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Everything posted by kueller

  1. It's a rack. Each machine has one button.
  2. Different songs have different positions. Everyone at the wings will see someone at some point.
  3. Into the picture for Matt then out of the picture for Chris. They switch sides for the second half, but still face the same way for each spot (Matt out of the picture, Chris into).
  4. BH&R is like second to OoS in the amount of BS in interviews. I think he only stopped with the conspiracy aspects when he started attracting a crowd that took him seriously.
  5. From what I've been in it wasn't just excited but not moving. People did seem legitimately less interested. Not everyone. Just enough. I have been in crowds that were pretty brutal then looked at the videos and everyone's like "lol no one's jumping shitty crowd". So I get that.
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