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Status Updates posted by OriginOfStarlight

  1. Oh I have these kind of moments from time to time as well. :(

    *sends Caroline a cyberhug* Is it better now? :supersad:

  2. What do you need somebody for? Can be any kind of help?

  3. You definitely should, their music may be a little old, but it's still awesome. :yesey:

    Help! I need somebody, Help! Not just anybody, Help! You know I need someone, Help! :happy:

  4. Yes! :awesome:

    Yeah, I absolutely love that one <3 How about their earlier stuff? Which reminds me, I wanted to ask you something. Does your undertitle have anything to do with The Beatles by any chance?

  5. Oh my, this is such a wonderful surprise! :awesome: Thank you very much, Tabina! :kiss:

    Of course I haven't forgotten you, how could I? :)

    I'm doing good at the moment, I'm concentrating on school and lurking here a bit as well :ninja: How about you? I hope studying doesn't keep you too busy!

  6. Hello! :happy:

    I don't know whether you remember me or not, I used to post in the PDT at the time you did at the beginning of the year.. I am digging up some old posts at the moment and I stumbled across one of your posts in one of the ancient PDTs. I hope you're doing ok, haven't seen you on here in yonks!

  7. Oh ok. :happy:

    I love that song too, it's amazing :awesome: Ah, there are so many brilliant Beatles songs, I can't even begin to list them. :supersad:

  8. The Beatles :awesome:

    Pardon me, but how come we're talking about them? :$

  9. Hey! :happy: Wish you all the best for your 22nd birthday! :party:

  10. The photo made me go "aww :happy:" Yes, my day waa quite fine. Thank you, Sian! :kiss:

  11. Fuuu, I failed. :LOL: It was worth a try though. :p Thank you again! :D

  12. No, I have no idea, but I reckon it means "happy birthday"? :unsure:

  13. Better late than never, am I right? :D Thank you very much! :kiss:

  14. Aww thank you very much, Natasha! :kiss:

  15. Whaaat? :$:$

    Have you seen his other gigboners? They are rather crap. :p

  16. Sounds niiiice :happy:

    One of his best! :yesey:

  17. Oh, I know everything :happy:

    I like them too - it's such a fun making them and waiting to see your reaction :chuckle:

    How do you mean monthly? Like doing them each month or something? :wtf:

  18. Hello! :happy:







    And because I don't want Matt to dominate your wall, here's a little Alex as well. :D




    And the classic:





    Enjoy the mental images. :happy:

  19. :eek: How could they? They should have extended the agreement :phu:
  20. Uhm okay, you can add me then. :D

  21. LAUREN! :kiss:

    Wish you all the best for your birthday!! :party: :party:

  22. I usually don't cry of happiness, I just jump/dance/scream :LOL: Well, we could meet up the next time Muse will play in Italy :awesome:

    I had decided to become a doctor when I started to watch Grey's Anatomy a few years back. Plus, when I finally have a job, I can say "Trust me, I'm a doctor :eyebrows:" :LOL:

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