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I thought it fell off the rack from matt's tower... then he used the new glitterati (santa 2.0) until he threw that one in Quebec.


Edit: just checked good old musewiki and yes it was damaged beyond repair after it fell off the rack at LA 2.


Oh, and supposedly the Santa 2.0 (Son of Santa) was debuted in Quebec during the encore, but he had been using the MB-1 after the Glitterati death, and that was the also one that he threw at Dom's head. This is what I've heard, anyway. That would make more sense than throwing a brand new guitar during its first outing.

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Oh, and supposedly the Santa 2.0 (Son of Santa) was debuted in Quebec during the encore, but he had been using the MB-1 after the Glitterati death, and that was the also one that he threw at Dom's head. This is what I've heard, anyway. That would make more sense than throwing a brand new guitar during its first outing.


So did he toss the MB-1 at Dom or Santa 2.0? I'm confused :unsure: If he did smash the new guitar at it's first outing thats kinda :awesome:

I saw the Santa 2.0 in action at the NY gig and after SS he very carefully put it down on the amp :chuckle:

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I know the Doubleneck Manson survived the fall... do you reckon the Glitterati ended up like a cushion for the Doubleneck?


It would've been great if it had been the other way around. The Glitterati wasn't exactly my favourite, but I'd rather have it than the Doubleneck :stunned:

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Well, at least I got to see it before it died. :happy:


I never got the chance :'( Although I must say that Santa 2.0 sounded pretty darn awesome on Sunday :awesome::LOL: But it's still just not the same :noey:


My theory is that all those years of abuse made the poor thing finally go crazy and it decided to go for a murder-suicide... but the doubleneck lived to tell the tale. RIP Glitterati. I hope you are playing some epic riffs up in Guitar Heaven <3

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