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Everything posted by kueller

  1. I'm not suggesting rehearsed songs for playability, but rather that it lessens the chance of the band blowing off a top suggestion due to not remembering how to play it, which is somewhat the kind of thing that happened in 2010.
  2. I'd hold expectations as I would to both the band's potential and also other arena concerts I've seen. The two things that bothered me the most were length, but I'll let Jobby continue going on about that, and probably larger, energy. The large chunk of slow to mid intensity songs just really kills the energy of the concert. They have an album that's wonderfully rock-oriented and I didn't even get to see some of rockier songs from that. As bitter as I was about it I knew there wasn't going to be a concert on the level of the small venue gigs but after a few gigs it's fair to say I would at least expect to not get bored at a Muse gig since I never have before. Those kind of expectations are going to happen. I know they're better than this.
  3. There are diminishing returns with going to multiple concerts. I'm just more worried that none of them so far this leg have been to their full potential, considering the festivals and last tour. Some were closer than others.
  4. The first slot they dropped from Europe was the first piano slot which just meant Explorers wouldn't be a staple. It was shitty if you actually got Explorers anyways though.
  5. I've said it's not fair to compare different leg sets, but it's more that they save all the special songs for stadiums typically, so there's that fallback in Europe. Australia and Japan sometimes get something special as make up. Most of NA not so much. Also the first US leg got none of those. But still, T2L tour was good. The 2nd leg began to show some promise, and there were much fewer complaints.
  6. I think they could all be swapped around.
  7. Anecdotes on how you enjoy songs you don't know at concerts, a personality I can fit into as well, is irrelevant when we see crowds 90% or more dead on any song that isn't super popular, and I don't think I've seen a decent reaction to a rarer song in the past 2 tours that wasn't at a special concert. The games are pretty dated now though.
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