songs. Please be aware that, unfortunately, due to typographical errors the songs Ashamed, Jimmy Kane, Falling Down and Blackout were not included in the poll. We are very sorry about this.


The results of the poll are as follows;


[poll results here]


We are aware that some of those songs have not been played live in a number of years. However, we hope that you at least consider returning them to setlists. Finally, on behalf of Muse fans everywhere we wish to thank you for your music which has inspired so many of us.




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I lasted 2 lines :LOL:


Well I could've just jumped straight into "yo, we voted, please play these", but figured a bit of professionalism could go a long with with regards to this. But tbf, I am considering removing the opening line. It doesn't really have any relevance.

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The lack of Ashamed, Jimmy Kane, Falling Down and Blackout in the poll probably means they will play Ashamed, Jimmy Kane, Falling Down and Blackout in every gig. :LOL:


Now seriously, why no one from Antartica voted in the poll? Muse should have fans in that continent too, some penguins and scientists.

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Fans from Denmark have also attended in the poll!


Great letter anyway. Really hope it will have an effect.


Good letter. Just a quick question, instead of putting "a poll was created by us in early March", would it perhaps be better to say 'created by fans' instead, because it isn't exactly clear who 'us' is?

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Good letter. Fix those "offical" and "non-offical" though :p


How are you signing the letter? "The .mu board"?


Probably myself and Ryan's names on behalf of the the fans, since it wasn't just board members that participated.


Fans from Denmark have also attended in the poll!


Great letter anyway. Really hope it will have an effect.


Whoops, fixed!


Good letter. Just a quick question, instead of putting "a poll was created by us in early March", would it perhaps be better to say 'created by fans' instead, because it isn't exactly clear who 'us' is?


Good point!



Also, it seems a lot of the PiB/Knights/Resistance votes came from Reddit. They said rarities gig or not they wouldn't like to see a gig without those songs.

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I might have missed something, how will it be given directly to Matt?


+1 I seemed to have missed that part too.


He's coming to my university to give a talk at the end of the month on something or other. I'll hand it to him myself.


Paul, could you please add South Africa to the list? I know I and at least 2 of my friends voted.


Sure thing, Tim! Sorry, when only one or two votes come from a city the intensity light isn't very strong so it's hard to see. :p

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Sure thing, Tim! Sorry, when only one or two votes come from a city the intensity light isn't very strong so it's hard to see. :p


Haha thanks, no worries :p I just want them to know they have some sort of fanbase here.

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I voted for : Sing For Absolution, Butterflies & Hurricanes, Assassin, City of Delusion, Hoodoo, Space Dementia, Micro Cuts, MK Ultra, Muscle Museum and Showbiz.


Very hard to choose! :ohmy:


Did you just do it? The poll ended at 12pm GMT today.

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