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Status Updates posted by OriginOfStarlight

  1. I'm good, thanks. :D Trying to keep the PDT alive. How about you?

  2. Hello there, thanks for accepting my invite! :D Have fun in Ireland! :happy:

  3. Heya! Thanks for accepting my invite! :happy:

  4. Another PDT picnic then? :awesome:

    I went to the grocery a few weeks ago searching for brie but didn't find any. :( You and your Swiss friends can bring some and I'll get the oranges. :D

    That sucks. :( Aren't there more trains for that night? :erm: I have a stupid idea: you could rent a car in Zürich a few days before the gig. But that's just silly, it would cost too much to travel to Zürich and back only to rent a car there. Plus, the rent in itself wouldn't be cheap either.

    Nah, why would you look horrible? You will for sure manage to get some sleep and the pics are going to be amazing. :DIf we get to meet Muse. I hope we did, it would be the best event of the year! And we can ask about the hair pic then :awesome:

    Oh yes, I so want to hear the entire symphony live :supersad: It sounds so bloody beautiful on the album, imagine how it would be to experience the live performance of the song. It'd be beyond words!

    :LOL: Don't worry, you won't fall asleep, the crowd and Muse won't let you anyway. And you said you want to catch one of Dom's drumsticks, so you'll have to be prepared, otherwise you will miss it.


    It feels so weird when my friends say that they don't feel anything special while listening to Muse. I think "Man, you're weird" and change the topic. :LOL: One of them once said "You are so crazy about Muse, I can't imagine how can you love a band this much. I've never felt like this for music." So now I'm officially nuts, not only between musers :D

    Well, you could take the kids with you to the gigs and they might get as addicted as you are. Spreading the gig insanity! :awesome:


    Hmm, what was I watching around 2000? It were cartoons like Pokemon and stuff, I was such a huge fan, I had even stickers. :chuckle: Weird kid was weird.


    I have a question because I think I've been left out of something (I know, I ask too much :LOL:). What does "OK computer" has to do with Muse? I saw it in a lolz a few days ago and today I stumbled across it on Twitter. :confused:

  5. Yes, stading places are a lot better than the seats! Although I have never had a sitting place at a gig. :p But the atmosphere on the parterre is much better, going crazy together with the other fans while listening to your favourite music is the best feeling ever. :happy: You feel kinda alone on the tribune, I think.

    Let me know if there are some news about the tickets, will you? :D


    Studying the whole day is not very good. I can't force myself to learn before noon, it seems so weird.

    Think of the fact that you are going to finish your exams next week, it will give you more endurance! :happy:


    You mean what I am going to do next week? Learning actually. :rolleyes: We celebrate carnival on Tuesday and we usually have a competition in our school about which class has the best costume. I'm not keen on carnival, I don't like to dress up. It's bollocks for me.

    However, it's only for a day, so I'm going to survive it. :D


    I'll probably make a fool of myself but I have to ask you this. Since you're Italian, you know this for sure. I read a book two years ago and one part of the story took place in Rome in the first half of the 19th century. It was February and they went to the carnival. The whole thing lasted for a week, I think, and they dressed up in different costumes every day. At the end, all the people who took part in it carried candles and they blew the light at the same time which symbolised the end of the celebration.

    Is this a tradition nowadays too or has it changed?


    Sorry for such a long comment. :$

  6. Hey! :D You're welcome, I'm glad I could help! So, how have you decided? Will you buy them or you'll rather to wait for standing ones?

    My day was quite good, apart from the snowstorm we are having here. I don't know where all this snow suddenly came from, it has been snowing since 24 hours. How about yours?


    Ugh Maths.. My brain rejects everything that has to do with this subject. I have some Maths to do too, I have two exams next week and then the rest of the months is free. :awesome:

    You will finish your exams next week? That's great, you will finally have some time off! :dance:

    Do you have any plans yet? Are you going to join the carnival?


    Wish you a great weekend too! And try not to kill yourself with the books ;)

  7. Lucky you, you have already holidays! :awesome: I'll have to wait for a week and then I am going to be free too. :D Do you have any plans for next week or are you just going to chill out?

