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I take it from this that I'm digging a hole further down than the ladder will go.




Last time I was in this thread, that was the major talking point. Obviously been a long time since then. It just shows that a tiny break and area change hasn't change their setlists too drastically. :( I will stand by my opinion of them being a band, they can do what they, I mean their superiors want, chruning out the same old songs every set. A sense of familiarity is good?


Sure, it sucks for a lot of us. We do pay (and a fuckton more than most) to go see them and I guess expecting a little sidedish of b-side is a lot to ask but then so is asking for caviar at a small local restaurant just because you tipped the waitress more. You're expecting and asking too much.


What am I getting at? Probably nothing. I must be doing the chewbacca defence here.




I'll start over from the beginning with what I mean...


Muse can do what they want. We will have to live with it. If the next tour has better songlists, so be it. 2010 was obviously a lost cause for us and we can hope it gets better, even if it doesn't look like it will. They have fans going to their shows, therefore money. They have creative control over what they do, not us. We shall live with it.


I will still go see them this week and I will be on the barrier enjoying it like every other show. They still fucking rock.


Thank you for listening. I will now bow out with your cookies and sarcasm, mix a good stew of shut the fuck up, swallow it with pride, drink my way to near death and blow off a hooker then fall asleep like nothing happened. :D

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Also, wtf happened to the whole 'oh, the towers restrict the setlist argument'?




Fucking joke; can anyone who backed them before now see where we're coming from? Eh?


No because Muse care about all their fans and will do everything to please their fans but maybe someone broke his leg every time they had another gig this year the day before the gig and therefore they couldn't rehearse. Or maybe they were too busy shagging people to rehearse..

They're perfect. And Guilding Light is as perfect as Bliss and as Sunburn and if we're fans we should just be happy we get to see them and should bow down to them whether they play 20 different songs or Feeling Good in repeat.

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They did the good ol' 2nd night gets it better setlists again ;) Thank god.


Now lets watch this progress another page of bitching.


It really isn't fair, though. Could've played two "rarities" the first night, two the second, instead of ripping off the people who went the first night.


Plus, they assume that their old songs aren't popular enough for Americans. They play whatever and even if the songs are *new*, half of the gig-goers don't know them (someone thought New Born was Micro Cuts at the Columbus gig). What's the big deal if they play an old song that not many people know?


The major reason that this is all bullshit is the fact that there was a time when Muse didn't care about popularity. They went crazy, had a good time, and played whatever they wanted. They didn't care if they pissed people off. They WERE in it for the music; now they seem more into the money.

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i am dumbfounded with the amount of hate in this thread. with the way some of you talk about it i am surprised your muse fans at all. ya its frustrated me with the setlists too, but i still love their music, and i still enjoy every show ive been to to the fullest. i think its a little short sighted and just plain uncalled for to call people you claim to be ur idols cunts and cocks and everything else.

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i am dumbfounded with the amount of hate in this thread. with the way some of you talk about it i am surprised your muse fans at all. ya its frustrated me with the setlists too, but i still love their music, and i still enjoy every show ive been to to the fullest. i think its a little short sighted and just plain uncalled for to call people you claim to be ur idols cunts and cocks and everything else.


Thank you!


Finally. Someone that supports my stance. :D


I'm seeing both shows this week and I don't care about setlists. We're guaranteed an amazing show none the less.


Besides, I won't lie. They sound much more epic this time around than they did in 2007, even with different songs.


The only reason this argument is still going is because a few people (won't mention names) just yell at others who have this opinion on setlists and think by being louder than everyone, they are making a point.


In the end, who cares. Muse still rock.

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Thank you!


Finally. Someone that supports my stance. :D


I'm seeing both shows this week and I don't care about setlists. We're guaranteed an amazing show none the less.


Besides, I won't lie. They sound much more epic this time around than they did in 2007, even with different songs.


The only reason this argument is still going is because a few people (won't mention names) just yell at others who have this opinion on setlists and think by being louder than everyone, they are making a point.


In the end, who cares. Muse still rock.


Ok that's just fucking outright ridiculous.

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i am dumbfounded with the amount of hate in this thread. with the way some of you talk about it i am surprised your muse fans at all. ya its frustrated me with the setlists too, but i still love their music, and i still enjoy every show ive been to to the fullest. i think its a little short sighted and just plain uncalled for to call people you claim to be ur idols cunts and cocks and everything else.


Well, we're partially joking... but at the same time not. I saw them 13 times this year. And never once got a setlist like last night. I do enjoy every show, am happy for people who got a great set, blah blah blah, doesn't mean I still can't be upset when they refuse to give equal treatment to everyone. This especially includes the night 1 vs. 2 thing. That's just pure bullshit.

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I agree there actually.


Agreed as well. If my disappointment in them ever went so far as to resort to name calling and badmouthing, I'd just stop going to shows, sell my shit on ebay, leave the messageboard and find another hobby. It's happened with other bands I used to follow. It hasn't gotten to that point yet with Muse. I still enjoy what the band has to offer. I've only had one disappointing show out of the lot I've been to.

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To clarify my post: I think the all frustrations and complaints with the setlist are completely valid, and I support the arguments people have over it. Hell, I'm going to the first night of Melbourne, and the first night alone, so I'm effected by this (although no-where near to the extent to people who have seen 13 shows or whatever, obviously). However I agree with yankfan2008 - the insults being leveled against Matt, Dom and Chris are ridiculously over the top. Surely you can complain without labeling them as obscenities?

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