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I don't mean to sound rude, but if I haven't emailed you... I have nothing to report. Please don't email me about this again unless I email you. Yet again, something here has taken longer than I expected. I hope to resume your bridge tomorrow.


I'm not going to post my reply here, let's just put it that way.

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Nah, it was a bit too long and probably a bit repetitive, but obviously I wasn't happy. It's all a bit ridiculous now.


I guess I deserve that after not telling you about the chrome.


Do post his reply though.... if you get one :\


Has Mansons said anything recently?

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Nah, it's just it's not worth posting. But yeah. Starting a message to a customer who has already paid you for an expensive job about 18 months ago, was quoted a week for the job that should have been done right first time to be fixed and almost 4 months on is still waiting again with the words "I don't mean to be rude, but..." you kind of deserve what's coming your way to be honest, haha! It's just ridiculous. If this was being done first time and he hadn't been paid for it yet, guarantee it would be higher on his agenda. But I'm almost certainly not going to get any money back on it, it's taken a stupidly long time, during which presumably fuck all's been done, the whole project hinges on him actually delivering what he said he was going to in the first place, and I'm sure I could have got it done cheaper and quicker by someone else, and he's saying "stop asking me if I've done anything on it because I haven't". Well, yeah. What a mess it's all been.


Chrome? The one you bought? And the last I heard from Mansons was when I asked them something about the radius of stuff and they said they'd talk through the options together. Think that was a few weeks ago.

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Nah, it's just it's not worth posting. But yeah. Starting a message to a customer who has already paid you for an expensive job about 18 months ago, was quoted a week for the job that should have been done right first time to be fixed and almost 4 months on is still waiting again with the words "I don't mean to be rude, but..." you kind of deserve what's coming your way to be honest, haha! It's just ridiculous. If this was being done first time and he hadn't been paid for it yet, guarantee it would be higher on his agenda. But I'm almost certainly not going to get any money back on it, it's taken a stupidly long time, during which presumably fuck all's been done, the whole project hinges on him actually delivering what he said he was going to in the first place, and I'm sure I could have got it done cheaper and quicker by someone else, and he's saying "stop asking me if I've done anything on it because I haven't". Well, yeah. What a mess it's all been.


Chrome? The one you bought? And the last I heard from Mansons was when I asked them something about the radius of stuff and they said they'd talk through the options together. Think that was a few weeks ago.


Well at least you're letting him know that you're unhappy.


And yeah, you had asked what I bought but I didn't post about it on here right away.


Promise me you'll bad mouth and document all of this after you get it done


Oh don't you worry. I've been documenting this all along.






Let me know if you need to use my search skills, Bs.

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Well, the whole thing has pretty much been documented on here from start to finish really, so yeah. We've got James's search skills that could probably piece together every post I've ever made about this bridge in the past 2 and a half years. :LOL:


Appreciate the comments anyway, guys. You all know how long this has gone on as much as I do, and I just want it done now really, but I'm still dreading that moment it eventually gets back to Mansons and something else isn't quite right with it. :(

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Well, the whole thing has pretty much been documented on here from start to finish really, so yeah. We've got James's search skills that could probably piece together every post I've ever made about this bridge in the past 2 and a half years. :LOL:


Appreciate the comments anyway, guys. You all know how long this has gone on as much as I do, and I just want it done now really, but I'm still dreading that moment it eventually gets back to Mansons and something else isn't quite right with it. :(


Damn it I was expecting you to post a reply from him.


Still got pretty excited I have to admit




And the only thing that can happen is if he got the measurements incorrect a second time... right? :facepalm:

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That is absolutely fantastic! :LOL:


Yeah, Fabri, as far as I could find, he was the only go who'd actually done what I needed doing before, and no one had had any problems with him with any of that as far as I could tell. I got in touch, and he said he could do it, no problem. I just have to hope now that when it is done, regardless of the time it's taken, it does actually work how it's supposed to. That's kind of what's so frustrating in a way though. He obviously can do it, and knows what he needs to do, and could do it in not too much time, if he prioritised it, which after how long it's taken and how long ago I actually paid for it, he really should have done by now in my opinion. Then the long absences of contact get annoying because I don't know what's going on, and if there's reasons why he's not done it, then he should at least be letting me know or whatever.

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That is absolutely fantastic! :LOL:


Yeah, Fabri, as far as I could find, he was the only go who'd actually done what I needed doing before, and no one had had any problems with him with any of that as far as I could tell. I got in touch, and he said he could do it, no problem. I just have to hope now that when it is done, regardless of the time it's taken, it does actually work how it's supposed to. That's kind of what's so frustrating in a way though. He obviously can do it, and knows what he needs to do, and could do it in not too much time, if he prioritised it, which after how long it's taken and how long ago I actually paid for it, he really should have done by now in my opinion. Then the long absences of contact get annoying because I don't know what's going on, and if there's reasons why he's not done it, then he should at least be letting me know or whatever.

"at least letting you know" isn't the answer though, he can keep going "yup you got deprioritised" for a year. If doing this is his only job now he needs to keep customers happy so they will praise him throughout the internets for more leads. This kinda shit will only lose new leads. But yeah, lack of updates isn't the issue here, lack of priority for a botched job is.


Mansons take time and might be unreachable every now and then but when they've had an issue with their guitars they make sure you're 100% happy when you leave the workshop. This isn't the case.

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Well, yep, I agree, but I'd still rather be told if there's a delay than hearing nothing. Not saying it's right that I should still be waiting after all this time though, when presumably I'm getting no money back or anything else extra for the trouble. Doesn't make sense to me either that he's not just got it done though, as it's obviously not going to help him in the long run if people come on here.

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Well, yep, I agree, but I'd still rather be told if there's a delay than hearing nothing. Not saying it's right that I should still be waiting after all this time though, when presumably I'm getting no money back or anything else extra for the trouble. Doesn't make sense to me either that he's not just got it done though, as it's obviously not going to help him in the long run if people come on here.

Will it make you feel better right now if i said he told me to tell you he is having delays because he is working on other things?


Did that help?


Guy just has no sense of urgency. Find where he lives and shit on his cornflakes.

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Well, no, not really, but I know where he lives and that doesn't help me either.


I hear ya man. I'm sorry. I was frustrated myself. I never thought things would take this long. I thought the shim idea would work. Then I had Internet issues in the shop from switching ISP's. issues after issue. The sad thing is, I have 4 other mod customers after you that have been waiting as well. I'm finished with my local projects and have about one week before I have to start the next ones. I'll work each day until its done.


I will have to get the CNC computer to connect to the Internet.


Hopefully a break through, as long as his internet's sorted. It's these 'local projects' that have been taking his attention the past few weeks anyway as I think they're his other way of getting money in at the moment from what he's said. When he got them, he did say that it would mean he could pay me back for the saddles sooner (and he was asking how much he owed on that earlier too) but it would mean he wouldn't have a lot of time for other stuff, which has been the main problem really, as I'd probably have preferred it the other way round. Hopefully, hopefully, we might be getting somewhere though.

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Makes no difference though does it really? I'm off to Japan then and won't be back for a year anyway, so I still wouldn't get the guitar until I come back, and it would cost me an extra £150 - not a lot considering what the whole thing's cost already, but I just can't be bothered spending any more on it now. It's already cost too much really.

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