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Everything posted by Bumpypotato

  1. Yeah, I heard that! Excite :awesome:

  2. But you seem to think anyone with an opinion that varies from yours is stupid by definition.
  3. My first post was more generally referring to the outcry over no anniversary tour than over the petition itself, and I maintain that it was foolish to expect that one of the largest bands in the UK would be able to logistically pull off a small club tour in their home country without insane scalping, but whatever, that's not relevant anymore and I'm hardly an expert in tour management. You're right, I should've read the petition before slagging it off, but after doing so, my opinion on it has not changed in the slightest. For me it seems to have the same level of maturity as making a thread asking for gigs in Turkey or wherever, and a petition on Change.org feels just feels like the wrong medium to me. Again I say "whatever". If you think it's an important cause to call Muse out on all their "bullshit", go right ahead and if you think that this is the way to do so, so be it. That doesn't mean I have to agree. And for the record, Fabri disagreeing with the use of a petition doesn't equate to him "switching sides". This doesn't make any sense. Muse don't owe us a thing. If you don't like the product they're selling that's just tough luck for you, and you should take your money and time elsewhere, instead of complaining that you were somehow cheated. And @Dee: Is it possible for you to argue/debate/discuss/etc without sounding like you got your cock stuck in a rose bush?
  4. Honestly I didn't read the petition, because the whole thing seems fucking stupid to me.
  5. Has anyone considered that a club tour might be a bit of a logistical nightmare for such a big band?
  6. Eh... On topic, Muse aren't weird, with the possible exception of parts of Hullabaloo.
  7. Muse are shit now. They just play generic, shitty pop. Sellouts.
  8. Look, I'm not going to wait my time debating who said what and when, but in the future, why don't you just ignore Fabri? Let him say all the shit he wants to, it doesn't have to be your problem. Stop invading his boat to argue (I don't care if you think it's justified, all it does is feed the fire), and stop jumping on anything he says that you don't agree with.

  9. I was joking in this case. And to be fair, I tried to be friendly with you. I actually find that I can have decent conversations with you. My beef is with the fact that you just won't let this feud go. It's gotten to the point where you're just arguing about arguing. It's stupid, and no one wants to read it. It's not that I'm protective of Fabri, it's that you always seem to initiate the argument, or at the very least you blow it way out of proportion.

  10. I just don't care anymore. I seriously could not give a shit about your weekly tantrums. I'm not trying to bait you, I was joking about the fact that any mention of your name, no matter where it is, gets your attention. Which it does. Shocking, right? But sure, blow it out of proportion, just like you always do.

  11. Man, I tried hard to get along with you. I tried to intervene in your pointless arguments, for everyone's sake. Since none of that has prevented you from acting like a total asshat (and before you say anything, I'm not picking sides, you're both acting like idiots), why should I even bother? It's not hypocrisy, it's admitting defeat.

  12. Yeah, agreed. That being said, both were fantastic.

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