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Song Muse/Matt put the most heart into?


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Now let's have a look at how much harder the old songs are for Matt these days.


Sunburn 2000:


Sunburn 2013: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDKsE3D6rSc&t=1m13s


awful, just awful!


Space Dementia 2001:


Space Dementia 2011:




Plug In Baby 2001:


Plug In Baby 2011: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV2PTpfHK1E&t=3m15s


New Born 2003:


oops, I mean...


New Born 2003:


uhm...fine, I'll find another one. Here:


amazing isn't it? And now to today's falsetto-weak Matt.


New Born 2013: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPRQdUZgjr4&t=5m55s

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Now let's have a look at how much harder the old songs are for Matt these days.


Sunburn 2000:


Sunburn 2013: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDKsE3D6rSc&t=1m13s


awful, just awful!


Space Dementia 2001:


Space Dementia 2011:




Plug In Baby 2001:


Plug In Baby 2011: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV2PTpfHK1E&t=3m15s


New Born 2003:


oops, I mean...


New Born 2003:


uhm...fine, I'll find another one. Here:


amazing isn't it? And now to today's falsetto-weak Matt.


New Born 2013: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPRQdUZgjr4&t=5m55s

this is awesome you should make a video

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Did you even bother to look at the million examples I gave you a few pages ago?


It's not that we get upset because you say Matt's voice is worse these days, it's that you ask us to prove our point and then completely ignore it when we do, only to go "it's only my opinion". Especially when you were the one who started this by disagreeing with someone who said Matt's voice was better these days.


Not to mention that you seem to change your points as soon as they get countered.


"It just sounds like shrieking now"

"But it sounded like shrieking back in this old performance too"

"That's what I love about Muse, why aren't they more like that nowadays."


Yes, I've checked every example you gave. I have already said quite clearly what exactly I like and what I do not like and I didn't contradict myself. It didn't sound like shrieking in that performance at all. Depends on what you call as shrieking. Micro Cuts 2011 is shrieking. Not this one. This is the nerve, power, desperate tear that coming out of their performance. Matt is almost dying on the stage. I may be wrong, but as an artist I would say, this is how people must perform on the stage, pushing themselves to the upper limit. This is not only about singing.

I get it well that you are trying to prove that Matt's voice is technically getting better nowadays. Ok. If it's not so bothering for you, would you be so kind to give me one example of their recent performances where Matt is singing with the same conviction and...animalism that a cold shiver would run down your spine? I'll be glad to be finally convinced that it's not getting worse.

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But can he sing the whole song in the highest notes as he used to? No. That's why I've pointed out Micro Cuts. It sounds a bit like shrieking now, unfortunately.
Oh btw, Micro Cuts is actually the ONLY example of this, and it isn't even completely true since he still hits all the notes, aside form the last G#5 which he avoided even back in 2001-2002 except at the broadcasted gigs.


So yes, he can still sing the songs in the "highest notes" as he used to. Check out Ruled By Secrecy 2012 in Glasgow for an example of where he hits a note that he DIDN'T back in 2003-2004.


Also, the high chest note in City Of Delusion(A4) that he avoided in every performance except maybe 2? Yeah, he hits that these days in every performance of Madness, for a similar amount of time(possibly even longer than CoD) and he does it two times right after eachother, instead of spread out across 3 choruses like in CoD.

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Yes, I've checked every example you gave. I have already said quite clearly what exactly I like and what I do not like and I didn't contradict myself. It didn't sound like shrieking in that performance at all. Depends on what you call as shrieking. Micro Cuts 2011 is shrieking. Not this one. This is the nerve, power, desperate tear that coming out of their performance. Matt is almost dying on the stage. I may be wrong, but as an artist I would say, this is how people must perform on the stage, pushing themselves to the upper limit. This is not only about singing.

I get it well that you are trying to prove that Matt's voice is technically getting better nowadays. Ok. If it's not so bothering for you, would you be so kind to give me one example of their recent performances where Matt is singing with the same conviction and...animalism that a cold shiver would run down your spine? I'll be glad to be finally convinced that it's not getting worse.

But what you don't get is that the conviction and "animalism" comes from what Matt feels for the songs. He was an angsty kid so he wrote angsty, screamy songs. Nowadays he writes songs about finding love and overthrowing the government. Does this fit with screaming? Are songs like Madness and Follow Me suitable for Yes Please-esque screaming?


You are confusing personal preference of vocals with "better singing". If you say that you prefer the older, screamy Matt, that is perfectly fine. But to say that his voice is getting worse because he screams less is just ignorant and idiotic.

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Oh and it has absolutely nothing to do with pushing himself. How on earth is screaming when you don't feel like screaming considered pushing yourself? It would just be tacky. Matt pushes himself by trying on new things, trying to constantly change and improve. What you are suggesting is that he should stay the same.

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What the hell are you on about then? You say that you don't like shrieking, forced shit vocals and you love this while disliking the current stuff? I think you should just drop it as you don't even know yourself what you like and are arguing against.

