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Everything posted by HannahG123

  1. Like ari, I will try and see muse as many times as I can on the next tour to make up for the fact that I have never seen them (won't be 9 times tho as I am 16 and broke). It's not about what tour you see them on, the set lists etc. you have no way of knowing what they are going to be like and yes of coarse it will be repetitive but if you enjoy the gigs as a whole it's money well spent. For me it's all about seeing my favourite band as many times as I can before they no longer exist. I don't want to regret not going to gigs I could have gone to, who knows how much longer they will be around
  2. But we are such a bitchy fanbase. Like unless they read forums and stuff how are they suppost to know their tours are not the best if you don't think they are? They can't base it on crowd reaction which I presume was predominantly good. That's not a rhetorical question by the way im genuinely wondering
  3. Perth in Australia :happy: my friend moved there last year :( You might know her :awesome:

  4. I hear you are from Perth :happy: wondering if you have heard of st Hilda's?

  5. It disturbed me, what happens? Do they fall in love eventually yeh ?

  6. Wow...it is extremely well written

  7. I had to force myself to stop reading it, i was beginning to like it far too much..

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