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Everything posted by kueller

  1. Well I'm not sick that would keep me from anything, just can't yell.
  2. Last minute tickets also fuck anyone who had to travel.
  3. So I know the Reddit threads are dumb and all but similarly I can really see where some people would get the idea that people here only care about setlists. It's what's talked about most of the time, it seems to be the sole criteria of a gig most of the time, and maybe sometimes it's underestimated how more surprising a song order can be when you don't follow every concert of the tour. Most people don't. Performance, atmosphere, and flow are still huge parts of a concert for me. A lot of bands I've seen aren't shuffling things around a ton, I've even seen the same setlist twice in a row and enjoyed it still. But it's also harder to talk about those things unless you're there. The biggest criticisms I've had were the crowd being generally dead, and the flow not grabbing as much energy as I know the band is capable of. Last Bay Area show had an average set but it's the best I've seen the band and came back fully pleased. This is kinda where a lot of complaints here come from. It's really about playing X song. I don't care if they don't play Micro Cuts every night. I missed the OoS tour, I can get over that. It's more the attitude towards the US they've had for a while now that's weakened their shows and their audience and back again. It's a valid complaint to have when they're perfectly capable of doing better in another hemisphere and regularly do so. Maybe some people are just whiny about song choices, I've seen that myself, but that's ignorable. The biggest discussion lately has been something more, and that's not being "spoiled" any more than positive opinions are just blind fanboyism. Also every gig I've been to this year has had a good crowd, and some larger festival crowds last year were great too. Whatever American culture is turning people into zombies or whatever else has been said along those lines is hardly a universal trait in my experiences.
  4. It was weaker but not considerably. And people were outraged even before Wembley 2 happened. I get it was a weaker set from the stadium leg, but it just astounds me people list it among their worst setlists when there was New Born, B&H, IBTY (fight me), Stockholm, and Take A Bow. Only the last 2 were regulars.
  5. I want to add something to this from personal experience (maybe you've seen this too). But there seems to be some outlook of a perpetually shit American crowd. This recent one is the first time I've ever been truly disappointed in the crowd around me. In 2010 the arena concert the crowd at least seemed to be more of a rock crowd. The queue was a long line of black t-shirts, there were crazy moments during New Born, Hysteria, and MK Ultra, and the reception to those songs were pretty good. In 2013 it was a lot more diverse, and while there were still huge fans that got into it and it was fun, there wasn't as much energy as the last time. The recent concert, well I've talked about that. So yeah the American audience in general accepted the pop songs a lot more, but I'd have to side more ninsp here in that their tactics to appease that crowd seems to have pushed the rock audience away, and created a cycle. I can't speak for the whole country, but they've had a pretty good following here. Wembley Night 1 was never bad and was better than good number of Resistance Tour sets.
  6. While I'm letting off some frustration (that will really just calm by tomorrow) I'm amazed Oracle managed to fuck up the queue even more than last time.
  7. Really the dead crowd was more of an energy killer than the setlist. By the end I moved next to a few people that actually seemed to have some interest in attempting to enjoy themselves and it was a lot better. Not even gonna blame it on the song choices since people at the end, while not ecstatic, seemed pretty ok with it. Interestingly, my favorite moments of the concert were the new songs, even Revolt, and I don't mean that negatively. I thought they were great even for parts I didn't like on the album. But it just made it more disappointing Reapers is dropped. I don't mind so much losing other rarer songs but I came to the album tour to hear the album songs. What the fuck is up with that?
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