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DES was better - more raw. I miss it. Glorious is lovely, but DES had that slight edginess. Same with A Crying Shame - it was so much more menacing and rocky live. The studio version reminded me of a circus theme... the only studio recording I've ever been truly disappointed with by the boys (although Exo-Politics wasn't brilliant either).

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Thread starter, I don't know how long you have been lurking on these boards but you will find that there are some people (the one quoted here being one of the main suspects) who are extremely elitist, don't really seem to like Muse at all or even like half of thier songs. Sometimes I think that they post some things just to try to be mean to other members or argumentative.




Personally I don't like 'Hyper Music' that much, but I know a lot of people here do. Do I think that it's an utter piece of shit... NO!, and if others want to go ahead and enjoy it, good for them. My opinion doesn't make me better than the rest of the people on this board.


If someone thinks Starlight, Glorious, or Invincible are bland and sappy, then they're entitled for their opinion, but at least they should stop talking about those songs in terms like if they came out from a fuckin' Jonas Brothers album. They might not be Muse's best, and they might have a rather commercial appeal than the rest, but they are decent songs nonetheless.

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the intro and outro r gd, but everythin else jst seems unfinished


it's a good song, just seems a bit rough round the edges, so to speak



EDIT: meep, i just lold at ur sig :LOL:



Does anyone remember "business bra"? :LOL: I still keep expecting him to sing that on the studio version.

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Thread starter, I don't know how long you have been lurking on these boards but you will find that there are some people (the one quoted here being one of the main suspects) who are extremely elitist, don't really seem to like Muse at all or even like half of thier songs. Sometimes I think that they post some things just to try to be mean to other members or argumentative.


I get what you're saying, as in some people's tone might come across as elitist, but at the end of the day people are entitled to their opinions. Seems like musers that joined from 03-05 can get a little on the :phu: side with new musers that claim to love Starlight more than any other song (I've been guilty of that too :p) but, it's stupid for people to assume that they're better than others for that fact, because they're not, whether they've like Muse since 1997 or 2007! If someone's obssessed with Starlight or whatever song may be deemed too 'commercial', that's their own choice innit hehe!


I think what you mean is you actually like Glorious but prefer Feeling Good because of the shock horror and differs you get from it. Beans are Muse thereabouts. I think this is what you meant.


:LOL: Yes <3


Glorious is my favourite Muse song ever! Yep I said it... Instant Messenger comes a close second though!


Your name makes me LOL every time I see it!


Love Glorious because of the baroque stylings bookending the song.


Bookending...that's a wicked term for it!:happy:




Personally I don't like 'Hyper Music' that much, but I know a lot of people here do. Do I think that it's an utter piece of shit... NO!, and if others want to go ahead and enjoy it, good for them. My opinion doesn't make me better than the rest of the people on this board.


If someone thinks Starlight, Glorious, or Invincible are bland and sappy, then they're entitled for their opinion, but at least they should stop talking about those songs in terms like if they came out from a fuckin' Jonas Brothers album. They might not be Muse's best, and they might have a rather commercial appeal than the rest, but they are decent songs nonetheless.


Plus fucking one!!


Phew, that was a lot of quoting. I didn't used to think much of Glorious but it grew on me and the drum beat is just brilliant, especially towards the end. Very inspirational song..prefer it to DES, but prefer Crying Shame more as a song overall! :happy:

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Your name makes me LOL every time I see it!
That's ok... it's my job after all to make people laugh; I am here to spread the lulz as such, that and promote the new Airborne Toxic Event single. :-D


Anyway... I agree that the earlier live versions of Glorious 'are' better than the studio one. I downloaded one of them off of Microcuts.com once and it's just quite simply amazing! The lyrics are better, it's just so much more passionate than the studio version turned out to be.


I'd die and go to heaven if the band released an early live version of Glorious as a b-side or something.. *hint* hint* ;-)

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It's too beautiful to describe. That first verse is so perfect... I would be offended if anyone tried to put this in some sort of music video or something, because this song is too wonderful to be "used" in any way. This is something to be shared and loved.


I can't emphasize enough how fucking much I love this song.

that makes to of us

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Nonsense. It has the best vocals, and it fits the overall theme of BH&R perfectly (love and the strangeness of the universe). It's like a counterpart to Sing for Absolution. Well, that doesn't make any sense at all, that's just my left brain speaking.


It's about faith and religion, and how they think we can be perfect.

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