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Everything posted by kueller

  1. Now I remember when I last saw Phantogram. They were opening for The Flaming Lips. I thought they were rather boring then so I don't know what changed. They did go on after Foxygen though who I thought were terrible so maybe I was recovering.
  2. They had mentioned going in they wanted to slant it towards the albums where they more officially "started" in the US. Why they didn't end up playing some more Absolution though is beyond me but at least Apocalypse Please has become kind of regular as a result.
  3. Era is correct, but they are inevitably their own separate songs. Dead Star in particular is in its own era, having been played regularly in its surrounding tours. If I knew how to make a website I'd put the bot's data scripts on a page.
  4. Why would Origin era songs count (@ both Jobby and Lockeface)? No one considers Nishe part of Showbiz or Popcorn part of The Resistance and those were actually album single b-sides where Dead Star and related weren't. Origin era isn't even an accurate term that I just used.
  5. I'm still not entirely sure what effect the producer will have on their consistency seeing as they seem to have gone into making Drones with the mindset of making something more standard rock all the way through.
  6. It's just kinda redundant salt in the wound. The trend's been seen for years, maybe more obvious as time went on. But it's hard to fight against when the majority of the crowd will be in opposition.
  7. It bothered me for Starlight. I do like the song and the breakdown feels so empty without the guitar coming in (see 2006 performances for best examples barring the tone). If Blackout was still around that would probably bother me too, even more.
  8. I ended up never really thinking of a proper question. I think everything I wanted to say was already asked and I'd rather leave it as is than change up some words to sneak in redundancy.
  9. Both are PAL as mentioned but there's plenty of DVD players now that can play both NTSC and PAL. Games consoles can do it too. Absolution Tour used to be region locked though, which made it playable only on a computer (like the copy I have). You can now get Region 0 versions though, so it's as open as Hullabaloo.
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