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Imho the production of Glorious isn't any worse than the rest of the album. It sounds pretty decent to me.

Dee and Sippe are more into proving other people wrong


Well of course she is still allowed to express her opinions freely? Plus she's a Finn, we like to complain about stuff :LOL:


Also tbh, almost all of Dee's posts that I see are about him hating or strongly disliking something.

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Glorious happens to be one of my favorite Muse songs... its also my funeral song (sad I know) but I like to plan ahead. :p


I own the japan-ease version of this album, so its the last song of the album, I actually only ever listen to the Jap versions, apart from the last two, which don't seem to have had a bonus song thrown on them.

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I'm very glad they stopped doing the "exclusive" track thing, tbh.

Back before iTunes this was a pretty bastard thing for the rest of the fans.


I was absolutely stunned by Glorious the first time I finally heard it, and it's been my favorite ever since.

Bad production aside (never stopped my love of Abso, either, and that sounds like it was recorded in a sock...) there's so much about this track that's just perfect.

I could go on, and on, and on. :LOL:

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I'm very glad they stopped doing the "exclusive" track thing, tbh.

Back before iTunes this was a pretty bastard thing for the rest of the fans.

Not really though since the tracks were still b-sides on singles.

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I would assume making the songs available on other singles, and on the website, was no small reason they stopped doing them entirely, anyways...

When the reason the exclusive songs exist are to sell CDs in areas where they cost quite a bit more or push single sales, it's rather pointless when you can just buy the individual song. :LOL:


Now, back in MY day, you'd see a Japan only track that was IMPOSSIBLE to find outside of actually finding a retailer to import you the damn CD, and sometimes the cost of that was just prohibitive.

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Not sure why making the song available on a single would decrease single sales...


They wouldn't INCREASE sales enough, unless there wasn't a way to purchase the song without purchasing the "single" track in conjunction, either, though. Same with Japaneses exclusive tracks.

The original intent of exclusives and B-sides has been made a little moot with digital distribution of the tracks.

And, as much as I miss getting extra songs here and there, especially when they're of exceptional quality (which went down the crapper during TR anyways) I'm also glad to not have to do things like importing expensive CDs anymore.

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