    I know what you mean, there are so many things which are much more interesting than school. :chuckle:

    Oh that's :awesome:, have you found some? I'd love to come back to London, I really loved it there. :happy: I'll have to cut off my spendings, so I can hopefully book a flight next year. I don't think I could it do in the forthcoming 12 months. :erm:

    Oh you mean you were talking about Bow How? :chuckle: I wish my teachers knew Muse, but they are not quite interested in music. :(


    Holy cow, have you read this interview yet? I am laughing my head off :LOL: :LOL:


  8. I wish you all the best for this special day too! :D

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :party::happy:

  9. You're welcome, I hope you'll have a great time at the training! :D

  10. Well, that's :awesome: too! The essential thing is that you can stay at home enjoying the lovely Friday morning. :happy:

    Yeah, holidays can make you some lazy, I usually spend the entire time in my room with no life whatsoever. :LOL: My friends try to drag me out in the evening, but I'm not very keen on pubs and such, I don't know why, I don't enjoy going it like the others. I am weird, yes. :LOL: Here's another proof:

    I bought a new umbrella when I went to London last year and I haven't used it since then becase I don't want to wash the pwoper British rain off. :facepalm:

    20 minutes, that's quite long. Do you walk on your own or do you have company?


    You started with the pic? That's :awesome:, may I ask what you are drawing?

    Btw, AM has added you to the list in the "2-0-1-0" thread! :D



    I had a muse-ing in school today. We are learning about etimology in Slovene class and our professor said we should search for the origin of some words in the etimology dictionary. I immediately opened at the letter "s" searching for "symmetry". (I looked up the word "muse"too) It's random, but it was so :awesome: to search for the origin of symmetry. :D


    And it's impossible for me to learn English without giggling. I always find something Muse-related in the text. My workbook is full of Matthews. What the hell, couldn't they think of a different name? I also found Chris, but I haven't spotted a Dominic yet. :chuckle:

    There was an article about caving and I couldn't resist not to write the chorus of Cave next to it. :facepalm:

    Oh, and today I almost freaked out when I saw the word "muse". :facepalm: What's wrong with me? :LOL:


  11. I'm fine, thanks for asking, how about you? Is everything ok in school and life?

    Sounds like you have quite a lot to do! I like the topic of your schoolwork, you have lots of material to choose from. For the Muse one you can put different pictures together, if you thought about drawing the band during a gig. It's much easier than to search for photos where they all look perfect for drawing. It's just an idea of mine. ;)

    You might write down your dream first, do a long description of the things and details you still remember and then do the drawing afterwards. Sorry, if you had already thought about this. :erm:

    I'm glad you liked it, I love the interviews Muse have done this year! They seem to have so much fun in Asia and in Australia :happy:


    If it's too much pressure for you, try to do one project at the time, the one you need the most, so you won't drive yourself crazy.


    Oh btw, I don't know if you have seen it yet, there's an art section here on the board. You can post your drawings there in a thread. Here's the link:


  12. Yeah, you need to be quite lucky to find four stading tickets for San Siro.. I searched a little bit more, but unfortunately I didn't find any stading ones, only two for seating. Nevertheless, if you are interested, the link is here:


  13. Oh don't worry, I don't mind as long as you write back! :D


    Aww damn, I was so happy that I found some tickets for you, I really hoped the guy didn't sell them! :mad: I'll search a bit and let you know when I find some again! Hopefully I will. :erm:


    You'll make them for sure. :yesey: You will be victorious! :awesome:


    Oh my weekend was quite awesome, although I spent it mainly on the board. :chuckle: But I just love it here, I can laugh so much about the silly jokes, it gives me chills. :happy:

    It was snowing here again which is awesome, I love snow! :happy: I haven't been outdoors since Friday, I don't like being cold. :LOL:

  14. It's nothing special, we celebrate the anniversary of the death of our greatest poet every year and we don't have school. :awesome:

    I know what you mean, I hate being cold. :noey: I'm freezing in the school the whole time, although it's 22°C in there. :erm: But when I'm walking home I'm moving my muscles and I'm not cold anymore. :D I actually don't have to walk that far, one of my relatives could easily drive me home, but I have to loose some weight, I was sitting in my room the entire winter. :p

    How long do you usually have to walk until you reach your home?

    Yeaaaah, only two weeks to go and then we'll hear Muse's supermassive cover version of Prague! :awesome:


    :LOL: OMG your dream made me laugh so hard! You couldn't resist his hotness, huh? :eyebrows: What did you do then? Did he fall off the stage? :chuckle:

  15. I'm good as well, I didn't have school today because of our cultural holiday which we celebrate once every year. :D And now I have the feeling that it's Sunday. :facepalm:

    Does snow annoy you already? You were so happy last month when you had some..