As I just said I am perfectly aware of what I like. Micro Cuts 2011-2013 is what I called shrieking. And yes, I love that screams and hysterical tone that he used to approach. I love that exhausted desperation, distorted sounding. Monstrous dedication with which Matt performed his songs. As I also already said it's NOT singing only.

May be technically it's better in a way. But the performance itself is much less moving.

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Oh and it has absolutely nothing to do with pushing himself. How on earth is screaming when you don't feel like screaming considered pushing yourself? It would just be tacky. Matt pushes himself by trying on new things, trying to constantly change and improve. What you are suggesting is that he should stay the same.

Yes. You are right. Of course, he changes. He must change. I just need to get used to this new kind of sounding.

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As I just said I am perfectly aware of what I like. Micro Cuts 2011-2013 is what I called shrieking. And yes, I love that screams and hysterical tone that he used to approach. I love that exhausted desperation, distorted sounding. Monstrous dedication with which Matt performed his songs. As I also already said it's NOT singing only.

May be technically it's better in a way. But the performance itself is much less moving.


No, it isn't shrieking.

So you're admitting that he is a better singer now than ever before? You can't expect a 35-year old to scream like a teenager on stage. You're basically implying that you can only be emotional and energetic by only screaming and what actually IS shrieking. Matt still performs song with monstrous dedication, it's just difficult to sound exhausted when you're really not.

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I have already said quite clearly what exactly I like and what I do not like and I didn't contradict myself.
Let's go through it then.


Are you serious? Much better now? I watch every song with fear that his voice is gonna break down at any moment. Especially when he's trying to perform his OoS songs! As an example, check out Micro Cuts at Reading 2011!!!! If I didn't love Muse so much I'd burst out laughing!
Remember, this was your first post. So trying to tell us that you was referring to his screaming and not singing technique is quite silly when all your first post mentioned was his technique. But anyway so nowadays you fear that his voice is gonna break down at any moment. But...

Now it feels like he's experienced and confident about what he's doing. That's absolutely right. But this is exactly what I dislike. I loved that passion at old times and it felt like he himself discovering his own potential right on the stage.
. Not this one. This is the nerve, power, desperate tear that coming out of their performance. Matt is almost dying on the stage. I may be wrong, but as an artist I would say, this is how people must perform on the stage, pushing themselves to the upper limit. This is not only about singing.
You fear that his current voice is gonna break down and bash him for that, but praise his old voice for breaking down? Because back then it was "Pushing himself" but these days it's just...what? You said that Micro Cuts was shrieking but what about the rest of the old songs?


I love that screams and hysterical tone that he used to approach. I love that exhausted desperation, distorted sounding. Monstrous dedication with which Matt performed his songs.


It sounds like it needs a lot of effort from him to sing all that songs. He 'rests' while singing a lot.


Yes, he pushes himself more because it's much more difficult for him to sing, obviously.


He's most definitely hitting high notes easier. All with more power and fullness, and also with less effects needed to cover up the imperfections like before.
Hahahahaha! Oh yes! Definitely. There is no point for arguing anymore, then. But actually I am surprised how many of you think so.
Weird that you argue so much about his singing imperfections and then tell me that wasn't the issue.


Micro Cuts 2011-2013 is what I called shrieking.

But...this is what you said about Micro Cuts 2013:

Yeah.... Amazing!
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would you be so kind to give me one example of their recent performances where Matt is singing with the same conviction and...animalism that a cold shiver would run down your spine?


Not exactly 'animalistic' but definitely gives me shivers:




Plus, 1:27 of Survival.

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Let's go through it then.


Remember, this was your first post. So trying to tell us that you was referring to his screaming and not singing technique is quite silly when all your first post mentioned was his technique. But anyway so nowadays you fear that his voice is gonna break down at any moment. But...

You fear that his current voice is gonna break down and bash him for that, but praise his old voice for breaking down? Because back then it was "Pushing himself" but these days it's just...what? You said that Micro Cuts was shrieking but what about the rest of the old songs?








Weird that you argue so much about his singing imperfections and then tell me that wasn't the issue.



But...this is what you said about Micro Cuts 2013:

That was sarcasm!!!!!!!!!

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Let's go through it then.


Remember, this was your first post. So trying to tell us that you was referring to his screaming and not singing technique is quite silly when all your first post mentioned was his technique. But anyway so nowadays you fear that his voice is gonna break down at any moment. But...

You fear that his current voice is gonna break down and bash him for that, but praise his old voice for breaking down? Because back then it was "Pushing himself" but these days it's just...what? You said that Micro Cuts was shrieking but what about the rest of the old songs?








Weird that you argue so much about his singing imperfections and then tell me that wasn't the issue.



But...this is what you said about Micro Cuts 2013:

That was sarcasm!
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Thanks for the clarification. I wasn't sure what you meant by the first reply.

And still. I have seen them live in June i London. I didn't feel they were less powerful or Matt was singing worse. I don't really like (do not dislike either) how matt performs his OoS and Absolution songs nowadays (technically). This is what I meant saying his voice is getting worse. And gave Micro Cuts as an example. I can also bring Bliss and New Born in Amsterdam 2013 as examples. Do you think those are technically better now?

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