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Song Muse/Matt put the most heart into?


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To be fair, it's got WAY more to do with proving someone wrong. :LOL:




I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I have the feeling if he'd continued to sing with the "passion" he did back in the very early years, he'd currently just be whispering out of his shredded vocal chords...


And, being 35 myself, I would probably roll my eyes if he was still cranking out those angsty teenage songs these days, on the new albums.


My real question is why someone signs up three days ago to bitch about not having liked the band since 2001...

This is another post where I can see that you understand screaming as what I mentioned as passion. As I told before screaming is small additional detail (that I liked).

I already admitted that his voice is not getting worse precipitously. Only a little, but again you all agreed that this is the natural consequence of almost 20-years long singing.

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"hey guys, I've noticed that the mediterranean sea is yellow with red dots here and there"


"no it's not, you're wrong. See?"


"can you persuade me to change my WRONG opinion?"

Haha!!! if you said something like that you must be stupid enough. How can you really prove that mediterranean is not yellow with red dots? People accept certain things as fundamental truth, such as mediterranean is NOT yellow. But why really not? Just because human beings SEE it's not yellow?

Not to provoke a wave of protest I'll explain. Anything we think is real relies ONLY on our sensorium, FabriPav,dear. Considering that that things such as colour of the sea is based on vision of the vast majority, it's less subjective than someone's singing and so on. While you argue it's something as unquestionable. Ok. This is not the topic to discuss here.

So, how can you say someone's opinion is wrong on the topic that is not objective in any way and can never be in its nature? And make this dumb comparison with the coulour of the sea? Consider, it's not my crazy idea. It's Kant's.

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No, it isn't shrieking.

So you're admitting that he is a better singer now than ever before? You can't expect a 35-year old to scream like a teenager on stage. You're basically implying that you can only be emotional and energetic by only screaming and what actually IS shrieking. Matt still performs song with monstrous dedication, it's just difficult to sound exhausted when you're really not.

The most random reply I ever got. Complete misunderstanding!!!!!!!!

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It's sad when people think that screaming, shaky vibrato or sustained broken notes are the only ways to tell us an artist is really into or really emotionally invested in the music.


Those are effects, added on to give the illusion of emotion, in truth, there is no real way of telling if an artist is really into it, it's all just drama.


I'd bet that Matt is much more invested in a song like Follow Me than he ever was with songs like Cave, despite the dramatic performances of the latter.

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That could explain why his performance of Micro Cuts is so freaking awful.


It really isn't though. The only notes he remotely struggles with in the 2013 performance are the G5s in the chorus, notes that he struggled with at times back in 2001/2002 as well. Apart from that, that performance is great. I really don't get what you're complaining about.

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It's sad when people think that screaming, shaky vibrato or sustained broken notes are the only ways to tell us an artist is really into or really emotionally invested in the music.


Those are effects, added on to give the illusion of emotion, in truth, there is no real way of telling if an artist is really into it, it's all just drama.


I'd bet that Matt is much more invested in a song like Follow Me than he ever was with songs like Cave, despite the dramatic performances of the latter.



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I laughed when he said a bit less dedicated on stage, christ :stunned:can someone find the video of Matt playing with flames during Survival for this guy? Or any performance of Follow Me during this tour or even Ruled at SECC. If Matt had to go full on every song the set would be very, very short and they wouldn't be playing gigs nearly every day (slight exaggeration) and touring for a couple of years.



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It's sad when people think that screaming, shaky vibrato or sustained broken notes are the only ways to tell us an artist is really into or really emotionally invested in the music.


Those are effects, added on to give the illusion of emotion, in truth, there is no real way of telling if an artist is really into it, it's all just drama.


I'd bet that Matt is much more invested in a song like Follow Me than he ever was with songs like Cave, despite the dramatic performances of the latter.

I just realised I somehow got us back on topic.

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It really isn't though. The only notes he remotely struggles with in the 2013 performance are the G5s in the chorus, notes that he struggled with at times back in 2001/2002 as well. Apart from that, that performance is great. I really don't get what you're complaining about.
The only thing that I was complaining about was that I like their performance less now. And the way they perform certain songs I especially adore (vocally). That's it.
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The only thing that I was complaining about was that I like their performance less now. And the way they perform certain songs I especially adore. That's it.


Guys, I know this wasn't what he was arguing in the first place, but given you seem to have convinced him of a halfway reasonable position, just let it be.

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The only thing that I was complaining about was that I like their performance less now. And the way they perform certain songs I especially adore (vocally). That's it.


Yeah, then say so and don't bring up all that other nonsense about his voice getting worse.

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The only thing that I was complaining about was that I like their performance less now. And the way they perform certain songs I especially adore (vocally). That's it.




Saying that you prefer their old performances and Matt's older, more 'gritty' voice is totally fine, that's just your opinion. It was the whole 'his voice is getting worse' thing that got people a bit riled up I think.

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No you replied to the last sentence of a 10-15 sentences long post.

I see what you mean. Yes, I drifted away from the first post. That probably lead to misunderstanding of what I mean. That's why you quoted all that messages - I can actually clarify all of them. There is a slight drift to the side after one of the posts. Here: Originally Posted by SpiralStatic1

"Now it feels like he's experienced and confident about what he's doing. That's absolutely right. But this is exactly what I dislike. I loved that passion at old times and it felt like he himself discovering his own potential right on the stage." (This the first time I meant the way he behaves on the stage rather than singing itself).

After, I got onto this and then continued to develop the point about their performance, not about the vocal only. I should have made it more clear for you not to think I contradict myself.

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Yeah, then say so and don't bring up all that other nonsense about his voice getting worse.

In some cases it is getting worse... Not even getting worse - it's rather changing and I dislike the way it is changing (in SOME cases). But it also getting better. I just need to appreciate it. I can't yet. I think, I will.

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Oooh, my post was ignored! That means it was a good educated guess! ;):LOL:






I haven't read the whole thread, but I thought KoC by it's development must be pretty intense too, working with what his father did j/j?


I also find (apart from the general batch most people have named) Explorers quite strong in emotions; it's got a ring of hope/hopelessness, some desperation and such beautiful tunes :happy:


(If one of you don't like that song, feel free. But I do. And I know why.)

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