    :chuckle: It was time for Dom to loose the plot. I loved how at the end both of them looked into the camera. And Matt's hand movement "How's going?" was so hilarious :LOL: I love the interviews they've done this year, they seem like they are having so much fun :happy:

    Oh don't worry, AM is for sure going to reply to you, she probably hasn't checked her mail yet. :yesey:

    He's blaming you for converting him into a muser :chuckle: But seriously, who wouldn't like them? They are irresistible :yesey:

    I keep on imagining Muse coming to my school too! I always think "What would I do if Muse came along this corridor believing that no one will recognize them? Oh yes, I'll most certainly go insane and make a fool of myself." :chuckle: I had a dream yesterday about Muse playing in Wembley (with me in the audience) and then at the end Dom wanted to kiss me but I refused him. :facepalm::LOL:

  16. How about this one? Have you seen this already? :D



    :LOL:@Matt's "something which is based on something"



  17. Heya! How you've been? :D


    Addictive board is addictive, huh? :chuckle:

    That's the interview from that twitpic, right? :awesome: I bet they had to do a lot of interviews in Asia, I'm not surprised they are so exhausted. But they will have a few weeks free, I'm curious what they will do. I hope we'll get twitpics. :D

    Which day are you illustrating?

    :chuckle: Haven't he said that he'd like to go to Wembley with you?

  18. I heard this song yesterday on the radio and had to think about you. Listen to the lyrics. :chuckle:




  19. Well, you have time until August, but if you don't want to.. It's your choice. :D I thought you could make one since I admire your drawing skills.

    Do you mean if there are any news about drawing and such? I am going to tell you for sure! :happy:

    May I ask which projects are you currently working on?

  20. You're welcome! :D Have you sent the user a PM about the ticket?


    Whoa, that sound like loads of exams! :eek: But I'm sure you're going to make them! ;)


    English is one of my favourite subjects in school. :happy: The professor's not that great, but I love the language. I hope I'll be able to speak it more properly in a few years..


    Haha, I'm not keen on poets either, they're kinda boring. :chuckle: We only celebrate just this poet, the other days are: Christmas, New Year, Easter, April 27th (don't know how it's called in English, it has something to do with the era between the two world wars), Workers Day (May 1st and 2nd), June 25th (when Slovenia became an independent country), Feast of the assumption, October 31st (not Halloween, I think it's called Day of the reformation or something) and November 1st.

    Yeah, you Italians have so many poets and writers you could celebrate! :awesome:


    And no, you're not boring at all. But that orange indeed is.. :chuckle:

  21. But look on the bright side, you will finish the bloody exams at last! :awesome:

    Will you have some in June too then?


    Thanks, I'll need some luck indeed. We'll write a test in Slovene class and Maths, the two subjects I hate the most. :indiff: But I also have to learn for English which I'm looking forward to. It's weird, I know. :LOL:


    Oh, nothing special really, we celebrate the death of the greatest Slovene poet (France Prešeren, maybe you have heard of him?) every year and I love it that we don't have to go to school. :awesome:

  22. Sure it's makeable. You just need enough patience to do it. :yesey:


    :( Aww that's bad, when will you finish your exams? If you can, try to take a day off to relax a bit maybe? :erm:


    My week was quite good actually, my tests will begin only next week. I tried to get myself to the books so often, but haven't really succeeded. :LOL: But I'm going to do it this weekend, which will last a little longer this time because of the Slovene cultural holiday and we won't have to go to school on Monday. :happy:

  23. Heya! Sorry for the delay :erm:


    :awesome: Well, that's actually a great idea! But then you will need to build a quite big building because I'm sure you will never run out of patients! :chuckle:

    How was your week? :D

  24. Heya! Sorry for the delay, I wasn't here for a few days but now I have time to check my messages again. :D


    I don't know, it probably is. My memory is not that good either. :LOL:

    Oh don't worry, I'm glad you wrote back. I visited the "2-0-1-0" thread today again and noticed that there are only 3 dates free for a pic contribution. You should contact AM and tell her to book one date for you, so your pic will for sure make it into the book! :D

    Oh I'm voting at the NMEs, I so want them to win! :happy:

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