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I refuse to believe he didn't think of it before the gig, he wouldn't remember how to play/sing them otherwise :LOL:


it also would make sense that it was pre-planned because they're both short songs about 5 mins total and Map/Bliss was absent which would've been 5 mins total

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Not true, London had 6 songs from absolution, and Paris B&H and DS.

But still, way to go out with a bang. I hope they'll do something similiar for the four gig in Mexico


It was a taster for the next tour :p


There's been plenty of great setlists. This was just above and beyond with the rarity factor.


Rarity factor to the power of infinity! i really hope this does come true for the anniversary shows, and that muse wouldnt limit the rarities to just those played on T2L tour.


Anyone seen any vids yet? i wonder how much effort went in to re-learning (if at all) Yes Please and Agitated in full.

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it also would make sense that it was pre-planned because they're both short songs about 5 mins total and Map/Bliss was absent which would've been 5 mins total
Bliss was in the setlist, though. It just wasn't played.


eta- too slow, setlist posted already by fabri

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