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bensuthers Ben Suthers

Noones going to take me alive. Time is going to make things right. you and i must fight for our rights. You and I must fight to survive. #fb



Sorry, but you will not redeem yourself by singing KoC lyrics. You will go down in the history books as thinking Hyst was SS. Just saying.

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bensuthers Noones going to take me alive. Time is going to make things right. you and i must fight for our rights. You and I must fight to survive. #fb


at least he knows most of the words haha


Because they don't flash across the towers or anything. :p

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Imma gonna be in the seats (missed out on ga sadly) but I will be far to busy having some form of mental breakdown caused by awesome to tweet.


I don't blame you, I was too. But, if you know of someone who can, have mercy on us and have them tweet please. I know some people put songs in and save them as drafts. That way you don't have to type it out, just send a prepared tweet draft. Something like that - Duck did it that way.

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