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Everything posted by HannahG123

  1. Yup, last year of high school :( sorry I forgot, my summer starts in 1 week time :party:


    drop beat attacks? Some sort of dance off?

  2. In 6th year, so the final year. We start each year just before the summer :)


    so what they jump on you from above?

  3. Who knows where I will be then but I am planning to go to edinburgh uni if I get the grades so yehehh :happy:


    bears :O

  4. COME






    I'd love to go down under some day :chuckle:

  5. Why le cries? :(


    :awesome: that's cooool! Why/where!?!?

  6. Aye that's right. Yer wudnie ken if ae started takin in a different accent, cos yer a pure shmental foreigner



  7. It was just a joke ;) hardi hardi ha....


    Real posh Scottish accents like ones the government have are funnny. I just sound neutral

  8. Its...ok...:'(


    I guess I come from a posh part of scotland then :chuckle:


    Aussie accents are thee best though. Only accent I cannie do...

  9. Yeh I understand how there is tons of good music out, I just don't think the charts shows this. But obviously that's the fault of the public

  10. Not sure if I should be scared by that or not. Probably.


    Wow cheery stuff! Nah I really like it :)


    Meh, I don't like the stuff in the charts at the moment, mainstream radio really annoys me - I used to love keeping up with the charts but there is too much now I just can't get into. However there have been some albums out this year like trains california 37 (a million times better than their last album) which I adore, and Paloma faith fall from grace. My music taste is pretty random

  11. I could be younger...


    I'll have a listen in a minute :)


    Yeh ok, combine the two. Have a feeling tweenys (whatever you call this decade) music wont live up to the last 2 at all

  12. Ah the good old days of the early 90s when I didn't exist :chuckle: 90s music is the best, personally

  13. How long have they been around for?

  14. He has a really strong voice, I like that alot

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