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Everything posted by HannahG123

  1. Oh, I suppose it is, I dunno I find I dark because it gives me chills
  2. In terms of Dark I'd say ruled by secrecy, showbiz, and the start and very end of eternally missed. However the song that gives me chills the most is escape, since it's such a powerful song about his parents breaking up and I can see the emotion Matt put into it
  3. Ive seen that too theres stuff about 'bed time songs' 'more up beat but at the same time more chilled' so excited but yes I agree I hope theres a good classic rock song in there
  4. Love you Tom :) Keep trolling we adore it really

  5. 'wash me away clean your body of me erase all the memories they'll only bring us pain' 'staying awake to chase a dream' 'come ride with me through the veins of history' 'when the ZETAS fill the skys' xD 'controlling my feelings for too long...' <33333333
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