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He seemed to have a certain "image" attached to his guitars on the T2L tour though, apart from the CE guitar I remember them all having that matte black thang going on


eh he had the 7 string and MIDI in gloss black, the red and normal carbon, the ali top and the mirror all used and only the Matt blacks were Matte Black


it was mostly due to him having the guitars weight relieved


I'm pretty sure i read somewhere he retired the 007 because it's his favourite and he was only using it on Starlight os decided to protect it from road damage and because it was too heavy to carry around and play for just one song a night or something

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I'm pretty sure i read somewhere he retired the 007 because it's his favourite and he was only using it on Starlight os decided to protect it from road damage and because it was too heavy to carry around and play for just one song a night or something


There was something about it being louder than his other guitars too.

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Or just bring out the song as "by Producer, feat. Artist X" or whatever. TBH I think the majority of talent that should set you apart in popular music is the songwriting, that ability to connect musically and/or lyrically. If you just want highly technically proficient singing or instrument playing, listen to an orchestra or any school choir (or the theatre if your big thing is performing arts). :p


And, although this area of chat generally sucks, I think that the mixer's job (evening out the EQ range to let individual sections shine, capturing a certain "mood", avoiding noise clipping, etc.) is more important than producer, seeing as their role seems that vague. I thought the mixing/mastering stuff was what a producer does, until I looked into things more closely. Of course, when the producer is also the mixer, this point is redundant :rolleyes:


I completely agree that the composer/songwriter is the most important ingredient in the band. Matt is extraordinarily talented as a performer but imagine if he had built a career on performing cover versions?:eek: The producer is very important in some cases e.g.George Martin and The Beatles as they had no formal musical training so his input was invaluable on records such as Eleanor Rigby. Whatever reason Muse have chosen to employ a producer, I look forward to hearing album 7, as long as Matt continues to write the music.:yesey:

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Can any of you really tell the difference between the guitars?
Going by what they look like, yeah. Sound wise it's a bit difficult since most of Matt's guitars have the same pickups, but you can hear the difference between humbuckers and single coils.


I believe people like the looks of the 007 above the others, rather than the sound.


That said, I miss the Bomber. His tone was amazing with that guitar, too.

I miss it as well. Looked and sounded amazing.

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Different in what way?


Well for me the most obvious two extremes (excluding 7 stringers) are the mirror Manson and the Matt black guitar (not the smashing batch). The mirror sounds far brighter and has its internal fuzz factory where as the matt black has a much more classic crunch to it. Most of this is the fuzz factory but when the effects are always associated to specific guitars, you can sort of group the two together.

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