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Matthew Bellamy is the greatest composer since 1995

Terence Mckenna

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I am i big fan of muse. I love this band more than any other in music history.


I play renaissance lute and ragtime guitar, and i often transcribe muse for solo guitar.


Every song is beautiful, in each album. I can't say a lot.


I love muse. Matt understand a lot of thing, he surely had a lot of true psychedelic experiences in his life, even 2 or 3 is enough. I think to that when I listen his words, related to our loneliness, and his own, face to eternity.


He's an exemple for us, every humans and musicians on earth.


Muse make me cry and laugh, every notes and chords, every words and sentences.


They're the best,


Thanks God for their crazy music

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Kurt Cobain ? Hey, he made great melodies and harmonies with one chord of 2 notes (c-g-c'; power chord), but put everywhere. Nirvana's music is more subtil than we can think first time.


Seriously, yes I am bad in english, sorry.


I just want to say that I know music a little bit, and muse is great, in arrangements, ideas, sounds, colors, structures, all in all.


In fact I feel lucky that english is not my mother language, because it make me hear and listen the music before the message.And I think that Matt said in an old interview (french tv)that words are secondary, it's music first when he compose.


I learned guitar with muse 10 years ago, I really want to record a medley of picking version of some of their tunes in near futur, I will post it on my youtube channel.


Have a nice day

Edited by Terence Mckenna
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Yeah he did a really good job with those 5 good songs that Nirvana has.


nah, In Utero and Bleach were great if a little samey (which is, I assume, what you're getting at)


last time I checked Brian Wilson is still around so he's likely still my shout for favourite songwriter

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What the hell is Paul being such a bitch about?


Totally missed most of the first page. What am I missing here? Why does he have a right to be pissed off?


Nothing. :LOL: The OP disappeared so Leni and I wanted there to be a massive argument in his innocent little Matt thread when he got back, but it kind of failed miserably. :LOL:

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nah, In Utero and Bleach were great if a little samey (which is, I assume, what you're getting at)


last time I checked Brian Wilson is still around so he's likely still my shout for favourite songwriter


I don't think In Utero is all that samey, personally. It doesn't have the variety of some of, say, Superunknown (my favourite grunge album, and I think it's the most adventurous work by any of the genre's big hitters) but the overall quality makes up for it.

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