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Fuck your encores I got a westfield.




Tis a friends, hes had it about 18 yrs and has neglected it terribly since getting a JEM. Looks like its been sitting in direct sunlight for a few yrs, you can see just on the underside of the knobs what the white was like. I've gave it a good seeing to, gona get some strings on it and have some single coil fun for a while.


Edit: Ignore the ghastly sticker, I wud remove it but its been on from day one so the pickguard will be white as fuck under it, ahwell.

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Fuck your encores I got a westfield.




Tis a friends, hes had it about 18 yrs and has neglected it terribly since getting a JEM. Looks like its been sitting in direct sunlight for a few yrs, you can see just on the underside of the knobs what the white was like. I've gave it a good seeing to, gona get some strings on it and have some single coil fun for a while.


Edit: Ignore the ghastly sticker, I wud remove it but its been on from day one so the pickguard will be white as fuck under it, ahwell.


I have a Crafter Strat (which about the same price as a Westfield) and its a great little guitar to be fair :)


I should have a few photos up on here soon - Getting a Vexter Fuzz Factory in the next couple of days, so ill post them when I get that

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My current Pedalboard:




Gives me a really wide range of sounds :)


Zvex Fuzz Factory --> Digitech Whammy --(Dry)-> Tuner --(Wet)-> Boss PW10 V-Wah --> Boss OC-3 --> Big Muff Tone Wicker -->Boss NS-2 --> EBS Unichorus --> MXR Carbon Copy

Edited by JoshyBarth
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